A Letter from A Witness

by cruzanheart 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Oh, Nina! Your reply to that Jdub was so well-written and kind....yet very revealing. Every incident rang with truth for I know that all of us here have seen just such malicious injustices and lack of love on the part of the Society members, whether they're only cong. members or of the heirarchy....and especially the heirarchy!

    If nothing else, dear Nina...you've given her a huge dose of truth for once in her life! It may very well be the seeds sown that begin to open her eyes....or if she shows the letter to anyone else, it may begin to open their eyes. They rarely are given the opportunity to hear "the other side of the story" so it's a wonderful opportunity....and you handled it verrry well, cher.


    Frannie B

  • BluesBrother

    Well done Nina !

  • Mulan

    Fabulous, incredible...............loved it. I can't wait to hear if she replies, and how she replies.

  • Preston
    I went home and told my husband I was never going back. The children cheered?
  • Preston
    I went home and told my husband I was never going back. The children cheered?

    You?re one of the coolest moms ever!

    Another elder, a long-time friend, refused to speak at the service because (1) I wouldn?t let him use the 30-minute outline from the Society, and (2) I had asked for any resident who wanted to get up and say a few words about Dad. Gary was afraid that he would be ?taking part in an inter-faith service? if he spoke and it freaked him out.

    Whenever I listen to John Lennon?s ?Imagine? I think that the song is about moments like this?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Is he okay and able to walk now?

    Yes he is. Apparently it was a very rare virus, one in a million (figures eh? can't win the lottery!) chance that he caught it, but thankfully it went away after about 4 or 5 weeks. Although he did go to Disney World in the wheelchair and got lots of attention there. Snow White in particular gave him a big kiss on his cheek and he was wiping lipstick for an hour.

  • cruzanheart

    Smart Farkel! My dad started that alumina plant and made it run, way back in the 1960's! It was Harvey Alumina then. Right next door was Hess Oil, and all the kids from Corpus Christi and Houston whose dads worked at Hess and Harvey went to school with me. I'd never met any Texans before that and I thought they were a stuck-up bunch. And look at me now! And, after Dad quit Harvey Alumina, he started his own business and serviced the instrumentation at the Cruzan Rum Factory. We never lacked for rum when he had that account!

    Yes, that's where my name comes from: I loved living in St. Croix, and a person from St. Croix is a Cruzan; therefore, "cruzanheart."

    confusedjw, Jackson is just fine now. It was a temporary virus that had to run its course and unfortunately that was through his joints. After 6 weeks it was completely gone with no permanent damage, except for this: he will never forget how much that hurt and judges all subsequent pain on that basis. Even his tonsillectomy this past summer didn't hurt as bad as the arthritis. It has, however, made him sensitive to the pains of others -- in his class is a boy who has chronic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and is sometimes absolutely miserable. Jackson walked up to him and told him, "I know just how you feel," and they're friends.

    Thanks for all the kind words! Yes, it's been an amazing and frequently traumatic story, but I'm married to a wonderful guy (Big Tex) and am truly blessed with him, my children, my dogs, and all of you! This forum has given me more support than you will ever know.


  • Iforget


    You are an inspiration. Your letter was well written and thought out. Thank you for sharing.

  • desib77

    Wonderful letter, Nina!

  • Odrade

    Nina, that was amazing. And thank you for putting it here, I'm glad to know more of your story.

    LADY LEE!!! Please, please, please find a place in Best of.... for this amazing letter.


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