Worse neighbor experiences

by unbeliever 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • unbeliever

    Some family moved in across the street a few months ago. I have never talked to them. All I know about them is what the other neighbors had to say. One came and confronted me this morning. She said that she had witnesses who saw me put trash bags in in her yard for the garbage truck to pick up. I was like WTF?? She was so mean and I had just gotten out of bed. She asked me what kind of person I was to do that and I had a curb I could put my own trash at. I told her she was insane and to get off my property. She then told me again she had witnesses and would not leave until I apologised.

    I told her that she had the wrong person and to bring her witnesses on over. She brings these little kids (I assume hers) and they tell her that I was not the person. I was so mad. She tells the kids to go back home and then has the nerve to ask me if I know of anyone else that matches my description. She did not even say she was sorry. I called her a brain dead stupid ulgy buck toothed bitch and told her to get the f**k off my property. I then slammed the door in her face.

    This is so stupid. I have always gotten along with my neighbors except for the nosy JW that lived next to me years ago.

    Got any good stories?

  • Stefanie

    I currently live under a family of assholes! They smoke pot all day and throw their beer cans over the balcony! The crack whore even threw papers at my daughter when she was walking to school! They break glass on sidewalk and the land lady doesnt want to do shit to them

    They blow their music really loud late at night..

    I just turn up mine and pound on the walls really loud.

  • Dustin

    I had these 2 crazy lesbiens who lived above us. The one was just a drugee bitch, and the other one didn't know how to talk, she just yelled everything. They both weighed 300+ and would get up at 5 A.M. every day, even on the weekends. They were just always loud and obnoxious. They would do stuff like vacuum at 4 in the morning, and sit above our bedroom window and yell on the balcony. I finally started being a total jerk to them. Eventually our landlord decided to join the good fight. Now I live in their old apartment, which is nicer than my old one.

  • pratt1

    Back when my wife and I first got married we lived in an apartment building. Underneath us was a older man who lived alone and was not very firendly.

    Well this gentleman would bang on the walls and floor everytime me and my wife got our "groove on." Needless to say this was quite annoying. Finally I just went downtairs and told him that it was not our fault that he wasing getting any and if he banged on the walls again, I would kick his ass up and down the f**king street.

    He left alone after that.

    Those were the days!

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    it's funny you should mention idiotic neighbors. all mine have been christened with new names... the guy next door to the west is ned flanders. he's squeaky clean and a bachelor but he always takes up with these older women, anyway he always says stupid things like howdy-doo and he likes to peek over the wall a lot... he says he likes my herb gardens what an a$$... next door to the east are the beverly hillibillies, who have like five families crammed into one residence and they throw beer cans and cigarette butts all over the shrubbery..one night i caught his son peeing in the purple sage---i told him if he ever did that again i was gonna turn the hose on him. he looked horribly embarrassed. directly across the street is hank hill--he wears white t-shirts and is a very good neighbor but he's kinda prejudiced...one day he chased this African-American man off his lawn who was trying to retrieve his dog who got loose and he used some nasty slurs, so i don't like him. right next to him are will and grace and jack, who all work in a flight school, and who have cars coming by at all hours of the night, only staying for a few minutes, hmm...

    anyway the trashiest neighbors are the beverly hillbillies...the day they moved in their water wasn't hooked up yet so they came over and dragged the hose into their house and washed all their dishes and cars when i was at work and they didn't even ask, or say oops, sorree...i guess it could be worse though.

  • Dustin

    The story about the hose, and washing the dishes absolutely rules!!!!! That is some good stuff. Where are you from?

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i live in phoenix. lol, do you know my neighbors?

  • Dustin

    No, I live in Wisconsin. But it sounds like they were inbred to me. Trust me on this when I say we had these neighbors who every time me and my wife were in the shower for more than 3 minutes would beat on the wall and scream we were using all the hot water. Yet on Sunday mornings when I had to get ready for the meeting they would spend 25 minutes in the shower, and use every ounce of hot water. That used to piss me off so bad.

  • undercover

    Can't complain about my neighbors, they seem a pretty decent lot. Of course it took them awhile to warm up to me, when I first moved in, being a JW and all. It's all better now.

    You guys that live near druggies...wait till they have a party or something and then go to a public phone and make an anonymous tip to the cops that a drug deal is going down at that address. If they are druggies, they'll get busted, if not, oh well, you broke up a jerk neighbors party, big deal.

  • Valis

    um try living next to the convicted sex offender with the noisy dog..

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