What does the Society have against jeans?

by truthseeker 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws
    If I am going to live in paradise forever, I want to run around naked just like Adam and Eve did. It wouldn't truly be paradise otherwise!

    Absolutely right. Something I always wondered about. If we were supposed to be restored to perfection in paradise, a return to Eden, then we wouldn't be ashamed anymore. We'd be naked like Adam and Eve originally were.

    I'll bet if they started showing naked people in these pictures of paradise, they wouldn't have any problems with recruiting new members or selling books and magazines.

    Is everyone in the new system going to be wearing smart-casual? What is the problem they have with jeans? Soemthing against Levi?

    Dockers casual pants are made by Levi though...

  • frankiespeakin


    In my congregation, far-flung from Bethel, we were told that homosexuals wear jeans so therefore it is "wrong" to wear them. I didn't understand the logic in that...

    Was that in Cali or Hawaii? When I went to bethel a large amount of bethelites were from those 2 states,, so I could see how Grant's logic would travel to your congregation.

    Listening to Grant back then makes me think of what a manipulator he was playing on fears to inforce the jean ban.

  • Wallflower

    Size D LEVIs is an anagram of DEVIL. So your jeans are possessed !!

  • frenchbabyface

    If I am going to live in paradise forever, I want to run around naked just like Adam and Eve did. It wouldn't truly be paradise otherwise!

    Absolutely right. Something I always wondered about. If we were supposed to be restored to perfection in paradise, a return to Eden, then we wouldn't be ashamed anymore. We'd be naked like Adam and Eve originally were.

    Oh wait wait wait ... we need a 1000 years to get there TO COOL DOWN ... (and don't ask the nudists how they are dealing with - they are worldly people ... they are too cool about nudity Ooops I'm mean too cold ... LOL)

  • iiz2cool
    I wonder what would happen if a guy wore a dress at Bethel

    Governing body members would likely have a circle jerk. Walter

  • xjw_b12

    LOL We should have a "Best of Mary" Section

    There is nothing better than wearing a dress to climb a ladder, the corporate ladder of course.

  • Dogpatch

    I remember one of the GBs warning about wearing jeans and WHITE TENNIS SHOES while at Bethel, because homosexuals wore them in the neighborhood. They had us paranoid! :-))


    Free Minds http://www.freeminds.org

  • toreador

    Nice article Mary. You have talent.

  • blondie

    I should have added that the skirt was ankle-length.

    Here are some WTS comments on jeans:


    8/22 p. 30 Watching the World ***


    Jeans Cripple Youth


    A Danish medical magazine recently told about an 18-year-old youth who was thrown into a bathtub during a party. Afterward, he went to sleep in his wet, tight blue jeans. When he woke up after 11 hours, he found that blood strangulation caused by the shrunken jeans had damaged his right leg muscles, crippling him for life. The doctor writing the article cautioned youths against buying jeans that are too tight and especially warned against shrinking them to be skintight by wearing them wet.


    g99 2/8 p. 17 The Kind of Clothes We Wear?Does It Really Matter? ***

    In an article on students? perception of teachers, the journal Perceptual and Motor Skills explains that "although the teacher wearing jeans was seen as bringing fun into the classroom, his opinions were given the least respect and he was most frequently chosen as the teacher who does not seem to know anything." The same journal comments that "a female teacher dressed in jeans was seen as fun, approachable, not especially knowledgeable, commanding limited respect, not looking like a teacher, and generally preferable."


    g89 10/8 p. 11 What?s the Secret of Choosing the Right Clothes? ***

    Millie, one of Jehovah?s Witnesses, attended a school where violence was prevalent. Dressing as if headed for a Christian meeting would have made her overly conspicuous. So she wore a modest pair of jeans during school hours, as that was accepted at her school. But since she engaged in Bible educational work after classes, she took along a dress. Change of role, change of attire.

    Youths among Jehovah?s Witnesses give particular thought to what they wear at Christian meetings and in their public preaching work. For example, jeans and sneakers, which may serve quite well at school, are out of place during formal worship; they detract from one?s claim to being a minister of God.?Compare 2 Corinthians 6:3.


    g87 2/8 p. 16 What Do Clothes Mean to You? ***

    Even on a more personal level, decisions must be made as to what to wear, and when and where to wear it. Dungarees, or blue jeans, may be ideal for farming or working around the house or on casual occasions, but they are hardly appropriate for formal occasions, for business, or at meetings for worship.

  • catchthis

    Regarding Blondie's quotes, I remember going out in service with the Keams Canyon, AZ congregation a while back. Their territory is smack in the middle of the Hopi indian reservation which is in the middle of the Navajo reservation in NE corner of AZ. Believe it or not, the brothers and sisters DO NOT dress up for field service. Both sexes wear jeans, not slacks. No meeting clothes are worn at all. In fact, they intentionally dress down to appear more acceptable to the indian people who live there.

    They do dress up a little at the meetings, but not real spiffy. There were quite a few 'interested' ones that came on Sunday so that may be another reason why they do not dress up that much. The area could almost be compared to a 2nd or even a 3rd world country. But I will give them this - they have the coolest looking KH inside and out that I have ever seen. Very rustic. The ceiling inside has aspen logs all across it. Old wood floors. And they converted some old oil lamps to electrical for lighting.

    p.s. you can see a few of the folks that attend that hall and the area they work when you watch the society's video on the worldwide brotherhood. the video starts out in the desert and then shows a mudhouse in the background with smoke coming out of it while a couple of sisters are talking to someone. heh, the PO was in the mudhouse throwing water on the fire to make it smoke for the video. I don't remember what those sisters were wearing, but if they had dresses on, it was only for the making of the video.

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