WTS lied about Joseph Priestley and Blood

by hawkaw 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maximus

    Bingo! The facts, for all to see, worth it even if only a few read only the bold.

    There is an internal struggle going on about the blood doctrine; it's evolved over decades. It's morphed again, still inconsistent.

    Reader, do you see the upside for the rank-and-file regarding the change in judicial policy?

    Thanks, Big Raptor.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Good Morn all:

    This issue has me fascinated in seeing the WTS squirm under direct questioning of their deceiptful "couching" of words which is nothing short of outright lies.

    I am in the process of transcribing a cassette tape of radio interview of James Penton on this issue and the Bulgaria involvement and then the WTS spokesman trying to wiggle out of the very direct questions of a very astute interviewer.

    I have my little 2yr old granddaughter coming to stay for 2 days any minute now so when I have some more transcribed I'll post it here. I've had to stop and start over and over again trying to make sense of what the spokesman is trying to say or should I say....trying not to say.

    Maximus, I too want to see their hypocrisy exposed. They've had the meek and lowly in a tight rein for too long.

    You and hawkaw and the others posting their info here is such a breath of fresh air for me.

    My dear little friend whose life has been turned upside down by the heavy handedness of the borg. on this issue and the resulting shunning and right now is on the emotional rollarcoaster we all are on when finding out this deceipt.

    This place has been helping me for several months now and I'm in turn passing on this info to her to help her. She's at the stage of "trying to catch her breath after feeling a blow to the gut" and the resulting depression is devastating.

    I know I've said it before....but I can't thank you all enough for your devotion to exposing the truth of their cruel deceipt.

    Simon: you may call yourself the "janitor" of this site but you truly are the master in our eyes.. ...OK now you can blush.

    Had Enough

  • hawkaw

    Had enough

    This place has been helping me for several months now and I'm in turn passing on this info to her to help her.

    If you or her need something just ask eh!!


  • hawkaw

    Maximus and Marvin,

    I called Bethany today to ask if Dr. Gorman got my mail. Answer - all Profs are away for the summer break.

    I now have his home address and home phone number but no home Email.

    I will try and give him a call at home - I hope he doesn't get too ticked with me.

    I will let you know what transpires.


  • hawkaw

    Maximus and Marvin

    The "gun" has gone off!!!!! Check your Emails!!!!!!!!


  • Maximus

    Got it, have thanked you publicly elsewhere.

    I hate hypocrisy and I hate dishonesty. This time they have been exposed, and it's going to be costly for them.


  • Maximus

    Hawk, check your work e-mail.


  • hawkaw


    got it

    I will try to respond from home when I get a minute.

    What a day - glad I phoned - I never thought of the publisher angle until Frank mentioned it.


  • patio34

    Hawk, Max, Waiting,

    This is all great information. I'm printing it all out and saving it. Waiting, that was such a good point about the avg jw saying it was waaay to complicated and that they would just say 'no blood' period.

    That prompted me to talk to my 2 jw sons to urge them to look into it more and not just say 'no blood.' Especially for their children.

    I also warned them the Durable Power of Attorney has a clause in it that says it cannot be revoked orally. So once you're in the hospital, you may be in real trouble.

    Thanks for this critical information.


  • hawkaw

    Thanks Patio,

    If you liked this one, make sure you read the other threads by Maximus and Marvin & me. If you scroll through this post, I have linked the other topics. They relate to Dr. Gorman (very very very very important), tertullian & Biblis.

    I have a couple more "cooking" so stay tuned. The only problem is the one book I need is very rare (only one copy in Canada's libraries!!!!!). So there will be a few weeks waiting for the book before I can post.

    If your sons' need a photocopy of the actual pages of Joseph Priestley with the cover of the book - I have them.

    hawk (keep them thinking)

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