A Letter from A Witness

by cruzanheart 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • amac

    Awesome letter!!!! I hope it gives her something to think about it and she doesn't just expunge the letter from her mind as "apostacy."

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    ((Nina)) Wow, what a great letter! I had only read bits and pieces of your story before. Very interesting and well-written. Please let us know (as I'm sure you will) if you receive a reply.

  • jaredg

    wow nina what an inspirational story. it makes me sad though when i was growing up in the organization my family was very popular and we always had friends. but since i've been here, and especialy with your story, i realize how i never really paid any attention to those not so popular. of course at the time i was a teenager and i was mostly concerned w/ myself and my friends. i feel like such a douche for how i acted back then. now i feel like i give more love and i recieve more love than i ever did in the organization. yay for us

  • HappyDad

    WOW Nina,

    Thanks for the letter and thank you...............I need to read something like this from time to time to let me know that I did the right thing.........leaving such an unloving organization. The same unkind and unloving aura exists in all KH's everywhere..........they just don't know it.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Wow wow so powerful and honest.

    ((Nina, Jackson))

    Odrade I was thinking it as I was reading.

    Kate May I put this in the Best of Personal Experiences?

  • Gretchen956

    Cruzan, thanks for posting this letter, it was awesome and so are you. Let us know if you hear back.


  • confusedjw

    Mr. Popular said:

    i feel like such a douche for how i acted back then. now i feel like i give more love and i recieve more love than i ever did in the organization.

    LOL LOL LOL (wiping tears from my eyes)

    I think you are going to be just fine.

  • cruzanheart

    Lady Lee, of course you can post this (if it's my permission and not Kate's that you need) in your "Best of" section -- I'd be honored.

    Jared, don't beat yourself up -- we all have our times of self-absorption. I went through a popular phase once upon a time and it was great! I had fun! And I'm sure I ignored people who could have used the encouragement or friendship. All I can do with my realization is make sure that I don't make the same mistake again or, if it's brought to my attention, fix it.

    After my dad's death, I wrote a long, hot letter to the elders in his congregation and I sent a copy to everyone in the congregation for whom I had an address, and I ended the letter by saying that if they wanted to do something in my dad's memory, then search out the depressed ones, the lonely ones, the ones who didn't seem to fit in, and include them, hug them, and really listen to their answer when you say "how are you?" -- I actually had one person in that congregation call to thank me for my letter and say that I'd given her something to think about! So you never know what good you can do by a simple act of kindness.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OMG Nina I was half asleep? Obviously I wasn't think too clearly.

  • xjw_b12

    You know Christina. That's what makes you such a beautiful person. Still after all you have been through, and all the (probably countless) times you've repeated your's and Chris' story, you still take the time and effort to write that poignant letter, in the slim hope, that maybe, just maybe you can plant that seed of self discovery.

    Thank you

    Love David

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