Worse neighbor experiences

by unbeliever 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xandria

    Let's see where to begin...

    How about a drug bust where the FBI is chasing our neighbors and putting them down face forward in the mud with a gun to thier head in from of the kitchen/dining area and we all are at the table for dinner in shock...b/c we have a ring side view. We ended on the floor in panic, until one of us peeked and saw FBI on the back of the jacket.

    That summer was a busy one! For one of the neighbors across the street, told his g/f he was going to get milk for the baby. He got the milk and much more... he robbed a bank while he was at it. Swat, FBI, all surrounded the apartment complex across from us. Sirens, guns, the works.

    We would have neighbors who would come and drink on the lawn that was by our apartment area, on a every other day bases. They would leave thier trash, bottles and harass people. We had a bottle thrown through our glass plate window, missing us, but spraying glass through the front room. OOh that was interesting indeed!

    Or how about a neighbor who is a peeping tom. My cousin and I had the fun of freaking out on that one. He was peeking in our window! We just came out of the shower, he was not picking prickers out of his johnson... that is for sure! He was caught thank goodness.

    People breaking in who were "neighbors". I guess they were just dropping by for a visit and to pick up a few things too. Did not matter that it did not belong to them. After all they needed that fix.

    A next door neighbor who stabbed his wife and left the bloody machette knife on our bedroom outside window ledge, as he fled.

    My sisters and I, have seen fist fights, stabbings, drug overdoses, one where the person was thrown into the trash can and would have died, if we did not act. Drug deals, in our laundry room, people flipped out due to PCP, etc.

    That was the neighborhood in Fullerton we grew partially up in, and only a few of the "adventures" we encountered. It is pretty bad to know the officers by first name, because they have been out to our neighborhood so much.

    Of course we were told that we were blessed to live in these areas. Jehovah protected us, because we were there to help them. Okkkkay... help them how? We were children.

    There were some people we met that were good people, but just had really screwed up lives. But all in all, why subject your children to these horrors? Don't we grow up fast enough?


  • Valis

    before my first kid was born there was an asshole next door cooking up speed in his bathtub. Could have killed everyone in the complex....After he was arrested they found tons of full syringes he had hidden all over his apartment. Even under the carpet of all things. His bathtub porcelain had been completely eaten away....nast nasty nasty...


    Distirct Ovberbeer

  • Xena

    I live in an apartment with an attached garage. There is a balcony over the garage so if I park in front of my garage the balcony is over it. After several rounds with brain dead neighbors chucking pizza crust and ciggy ashes on my car I just don't park there anymore.

    Another neighbor has friends who like to park in front of my garage door, either blocking me in or out. I finally asked her how many brain cells does it take to figure out you are going to piss someone off by doing that??? One evening it was raining outside. I pull up with my daughter and groceries and can't park in my nice cozy garage and go upstairs w/o getting drenched. As usual one of her friends. I knock on the door and politely ask if the person who answered the door knew who's car that was blocking my garage...she thought a minute then replied "oh that is mine..I parked there so I wouldn't get wet" No shit sherlock that is why I got the freakin garage, so I wouldn't get wet

    Fortunately the apartment managers take a dim view on all these types of behaviors and both neighbors have been cited. One more time for my little garage blocking friend and out she goes.....hate to be a bitch but I pay for the garage and I expect to be able to use it.

  • xenawarrior

    I have a next door neighbor who is a real jerk. One winter I hadn't put my deck furniture away because I had casts on both of my ankles and was unable to. I was in a wheelchair all winter and come spring I still wasn't getting around too well. A storm came through and toppled my deck table over and the glass broke all over my deck. Because I was unable to get to it, it stayed in that position for a few weeks. During that few weeks, every time my neighbor saw my daughter he jumped on her case about when we were going to clean up our deck. Well, one Saturday I was feeling up to it and went outside to deal with the deck. To my surprise the table had been placed upright and all of the glass cleaned up. I knew right away who did it. Nice thing right? Nope. My neighbor told my daughter that his wife had done it because HE was sick of looking at it.

    The next time I saw him I asked him about it and he had some snide comment for me about not wanted to look at it any more and dealing with it himself. I told him that he was to stay off my property and if he didn't, instead of recycling all of our empty beer cans I might decide to make a fence out of them in my back yard !!

    This is the same guy who gives my daughter the creeps when she's mowing the lawn. She dreads going out there because he sits on his deck and leers at her the entire time. Creepy!

  • Xandria


    I know Phoenix well.. Central, Van Buren, Indian School, etc. I grew up in Scottsdale, AZ. my father has a house there, we moved from Scottsdale to N.C.

    I think anywhere you go, you got neighbors with potiential for irrational behavior. It is when it gets dangerous, that it is frightening.


  • FreePeace

    Okay, here is our story...

    Next door lives an elderly JW woman and her mother. The dub never goes to meetings (she listens on the phone) and has always been fairly friendly, even after we were DF'd. About 3 or 4 years ago, her daughter and son-in-law moved in with their two teenage kids. They have had absolutely nothing to do with us, even ignoring us when we happened to be out in the yard. The daughter was raised a dub, but never got baptized, and married a "worldly" guy. They do the christmas thing complete with lights.

    Last August when Hurricane Charley came through, I was out of town, and Tracy (Think41Self) picked up some shingles around our yard that had blown off our roof. She put them in OUR trash can, and left the trash can next to OUR house to wait for garabage pickup day. Since there was no electric or phone, Tracy was staying with her friend and co-worker about 50 miles away. A couple of days later, she came home to check on things.

    The dumbshit neighbors had dumped out all the shingles that she had picked up, and took OUR trash can to use for themselves. They didn't say a word, and once the garbage was picked up, they put OUR trash can along with their own. We went and retrieved it (unfortunately, they weren't home at the time).

    They also took another one of our nice rolling trash cans a few days later. By this time I was home, and Tracy and I were just coming home when the dumbshit daughter (the one raised a dub) was taking her trash cans back up to her house after garbage pickup. We caught her take OUR trash can back up to put with her own. So I stopped, rolled down the window and said, "Do you plan on returning our trashcan?" She didn't say a word, and took it over to our house.

    I've spent the past 3 or 4 years trying to be cordial, but no longer. Now I shun them just as they have us. No more chances. And I'm just waiting for them to try pulling another stunt.

    We have some very nice neighbors on the other side, but across the street is another psycho family, and some new neighbors down the street apparently think that our street is the Indy 500... they've run over 3 raccoons in the past 6 months, which I buried. Next time, I'm taking the dead body down and putting on their front door step.

    After reading some of the other posts, I have to wonder why there are so many bad neighbors all over. People never cease to amaze me... for the good or the bad.


  • Mulan

    We have great neighbors...............nothing to complain about at all.

    When we first moved here, the house across the street was occupied by a really nice gay man, and a continuing string of partners, who were in and out of the house, until he sold the house and moved away. They had some pretty wild fights, in the driveway, that were entertaining to say the least. He comes back to the neighborhood from time to time, and usually drops in to say "hi". He was always very nice, and very good to us, and we were nice to him.

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Lol - compared to some of these posts my problems have been pretty minor!

    I think the worst problem I have is when my neighbour has the old accordion ceildh band cds on too loud.

    It's not much fun being woken up in the morning by a 'Dashing White Sergeant'......well all depends....(blush).


  • Mulan

    I just remembered one from last summer. The people no longer live there and their house was repossessed (nice house too). It is across the street and down 3 houses from us, so not really close at all................read on.

    Anyway, adults were at work, and only teenaged kids were home. I went to work in my yard and all I can hear is LOUD LOUD LOUD RAP music. I say music, loosely, because to me there is nothing about music to rap. It's just loud, noisy, annoying beat and stupid lyrics. It was so loud that if it was playing in my yard, I would have had to turn it down. So I called 911. Hehehehhe. Seems there are laws against that kind of disturbance. The 911 operator told me I was about the 3rd one to call about them.

  • xenawarrior

    I have to say that this next door neighbor is the only bad one in the whole bunch. The rest are awesome. My other next door neighbor was on my roof helping his son do the roof replacement and he and his neighbor across from him snowblow my driveway for me all the time. Last year, between the two of them we didn't have to take our snowblower out at all.

    So if the other jerk next door would just go away we'd have a wonderful neighborhood !

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