by outoftheorg 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • gotout

    I live the story you tell every day. I live on a small Island off the coast of Maine, 850 resd. year round. When anyone is in need, be it a lawyer or the trash man we all are quick to help. We are a very tight community, I would not trade it for anything.

  • Mystery

    Sure you havent' beat us to paradise?

    wonderful story



    One of the first things I began to notice after leaving "God's Org'" was the incredible generosity of those bad ol' worldlies...not all of 'em, but a hellava lot more of them than dubbies. Many try to make their town, community and this world a better place to live in. I feel humbled and very embarassed for the many years I spent looking down my JW-trained nose at these people.


  • Midget-Sasquatch

    This was a great read. It sickens me to think about how the jw congregation treated one publisher (long time pioneer), that eventually was overcome by her schizophrenia. I'm sickened by how I sometimes reacted to her.

    You'll know them by their fruits.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    Hmm...we must be from the same town! We have a guy that has severe disabilities that goes around town on a three wheel bicycle pulling a trailer and collecting cans. He is in the video for our town. We also have about the same amount of residents, inside, and outside the city! Everyone pretty much watches out for him, and he is a very nice man with a kind heart. He is welcome wherever he goes, with his big smile and curious nature. I love small towns.. most of the time!

    Country Girl

  • outoftheorg

    I wish we were in the same town c/g and you other guys/gals. It would be a pretty good time we would have.

    No Myst. I haven't beaten you to paradise. We have our problems too.

    Ya know, compared to being a wbts slave awaiting paradise, small towns sometimes feel that way.

    I have lived in very large towns "San Diego" and medium sized towns"Boise Idaho" and by comparison, I would take the small ones "if I could find a job"

    Being retired has its benefits also.


  • wednesday

    In the 80's I remember seeing a homeless woman in our town. An unusual site for our small town. I wondered where her family was and why she had to roam the streets. I was working at a local hosppital at the time and this woman became a patient. As i checked her records,I became aware that the local jewelery store owner was taking responsibility for her, even though she was no kin to him. He paid her bills. The reason the woman was on the street was b/c she was mentally ill and could not be forced into a state facililty and would not follow the rules at shelters. It warmed my heart to know that there were still real people left in this world, people who would pay for a strangers care, with no kickbacks.

    The WTS is so dead wrong about people in general. Most people are kind and do want to help. They are the ones who lack human compassion, unless u are a jws.

  • outoftheorg

    Even if you are a jw, true compassion is few and far between.


  • Sunspot

    We lived in a really small town on a mountain in WV a few years ago. I was still a JW at the time. They had a tiny country church that everyone on our road belonged to. They held mother-daughter or father-son dinners, cookouts, wedding and baby showers, held barn raisings, quilting bees and just about everything else for the small comunity.

    I'll be honest and admit that I would have loved to be a part of this! We were always asked, but of course, had to refuse. Not only did we miss out on the closeness of a REAL neighborhood community, but we were considered real oddballs because we didn't celebrate Christmas or Easter.

    I enjoy hearing experiences like this post, thanks for sharing....



  • Gill

    That's a wonderful story. Thanks for telling it!

    I"ve noticed since being out of the JW's and seeing more of people 'in the world' that there is REAL compassion among a lot of people. Compassion that really moves you and in forty years I have NEVER seen in the JW's.

    I know it's not perfect out of the borg but it's far better.

    Thanks again!

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