What do you Find Encouraging?

by Golf 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golf

    It's refreshing and encouraging to meet polite people. People holding doors for others, people saying thank you and please. People who return their shopping carts in the stalls. People who throw their rubbish in gargabe bins instead of on the streets. It's encoraging to know that there's still humans out here that have human feelings. What do you find encouraging? Guest77

  • under74

    When someone says thank you and is sincere. When a thugged out kid on the bus rams into me by accident and says "excuse me. " When someone asks me how I'm doing and actually wants to know.

  • hillbilly

    "Manners", in general, do encourage me...... a polite society is nice company.

    I really am encouraged when I meet young people who are articulate and intellegent. So many seem not to be either.

    Months with bigger in-flows than out-flows, dollar wise, are really encouraging too.


  • JustTickledPink

    Ya know I thought all "worldly" people were going to be crazy, immoral, etc.... Instead I have found the opposite. As long as you're not hanging out in crack town, you find most people are wonderful.

    I love the cards, I have lots of friends that are into cards and when I receive B-day cards I get so happy... it makes me feel good that someone remembered me. That is being thoughtful.

  • bem

    That some people we get acquinted with on the internet ie. this forum can prove to be generous,kind and loving people. Makes me trust humans again.

    I have to agree with the rest well mannered people in all shapes,sizes and forms is really appreciated.


  • ko38

    HONESTY.its very rare.the company i just started at admits their mistakes and stands behind their work even when it costs them a great deal of lost $ to do so.what a great group of people

  • Golf

    Thanks for the encouraging comments. Yes, thoughfulness, honesty, manners and sending cards can really boost your batteries. Two scriptures really caught my eye as a JW, that were encouraging,one is in Hebrews 10:25, "...encouraging one another..." The other is 1Cor.13:4-6 "Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently,does not look for its own interest, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things,...endures all things." Feel free to express what encourages you. Guest77

  • hillbilly

    I know what you mean. As a JW I noted that you nearly had to die to get some positive attention. In the JW culture paying attention to the "individual", especially if the tone was a bit celebratory was almost considered minor idol worship.

    I still have a hard time accepting compliments or special attention from folks.....Did any of you other folks have to get over feeling "bad" for being "good" or sucessful?

    ~Hill ( good people are everyplace class)

  • Golf

    Hillbilly, learn to accept the compliments. Even if someone doesn'r acknowledge your worth and good works, be happy and content, because down deep, you did the right thing. Guest77

  • under74

    "I still have a hard time accepting compliments or special attention from folks.....Did any of you other folks have to get over feeling "bad" for being "good" or sucessful?"

    Hell ya. I couldn't tell for a long time whether it was the way I was raised (being JW) or it was just me.....It's not always that I feel bad for being good at something I just don't always know how to respond to people when they are complimenting me on something I've done...but then I feel bad because I don't know how to respond. It's so awkward and retarded.

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