How Many of you were bitten by a dog?

by orangefatcat 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    eh...ofc...*puts aluminium foil on his paws and throws him on the linoluem tile*..bwahahaha..

    Actually I have been bitten several times by dogs, no lucky though, never had to take rabies shots. I had a German sheppar/Akita daughter was about 3 and grabbed his hackles while he was eating...he reached back and bit her face...ripped her nose open and punctured under her chin...He was sent off to a farm before I could get my hands on him....


    District Overbeer

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I was attacked by a goat out in service once.

    Give Nina some gin and she'll tell you the story (if she can keep from giggling).

  • Dustin

    I was a big wimp. If there was even the slightest sign of a dog, I wasn't getting out. There was a lot of rural territory in my congregation too. Even though I tried I still got nailed by a dog once. That sucked. At least it was just a little ankle biter though.


  • Joyzabel

    I love dogs and cats.

    But when I was 13, going door to door with my best friend then, a vicious German Sheperd was barking like crazy and the old lady put him in the back yard. Well, he came storming through the house, breaks down the front screen door and goes for my throat. I instinctively put my left arm up to protect me. And then chomp, he bites my arm. My dad came running from across the street. We call the police, have the dog impounded, I was taken to our doctor, who cleans the wound, and puts a Q-tip 1 1/2 inches into the puncture wound before bandaging my arm. Yep I still have the scar.

    But I wasn't afraid of dogs. I would still take the doors with dogs barking in the rurals years later.

    I'm just glad I don't have to be protected by the Service Angel anymore. Thank dog.


  • Purza

    Never bitten, but out in service me and my partner went into a fenced yard. We opened the fence door and waited to see if a dog was in there and when we determined there was no dog we proceeded forward. Well, there really WAS a dog and I (who was behind my partner) hightailed it back to the door and let it close behind me leaving my partner inside. LMAO I didn't do it purposely -- the door just closed behind me. I still laugh thinking about it. Fortunately the dog didn't bite, but it did give my service partner a scare.


  • Purza

    Oh yeah, I knew a brother (now disfellowshipped) who was bitten in service twice. Both times he sued the homeowner and one. LOL Maybe that is why he was DF'd.


  • simplesally

    I was bitten by a German Shepherd!!

    BTW............did you see the post where I thanked you for you christmas card?

  • Xandria

    When I was about four or five, my mother and I were walking pass this junkyard. We were on the side walk and I remember this HUGE (well to me it was) German Shepard charging us. His teeth barred and coming at me. My mother pushed me out of the way and the dog bit her instead of me. When he sunk his teeth into her thigh, I was screaming.

    Mom, stabbed him with the comb she had in her hand. The owner was yelling about his dog. I remember the police came and took the dog. Mom went to the doctor to have the bite cleaned. I was terrified of big dogs until I got older.


  • MonkeyPrincess

    I've been chased, barked at and even jumped on.. but never bit. All while out on service of course.

    My dad has ben bit before, and i remember he hit the dog with his breifcase, and the owner came out
    with a shot gun.. strangly enough he took the magazines. LOL


  • prophecor

    Never been bitten by one, but this one, I swear to god, this one just farted and thats got to be worse than any ol' bite...Yucks !!!

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