They broke ground on my new house!!! :D

by Elsewhere 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    OMG! They weren't kidding when they said that things would start happening fast!

    Yesterday I met with the builder for my "Pre-Build" meeting. (This was supposed to happen BEFORE they broke ground.

    Anyway, when I drove past my lot they had already poured the slab! In talking to the builder he mentioned that they would start framing today , so I went out this morning with my camera and I was able to snap some pics of them starting to setup the frame!

    When I get home from work I'll post some pics for everyone to look at!

    I'm soooo excited!

    Oh, and I talked to the builder about letting me run some CAT 6 network cable in the house and he had no objections? so my house will be network ready with it is done!

  • Balsam

    Oh gosh remember when our new home was being built. We would go each day and take pictures of the progress. It was so exciting. We have a single story 1600 ft home and love it. Too bad your new home won't be done before Christmas. Are you buy it through a sub-division? We did and our house was completed in 2 months 3 weeks. But that was with the guys putting in extra time lots of times. And of course good weather.

    Enjoy the process.


  • cruzanheart

    Hmmmm, I'm seeing visions . . . of a Superbowl Apostafest at Elsewhere's new house!

    So how big is your TV screen?


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Keep an eye on what they're doing Else. When you notice little things you don't like, jump and scream about it. When they were building our house, a pipe had a leak and sprayed water all over one pice of wood frame for 2 days. We made them change it out. Make sure things like floors and walls are level (believe it or not, they're not always) or you'll have trouble down the road.

  • Elsewhere
    Too bad your new home won't be done before Christmas. Are you buy it through a sub-division? We did and our house was completed in 2 months 3 weeks.

    Yeah, I was actually hoping to be finished in November because I signed the paperwork sometime around April... they have just had one delay after another until now.

    Hmmmm, I'm seeing visions . . . of a Superbowl Apostafest at Elsewhere's new house!

    So how big is your TV screen?

    47inch 16:9 format HDTV. It's an Elsewhere Super Bowl Charley Brown!

    Keep an eye on what they're doing Else... Make sure things like floors and walls are level (believe it or not, they're not always) or you'll have trouble down the road.

    I already have my little torpedo level ready to go! When I'm running my network cables I will also be checking the frames.

  • Elsewhere

    The slide-show of pics is ready!

    To see the latest pics of my house, Click Here.

  • StinkyPantz

    Neato & congrats!!

  • Elsewhere

    I just got off the phone with the girl handling my account and it looks like they expect to get a lot done in a very short period of time... she said they are projecting my close date to be around November 14.

    If all goes well I should be able to have an Elsewhere Christmas in my new home!

  • kls

    Elsewhere , i am so happy for ya,,,,,,,grunt ,,,,grunt

  • Elsewhere
    Elsewhere , i am so happy for ya,,,,,,,grunt ,,,,grunt

    And I'll even grow flowers with hair!

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