Does dying scare you?

by JH 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    This would sound stupid anywhere else but here (and maybe even here!) but I really thought I would never die. Shows how much I bought into that JW crap I guess. But as I'm advancing in years and embracing middle age, it's occurred to me recently that one day I will die. No more me. I've thought some about my father in law. I saw his body after his suicide. It was Bill, but Bill wasn't there anymore. Very odd.

    Cognitively I can reason that this is a fear of the unknown, but still at a gut level it bugs me. What happens then? One day I'll find out. All I ask is I hope it doesn't hurt.

  • Elsewhere

    I wouldn't say that I am afraid of being dead. When I think about it I am sad and disappointed about all of the things I will miss out on seeing and experiencing. What does the future hold? Where will humanity be in 1000 years? 10,000 years? 1,000,000 years?

    I wonder about all of the people I will never know... the missed opportunities to fall in love again and again...

  • shotgun

    It is the only thing which causes me to have anxiety attacks...small ones...The idea of non-existence sure stands in stark contrast with what I believed as a dub.

  • Brummie

    There are times that I accept dying and times when I dont like to think about it.

    oh, and my biggest worry is, how will the world cope without me? ;) I darnt even entertain the thought.

  • JH

    Don't be afraid Brummie, you have 9 lives...

  • Brummie

    lol, perhaps there's hope for the world afterall.


  • Undecided

    It sort of depends on the mood I'm in, some days it doesn't bother me, other days it scares me. I don't look forward to it for sure.

    I planted a few tree like plants today and wondered if I would live to see them grow up. I planted a few trees in my yard 30 years ago and have seen them grow to 40 feet or more high and know I could never do that again. Death is always just around the corner.

    Ken P.

  • AloneinOh

    Nope.....that's something that never really bothered me. I don't want to die, buy when I go...I go.

    I had a bad industrial accident 4 years ago. I got into a big arguement with the doctors over blood transfusions. I made them bring me the papers to sign refusing blood transfusions. They told me I may not come out of surgery. I have refused blood twice in my life. Kinda makes me mad now to think that JWs put this into my head. That won't happen again!

    The thought of dying doesn't bother me....I just don't want it to be a slow painful death. If I don't die in my sleep then I hope it is something spectacular. Something like, " Local resident dies in fiery explosion after having heart attack and driving into a gas well."

  • frankiespeakin

    I don't think it scares me. Not that I will dance on the edge of a cliff or be not be afraid of a man eating shark and stay in the water while chews off my arms and legs.

    I think that since death is natural why fight it,,you only increase the pain of worry and frustration. After all we need to make room for the next generation or it will get too crowded and only cause over population.

    I think it is a good thing (relatively speaking),, that as we grow old don't have the same energy we had in youth. That way,, as we closer to our "time" we can feel it is enough,,, and now it's time to see (if possible) what's on the other side.

  • Sunnygal41

    Frankie...........I've been meaning to ask you lately..............what the heck that avatar of yours makes me think of a MRI scan of a brain......... LMAO!!! Sorry, didn't mean to side track the thread!


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