Warm Shock On A Cold Day

by Sunspot 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    For those of you that know my background, you know that my only sibling, a sister (nonJW) disowned me back in the '70s along with my parents when I became a JW. When I DAed myself in '99, I wrote them and apologized for making a terrible mistake, etc and heard nothing.

    I just got an email from my sister asking for my address because she wants to write to me, and she signed it "Love, your little Sis".


    Hard to believe this day would EVER come! She sounded friendly, so I just sent her my address and will sit here patiently (HAH!) waiting to hear what she has to say. It's a beginning anyway (I hope).

    I just had to share this with the folks who have been there for me......



  • dh

    happy for you annie

  • Been there
    Been there

    That is great news Sunspot.

    You may need to do some explaining to do but at least the door is open to you now. She sounds like she is willing to hear it. She may even start from now! and let the past be the past. Can your parents be far behind? I hope all is well with them and wish a wonderful outcome for all of you. Keep us posted.

  • Sunspot

    As far as any "explaining" goes, I did that (extensively) when *I* wrote back in '99. I know my father felt that I "broke up the family" and he was furious when I didn't send him a B'day card after I was baptized.

    I took full blame and said that I honestly thought that I was "pleasing God" with my new lifestyle but now realize that I had been deliberately deceived into a cult-like mindset and was now begging their forgiveness. I heard later on that they all scoffed at my petty letters to them and that they'd never want anything to do with me.

    My Mom died 2 1/2 years ago (hating me) and my Father is almost 90 and has gone downhill mentally and physically since my Mom died. He still won't speak to me---but he did send some of my childhood pictures for my son to give to me.

    After I realized that the WTS was a crock, and I left having no one but my husband that would speak to me (nonJW), those letters I wrote were from the heart and gut-wrenching to write. I decided a couple of years ago that I needed to stop seeing myself as a starving dog under the table praying for crumbs of food or having any love returned.....and made up my mind that I was all done begging.

    They all knew my feelings and why, and I wasn't just being malicious---I was doing what I thought was right. I admitted that I now know I wasn't and *it* wasn't. I'm not trying to sound hard-nosed, but I think it's time that *I* got a little love back as I have said all that I *could* say. Years ago.

    What I'm trying to say is that I'm open for discussion but I'm done groveling and begging, ya know? I've been on "doormat mode" with most of my family and 30 years of "friends" from the KH who were the only friends I had cuz I was a loyal JW and didn't have "worldly" friends. I got it both barrels---I was shunned by my family *because* I became a JW, and then shunned by the JWs after I left!

    Needless to say----it's been interesting!


  • JustTickledPink

    I really hope this starts something good for you.

    It's never too late to mend fences... Doing the happy dance for you!!!

  • Sunspot

    **Doing the happy dance for you!!!

    Thanks Pink! It's still hard to believe! I had given up on ever hearing from her (or them). And thanks to dh and BeenThere too.



  • Sunnygal41

    (((Sunspot/Annie))) I think that is WONDERFUL news..........and it touches me in the same exact area.........I, too, have a "Li'l Sis" who absolutely won't talk to me other than about my mom, even to not giving me any pictures of herself and the kids...........the only difference between you and I is that I'm DF'd.............you give me hope for my situation..........thank you deeply from my heart...........


  • Incense_and_Peppermints
  • Bryan

    How wonderful!!!!

    Hope everything turns out well.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Gretchen956

    Congrats, its great to reconnect with family! Big Hug
    When you get a chance to talk about how really insidious this religion is with your sis, think about having her check out this site. Most people who have never experienced this type of thing have no idea how a person could be sucked in and what that really means.

    All the best!


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