Do they expect everyone to have a MONEY TREE???

by recoveringjw 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • recoveringjw

    Ha! That's a good idea! I was thinking it about buying it from him, then letting him have it back cheap later. I am lovin' the UN letter idea !

  • Odrade

    I think that's the best idea. Send the money, but make it clear that it is for the guitar, because it means too much to YOU to allow him to sell it to someone else. Then you'd just have to decide if you will leave it in his hands or not.

    BTW, if you do something like that, be sure and get it in writing that you now own the guitar, otherwise they could be tempted to look at the $$ as a nice gesture and sell it anyways to finance their theocratic activities.


  • cyber-sista

    recovering...I can see how this is most frustrating for you. I have seen many witnesses struggling with the finance thing for years. Keep your eye simple--don't have a career, don't get educated--but give give give to the Organization and work for them for free--this thinking dooms many to a life of financial burden. .. I am sad too about your Dad thinking about giving up his guitar. It is probably one of his only real outlets. if you can buy it from him only with the agreement that he keeps it as a gift from you then do it would be a nice gesture. Of course that is only the tip of the problem. I hate what this Org does to people's lives. Like my shrink says when I try to explain the things that happen int the Org "this is crazy making stuff." Wish I had some good answers for you, but I am still trying to figure it out myself. I hear you though and feel your frustration too.

    Love cybs

  • HappyDad


    Reading your topic has taken me from a good mood to a bad one and it is not your fault. I'm angered at the reasoning of your parents to sacrifice themselves for this bs. I feel your anger and can only give you (((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))) from Pennsylvania.

    To think that your Dad is willing to sell a Les Paul is a crime.........the crime is being deceived and scammed by the WTS. If they need someone to move to help a cong. they should pay some of the bill. But that will never happen. I can only pray for those who still believe the lie of the borg.

    I haven't played guitar for over 20 years but I'd give my left (whatever) for a Les Paul and I would play again.


  • Scully

    I agree with buying the guitar from your dad. You can tell him that you had hoped he would leave it to you when he passed away - give him some really sentimental reason - and that it is too special to you to let it go to strangers.

    Tell him he is welcome to use it to his heart's content... when he comes to visit you.

    Love, Scully

  • Margie


    First, happy big 3-0. I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

    Second, I can see why you're so angry! If you have the $$ to spare, buying the guitar from your Dad would be a very kind gesture. I know, believe me, how hard it is to see people you love not have the things they need -- even if they're doing it to themselves. I hope things start looking up for them soon.



  • BluesBrother

    When they want an elder to move in those situations, they know that they can only call upon certain ones, because the others just say No or find an excuse, As I would have done. It takes a really dedicated brother to take on that assignment, plus a new congregation where he does not know how he will be treated.. My heart goes out to them .

    Is it not ironic that this faithful brother is getting all this sympathy and ideas to help, from people that are considered "wicked apostates"

  • Scully

    heh heh

    maybe his next talk from the platform should refer to the scriptures that say "to the extent that you did not do it (feed, clothe, comfort, give shelter to) the least of these my brothers, you also did not do it to me." Then he can make them all feel like ungrateful moochers.

    Love, Scully

  • recoveringjw

    Thanks everyone!

    Bluesbrother--you are right--it is VERY ironic.

    Scully--That's a great idea! Heehee. But, he would never do that.

    I am going to call today and find out how much my Dad wants for it.

    Thanks again, everyone, for letting me vent!


  • SwordOfJah

    This does sound like a sad story from your perspective. But I wonder what your parents think about their move to where the need is greater. I doubt they think as you do as it seems they are devoted to the preaching work and doing Jehovah's will. Give your parents some credit for their spiritual decisions and feel proud of their sacrificing spirit. If you can help, go ahead and do it from the heart so they can continue their fine work.

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