Baptismal Pool

by Sunspot 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Sunspot


    For a "religion" that makes SUCH a fuss over "particulars", and not wanting to have anything whatsoever to do with harmless practices like "toasting' or birthdays, saying good luck" or sending a Mother's Day card------to SEE a WT baptismal pool covered with the "dreaded and disgusting" UN logo-----just smacks of hypocrisy.

    They arrogantly claim to be so "only ones that are God-approved" and above reproach, yet think nothing of showing how they can explain "things" that you'd thin they'd never do. As usual. Like a library card they didn't have to get. That kind of "thing"!

    The WTS bends over backwards to insure their members never do anything "WTS" questionable---especially in public---and yet as much as they HATED and dissed the UN for YEARS---they dunk the candidates in a UN-emblazened pool liner!

    I don't care WHERE they are---it seems so two-faced seeing this picture (and they had the audicity to put it in a magazine???

    Then again....think about it.....all THIS was AFTER the WTS had "decided" that the UN wasn't all as evil as they thought (and taught that) it was...and were trying to "get something" from it, obviously! (WTS waving at the UN---look how NICE we are now!!!)

    I agree, this isn't at the top of the list as far as "what the nasty WTS has done", but it's just one MORE example of what blatantly slimy hypocrites they are.Needless to say---the WTS makes me sick.


  • dh

    it just looks like a waste of drinking water to me.

  • Farkel

    Hey Sunspot!

    The Watchtower is going to have to modify there excuse for joining the UN to, "We did it only to get library books and wading pools from them."


  • ohiocowboy

    And doesn't it seem just a little strange that they put the picture in the Watchtower knowing that in order to be a member in good standing they must follow the principles of the UN. I wonder if this is one of the copies that the WTBTS used to send to the UN to show them that they are promoting the UN?

    Another interesting thing.....We all know how the WT art department is always at the ready to take ads from other sources and "Doctor" them up by deleting and adding things to suit their own needs. Isn't it strange that they would have not creatively gotten rid of the logo, unless of course once again, they wanted to show the UN that they are promoting them by using their logo, etc. in the publications.

  • Narkissos

    As far as I remember, to the WT the UN is "bad" as part of Satan's political empire, but no more so than any national government. Would they refuse to hold an assembly in a public building displaying the national flag? I guess not. So what's the difference?

    (I guess it is not exactly the same as the UN Library case, in which they decided to associate with the UN as a NGO, explicitly commiting themselves to promote the UN policies and activities.)

  • cyber-sista
    And doesn't it seem just a little strange that they put the picture in the Watchtower knowing that in order to be a member in good standing they must follow the principles of the UN. I wonder if this is one of the copies that the WTBTS used to send to the UN to show them that they are promoting the UN?
    My though exactly. Yes, there is something very wrong with this picture. What if there was a 4 leafed clover or a cross on the pool? I was counceled (my a sister for making my daughter a dress with hearts on it). But the UN logo? Seems like this would be the ultimant symbol of idolatry for the WT with the way they have always viewed the UN in the past. It is still too clear in my mind the teachings by the WT about the UN being the most disgusting idolatrus organization on earth (being that they had put themselves in the place of God.) Wow...
  • Bryan

    The Old Hipie...

    I don't see the problem?

    So I suppose if I used the YMCA because it was the only gym in town... it's no problem?


  • Sunspot

    **it just looks like a waste of drinking water to me.

    dh---Yup! There's THAT!

    **The Watchtower is going to have to modify there excuse for joining the UN to, "We did it only to get library books and wading pools from them."

    Farkel---I've already had some feedback by JW on another board---it's quite amusing to see how they try to "cover up the WTS kaka" on THIS one LOL!

    **And doesn't it seem just a little strange that they put the picture in the Watchtower knowing that in order to be a member in good standing they must follow the principles of the UN. I wonder if this is one of the copies that the WTBTS used to send to the UN to show them that they are promoting the UN?

    Oh CB---Nahhh--just a coincidence! No connection at all!

    **Would they refuse to hold an assembly in a public building displaying the national flag? I guess not. So what's the difference?

    Narkissos----Well...a flag would have already been IN the building---part of the "owner's" decor, if you will. The pool liner was put IN by someone FOR the baptism---to ME---it's a big difference. But that's just me.

    **I was counceled (my a sister for making my daughter a dress with hearts on it).

    Cybs---When I think I've heard everything---I hear something like this! This surprises me! WHAT could be wrong with hearts???? (providing it wasn't worn on Valentines day I guess) What IS WRONG with those people????? But then---there ya ARE! They'd make a fuss about a heart on a dress but think nothing of a "worldy" organization's logo on their baptism pool...go figure!

    **So I suppose if I used the YMCA because it was the only gym in town... it's no problem

    Bryan---Who KNOWS how the WTS thinks. They keep changing their minds all the time! My kids couldn't join a brand new "Y" when they built one when my kids were still living at home! Country kids don't have a lot of options on what to do in the summer and using their (supervised) pool seemed like a great idea---but you know it wasn't "allowed"......(sigh)


  • Sunspot

    ** I don't see the problem?

    Old Hippy,

    Izzat so!

    WHICH WatchtowerOrg were you in? Funny, the one I was in for 30 years, taught that SYMBOLISM was everything. I mean, come on.

    Read the "Revelation" book to see what a high priority they place on symbolism, and types and anti-types and classes... (ad nauseum) And it's no big deal for this cult to allow their new suckers to be baptized (the most important even in a jW's life) in a United Nations-provided pool?

    It's like: "Look! those new 'Jehovahs' are receiving the Mark of the Beast"!!!!! DO tell!

    Do you not know what the United Nations represents to the JWs?
    Do you not know the Deep Symbolic meaning of their baptism?
    (One's DEDICATION to the Organization and Jehova and Jesus- (thrown in, in that order)

    Have you not read the thousands of times the GB/FDScame out and TOLD the JWs about "touching the Unclean Thing"?

    ** They are in a refugee camp which is run by some UN agency, and which uses UN equipment,

    So? Why aren't they in a refugee camp paid for and outfitted by their Watchtower World-Wide Work Contributions and sent to Tanzania along with JWs who are experienced in construction and providing food and water and basics????

    There were hundreds of those at WatchtowerFarms-and get the Brotherhood to provide for their OWN, instead of DUMPING OFF on the stinkin' United Nations! Of ALL Organizations to Dump Off on... Sheesh!!!

    Oh! right! Perhaps the" worldwidework funds" are getting a bit low at the moment from theWTS fighting all kinds of litigation - what?with all the Pedophiles and Rapists the Elders protected for all those years and now the legal poop is (justifiably) hitting the fan...

    ** and so when persons in the camp are to be baptized as new JWs, what are they supposed to do?

    OMG! You are so unbelievable! WHAT CONCERN is that to the United Nations?

    If nothing else, let the native JWs go find the nearest river, pond, lake, watering hole... whatever and go for it! They can pretend they're being baptized in the Jordan River or whatever.That's the way a lot of church groups baptize their members in the United States.

    What about the old scripture that the WTS repeated over and over:

    "Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his OWN, he has DISOWNED the faith and is worse than a person without faith" _____ 1 Timothy 5:8 NWT

    The Worldwide JWs are WORSE than one withOUT the faith, by neglecting to provide HUNDREDS of Wading Pools if need be, for their poor brothers in Tanzania, nevermind their GROSS NEGLECT in providing the basic needs of housing & food & water to their spiritual family in Tanzania., with all their riches they are storing up on earth!

    ** are they to say "sorry, but no"?

    Yes. They should say NO. They should say they are waiting for their brothers to come help them as members of their worldwide UNITED and OH-SO-CLOSE-KNIT Spiritual Family. Or, they should not even be in a position to say "sorry, but no",because the Theocratic Relief Workers should have already
    been there and taken care of bizness!

    Just out of curiosity, how many times did YOU have to "say no" to something because the WTS told you they didn't approve of it?

    **Making use of equipment being at hand in the camp can hardly be said to sell one's soul to the UN.

    Right, well I agree with you partially on that one, because they have ALREADY 'sold their souls' to the Watchtower, so how could they sell their souls again,but they CAN 'compromise their faith' and become unclean by touching the worldly world'...

    And again, WHAT WTS were you in?

    These are the idiotand total Fanatics who make BIG ISSUES ABOUT Smurfs, and Windchimes and yardsale antiques and sundry harmless symbols of the World as being DEMON-POSSESSED!!

    Sooo, how about that Wild Beast model #666 Wading Pool with the Wild Beast Symbols encircling it... to be ( g a s p !)......used as a Watchtower baptismal device!

    ** Please, make fuzz over what is questionable, over what should be made fuzz over, for example over the NGO case, but don't use the poorest of the poor, African refugees trying to make use of whatever is at hand, to score easy victories.

    I have the right to voice my opinion on this, and just because YOU feel that it's "fuzz" doesn't mean that *I* see it that way! Actually I was quite surprised when this was sent to me!!!! Apparently the sender felt the same way as I did.

    Of course this demonstrates an extremely "questionable" thing according to cult teachings, for all the reasons cited above, and to quote the bible that the WTS says that they guide their lives by---
    and it's a scripture THEY toss out whenever it suits THEM:

    "The person faithful in what is LEAST is faithful also in much, and the person unrighteous in what is LEAST is unrighteous also in much." ______ Luke 16:10 NWT

    Has there been "noo lite" on this as well?


  • avishai
    I don't see the problem?

    What, getting dunked in the "Kiddie pool of the wild beast, AKA the disgusting thing?"

    Would it automatically transmute into disgusting wild beasty pee?

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