Local Elder Comes By My Work & He Left Looking Discouraged!

by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    either way amac.; it is an emergency to some one who is getting thier brains scrambled from someone that will not let them live , in freedom of religion and peace liberity and the american way. as you know the wt will use any and all laws of the land to get their way. even when it comes to kissing up to the u.n. my dad pulled the same crap on me when he called the cops on me dozens of times. crying to babylon the great that i was infringing on his freedom of religion. when infact he started it all with , wt doctrine he couldn't back up. he should have kept his mouth shut. but no he couldn't till he got caught with his foot down his throat. then it was 911 he called. who taught him to act this way?. going against my freedoms the constutition gave me. the whole point is to get the cops to your place to get these persons will will not let you live in freedom of religion to let them reap what they sow. just as they would do to someone else. john

  • SAHS


    even though they knew the witness religion was bullshit I think they were still intimidated by the elders. They were also afraid of being shunned by their elderly parents. They felt it was in their best interest to avoid the elders at all costs and ride it out.

    You?ve got to hand it to the WT?they sure know how to use the most effective coercion tactics, like threatening people with being cut off from their families and friends, to keep people in line.

    They use fear of losing family ties to keep people in, but they also use DFing to kick out the non-conformists who don?t have the fear of losing family ties so they can ?keep the congregation clean.? In other words, they use fear to keep people in, until they think for themselves (hopefully not before they bring in more members), and then they?re disposed of. (Sounds like something ?Dr. Evil? on Austin Powers would think up!


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