Howard Stern set free...

by Confucious 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confucious


    Thanks for comming to the rescue...

    Ok... Heathen.

    And respectfully... this is a good debate. A good "talking contest."

    I know Howard Stern doesn't know who I am.

    But I do know, he's pretty straight up.

    And I like that.

    You know (and this is all hearsay). When Dan Rather was attacked - thus the imfamous song "What's the Frequency Kenneth" from REM.

    But when Dan Rather was attacked. There was a rumor that it was from a jealous husband.

    Now, I REALLY like Dan Rather.

    But it IS refreshing when you see someone in radio or TV that just tells it like it is.

    I mean, it's part of Dan Rather's job to be Politially Correct.

    And I respect him greatly for that. Becaue that's his thing.

    But how refreshing is it when you have someone like Howard Stern that isn't afraid to say shit.

  • FMZ

    I just noticed how inflammatory my post must have seemed... Sorry Ona! lol


  • heathen


    I never said stern wasn't entitled to his opinion . I don't like Rush Limbaugh either . I simply said the guy aint funny ....... Andrew Dice Clay pretty much said the same thing . He has done nothing but showcase trash on the radio , true the interviews can be interesting but it always regresses into some retarded mindless dribble that if I had friends like that I don't think it would last very long .........

    Just glad you aren't hearing voices in your head telling you stern is the messiah .............. LOL

  • DIM

    C'mon, Howard Stern is great....lighten up. Sometimes he is over the top, but he is alway interesting and demands attention

  • heathen

    Let me put it to you this way ----- Jerry Springer was voted the worse show on TV and I think it's hysterical but I would have to say the Howard Stern show is the worse show on cable and radio..... Too bad the hysterics just aint there. I also like the man show on comedy central , just to show you what I think works for me ........

  • Michael3000

    Howard Rocks! Not everyone appreciates his style of humor (which is heavily dependent on IRONY), but that's OK, too.

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