by stillajwexelder 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk

    (Apart from doctors )

    Yes, it's profoundly important to have trust in one's fellow man. Our spiritual growth depends on it. If we distrust others, we, in turn, are likely to be distrusted. I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt - but I am also very much aware of how one must also follow one's instincts. Sometimes it is right to be suspicious - but not to have trust in anyone is to injure oneself. We need to feel that we can depend on our fellow man and I should like to think that people immediately feel that they can depend on me.

    Sometimes perfect strangers have to be trusted - at times with the spoken word, our valuables and even, perhaps, our lives. Yes, indeed, I feel it is essential to trust.


  • pennycandy

    Aside from a few immensely important issues (trusting a doctor, trusting a babysitter with my children, trusting a financial advisor), I prefer to trust everyone.

    I'll trust the stranger in line to hold my place while I get an item I forgot. I'll trust the rep at the insurance company to get a check out right away. I'll trust a neighbor to look after our house when we're away. I'll trust the person telling a fantastic story and assume he's telling the truth.

    Always the optimist, I prefer to hope for the positive instead of always look for the negative. That'll just make you a suspicious crochety boring person. If I get burned occasionally, it's a small price to pay for a good outlook on life.

  • JH

    I trust that everyone will betray me if the price is right except my parents my sister and my cat.

  • Gretchen956

    Personally I accord people (based on some instinctual reaction) a basic measure of trust due to my inherent belief in the underlying goodness of people. That first trust is limited. After knowing the person they earn the right to be trusted in more important things, or if they have abused that trust even that measure of trust is removed. If they abused my trust, I remove them from my life if possible, either I tell them or I just don't ever call them again or whatever else it takes. Don't have time to have people in my life I can't trust.


  • scootergirl

    For me there are different levels of trust. There are some that I trust my life with and there are some that I trust very little with. I do tend to be more of an optomistic person in life and probably give people the initial benefit of the doubt often, but I am comfortable with that. I don't want to go around mistrusting everyone and anyone I run into, but I do realize that I do need to be aware of situations and possiblities.

  • Golf

    My wife. There's others.

  • Stefanie


    I know because I can be trusted.

  • Little Red Hen
    Little Red Hen

    When I've failed to trust my own intuition, that is when I get into trouble. I am earning my own trust.

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