Does dying scare you?

by JH 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    As JW dubs, we were sure we would live forever.

    When we left the organization, probably we all started to accept that paradise wouldn't be around the corner, and that we would probably die like everyone else around us.

    How do you deal with the fact that you will one day die?

  • shamus

    I think of it often.

    When it does happen, it will be when you least expect it, or you can just grow old and slowly die... I prefer the former.

    When I die you can scatter my ashes on JWD.

  • candidlynuts

    i dont wanna die! although i know when it will be..

    the day after i get rich and skinny the world will END! lol

  • eyeslice

    Yes. We would be abnormal if we didn't - it is part of our survival mechanism.

    What would shouldn't be frightened of is risk. To me we, particualarly in the west, have become so risk adverse that we are in danger of loosing something that makes us tick. I would much rather die in a road accident in Thailand or a ferry disaster in Indonesia than spend all my life worrying about dying and then at the end of it regret the things I did not do.

    Enjoy life - don't waste it.



  • Sunnygal41

    I accept it as part of the natural cycle of the Universe we live in............we are all just parts of the whole anyways, and when I die, I know my bits will be recycled again and give life to something's just my physical body spirit/soul can't be destroyed........

  • teejay

    Reminds me of a comment I made quite recently, as a matter of fact. To answer your question... yes. At times, it scares the hell outta me.

  • mrsjones5

    when i finally realized that one day i would die it scared the bejesus out of me. i think i kinda got over it. now when i think about it i look at my kids and try to think that i really wont die but live on through them.

    i also like to think/hope that there maybe something after this life

    Mrs Jones

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    I've thought a lot about death because I really don't want to live with so many aches/pains and other things that have come with my getting older. I'm just friggen tired.

    But on the light side of it all...I really do believe that I've lived a full and productive life, short as it is, so when my time comes I'd hope to go with a smile and no regret. So basically guess I'm ok because I don't delude myself that I'm living forever. Thank goodness!

    A friend and I both say it would be our misfortune to live into our 90's, wearing adult diapers...just because we are so ornery.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i know this sounds hard to believe but, no. i believe dying is just a jumping-off point into your next life. i just don't want to go in an awful way. like drowning or being stabbled or something. owies...

  • freedom96

    The pain of dying frightens me.

    The fear of the unknown is certainly causes some anxiety.

    Being somewhere that my living loved ones makes me sad.

    I do believe there is something after death. Don't know what, but something. Though I am quite sure it won't be a paradise on earth with JW's running it.

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