Ray Franz.

by Englishman 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    I don't remember anything being said about the KM announcement. I would have only been 13 and didn't know any of the names of anybody on the Governing Body except for Knorr. Maybe there was whispering, but I didn't pay attention. But when the Times article broke, I remember photocopies being passed around the hall. That created quite a stir. Him leaving the GB could have been for anything. Health, family, who knows? But the Times article showed that he had disagreements about the religion.

    I remember thinking the GB practically talked to God himself. If this guy could leave, what did he know? I don't remember exactly when I heard he had a book. I thought I might have heard about it mid-80's and had looked for it. I do know that I was watching a Christian show on TV where they were talking about JWs and one guy on the panel was selling CoC. I ordered immediately.

    Acutally my local Barnes and Noble bookstore had it in stock... but in spanish. I told the girl I needed english, so she had to order it. It was hilarious. I live in Florida and in a predominately english area, not south florida where there are more spanish speaking people... but they had the book in spanish.

    It's been being translated into other languages. So, the spanish version might be "new" and is more likely to end up in a bookstore.

  • NeonMadman
    Mr. Gregerson, a supermarket owner, also had lunch with several other jw employees around that time but WT did nothing about it. Did you say consistency.?

    Nope, not me; I never said nuthin' 'bout no consistency...

  • Gill

    Coffee-black, Thanks!


  • Narkissos

    One story I heard from friends in the French Bethel audio recording dept. is that a new recording of John's Gospel in English was about to be released because the previous one was read by Ray. Don't know whether it was true or false but this sounded pretty silly to me.

  • willyloman

    Any truth to the rumor he was heard to say, "40 years and all I got was this damn tie?"

  • formerout

    I find the wording under his pic in the Times magazine interesting. "Losing Heaven over a restaurant meal." This must have been the way that Ray put it to them. Also, in reading his CoC, it certainly seemed like he still felt that the JW's were the true or at least "best" religion, but that they had fallen off the "perfect" path to God a bit.

    Does anybody know what Ray's stance is now.... or at what point if ever he completely gave up in their beleifs?

    This was funny. I thought I heard it in a movie, but if Ray was indeed quick enough to come up with this reaction to his death being reported, he must have had a good sense of humour about it... lol

    Later Ray had to confirm that the "news about my death were exaggerated"


  • Earnest


    The $10,000 given to Ray Franz and his wife was given to assist them in establishing a home for themselves outside Bethel in recognition of the work they had done. There were no conditions attached to it.


  • freedom96

    I was only 12 then, but I remember the hushed tones, "Can you believe he was df'd?"

    At the time, when I heard he was the nephew of the President of the WTS, I thought he was a teenage punk kid.

    Little did I know.

  • Joyzabel
    I thought he was a teenage punk kid.

    lol, at the age of 59!

  • wannaexit

    Oh that Ray Franz. Don't you guys know? He wanted to take over the society. Got a little too jelous 'cause his uncle was the president and he wanted the honor Freddy had.

    This is what was being said about him in the early 80's round these parts.


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