U.S. death toll in Iraq at 1,000

by Simon 60 Replies latest social current

  • dh
    scotsman: And it's tragic that we don't get milestones for Iraqi civilian deaths.
    blondie: Iraqi civilian deaths 11,793

    that's what i'm talking about.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Sleepy said,

    The US verses Saddam = world war 3? I always knew Americans belived the whole world revolves around them.

    You know better, Sleepy, or you ought to.

    Saddam was part of the Islamo-Fascist coalition involving terrorist goups and totalitarian states. Terrorists had training camps in Iraq and Afghanistan and those camps are now out of business. It was a Lybian who brought down Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland on 12/21/88. I believe that Saddam thought that he wouold use the militant islamicists for his own ends and ultimately control them. He is on record as calling himself the new Nebuchadnezzar. Like Adolph Hitler, he had dreams of ruling the world. Now he sits in prison, and the world is a better place because of it.

    If I may quote Victor Mordecai, "There are wars of genocide in which over two million black Christians have been slaughtered in the Sudan. Another six to eight million are slated for destruction. Another example of genocide is in various parts of the Indonesian archipelago in which over 300,000 East Timorese were killed since 1975. Over half a million of ethnically Chinese have been killed in Indonesia since the 1960?s. Yet in response to these genocides, the world remains indifferent and silent. Other wars brewing involve Chinese-Islamic war in East Turkestan commonly known as Sinkiang Province in western China; a festering war in the south Philippines focused on Mindanao and Sulu Islands; a potentially nuclear war between India and Pakistan over Kashmir; Christian-Islamic confrontation in the Balkans, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, and throughout Africa. Of course, last but definitely not least is the Judeo-Christian conflict with Islam in the Holy Land."

    Unlike Victor Mordecai, I am no Zionist. I do not long for or expect the arrival of a Christian or a Jewish Messiah. I do however believe that Victor Mordecai understands the Islamo-Fascist threat better than most for one simple reason -- his predictions about the course of Islamo-Fascism have been CORRECT.

    I hope your snooze alarm rouses you from your slumber soon.

    If you want to look into this further, read http://www.vicmord.com/islamicthreat.htm.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    The US verses Saddam = world war 3? I always knew Americans belived the whole world revolves around them

    I have to agree with that.This War is an American War with no bearing at all on World events.It is for Oil pure and simple...no amount of mealy mouthing will convince me or Millions of others of the right of this War.

    1,000 U.S deaths is a 1000 too many.This is no Bastogne or Guadalcanal where outcomes there genuinly affected the free World.

  • Abaddon


    So that your sons won't have to live or die under the authoritarian decrees of some theocratic mulla, just as thousands more Americans died so that YOU wouldn't have to grow up speaking German and heiling Hitler, or see your parents shipped off to a labor camp.

    Ah... propoganda. Hitler DID represent a threat to other countries as was shown by the fact he invaded them, one after the other, and was very good at it. If he had paused at the Channel it would have just been a pause. If he had paused at the Atlantic, it would have just been a pause.

    Saddam did represent a minor threat to other immediate neighbours, and had once invaded another country and had his army routed as a result - not a very succesfull invasion.

    Simon's sons, as with the sons and daughters of Americans and Europeans, Australians and most other nationalities had zero chance of "ending up under the authoritarian decrees of some theocratic mulla". If you'll recall, Iraq was a secular state. But, they weren't even at risk of ending up under the authoritarian decrees of some despotic dictator either.

    But the US and UK government marketed a story that many people believe, and that surprisingly some people still believe despite so much of what the UK and US governments used to justify the invasion turning out to be misinformation and exaggeration

    I have no desire to get involved in an argument either.

    Does that mean you'll ignore people who disagree with your opinion? Futile you saying anything if you'll do that.

    I've missed the posts about the news that Iraq is now free from a brutal dictatorship, and is preparing for its first democratic election since it was liberated.

    Well, your memory is selective, and for one thing, this forum is not the sole place people talk about this. Saying people do not recognise the end of Saddam's dictatoship and the progress towards democratic government is a classic straw man argument as NO ONE of any repute or credibility is saying that.

    I've missed the posts about the news that the majority of Iraq is both free and peaceful, and that the pockets of resistance involve the followers of authoritarian antidemocratic theocrat mullas who claim to speak for the only true god and can quote scripture about how infidels deserve to die.

    I do think you should listen to non-American news sources a little more often. No one is desputing the presence of violent people opposed to democracy. Again, a straw man argument. If you are so right, why do you have to use logical fallacies to support your argument?

    I believe we are engaged in World War Three right now and that the survival of western civilization is at stake.

    Yes, well, some people would think anyone with an opinion like that is sounding like a Whitehouse press spokesperson. That's just a continuation of the story they have told. Terrorism is a great problem, but to characterise it as a third world war?

    It's useful to do this because of the restrictions of rights and freedoms governments can gain approval for when taking this stance, but it is hardly a fair reflection of facts or in anyway comparable to either previous world war in any sense what-so-ever, other than in attacks occuring in multiple lands. Extent, yes. Scale? Obviously not.

    I'm sure there are women out there who yearn for the comfort of the burka and the bullet behind the ear administered in a soccer stadium. I'm sure there are Christians, Jews, and atheistic secular humanists who do not believe "allah hu akbar" and long to be drawn and quartered as infidels.

    More straw man arguments. Good thing you don't want to argue... you don't have an argument...

    ... oh, and T.S. Eliot should have stuck to poems about cats; everything else was just him trying to show how clever he was and weren't actually THAT good as entertainment. The Wasteland is a classic example. What is it, five languages in the first dozen lines? What a ponce.

  • Realist
    Saddam was part of the Islamo-Fascist coalition involving terrorist goups and totalitarian states. Terrorists had training camps in Iraq and Afghanistan and those camps are now out of business. I believe that Saddam thought that he wouold use the militant islamicists for his own ends and ultimately control them. He is on record as calling himself the new Nebuchadnezzar. Like Adolph Hitler, he had dreams of ruling the world. Now he sits in prison, and the world is a better place because of it.

    unproven nonesense.

    the terrorist capms in iraq were in the kurdish controlled region.

    hussein was suppressing and controlling the muslim nutcases.

    i suppose hussein was not more eager to control the world than bush, blair, hitler or any other high ranking politician.

  • Badger

    1000 dead, and still no Bin Laden...the REAL sept. 11 culprit.

  • xenawarrior
    But lets don't let this become an issue to argue, we are just reporting the news.

    If it were "just" reporting the news there would be no editorial comment added to it.

  • Simon


    "Mission Accomplished" ... quite

  • Simon
    just as thousands more Americans died so that YOU wouldn't have to grow up speaking German and heiling Hitler, or see your parents shipped off to a labor camp

    Please, this "we saved you from speaking German" is getting SO old and tired and is complete baloney.

    If anyone did any saving, it was US that saved YOU because we stood alone against the Nazis long before you decided to enter the war (when attacked).

    Stop trying to re-write history or rely on Hollywood for it.

  • Xena

    As long as we are reporting "just the news" I thought I might mention that your death toll figure includes those who died of natural causes, automobile accidents and other non war related incidents/injuries. Not to minimize the deaths of anyone but just to make sure we don't inflate or misrepresent anything for our own agenda....cause I just KNOW that no one here would want to do that.


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