Things kids say & do that bring a lump to your throat

by Simon 30 Replies latest social family

  • neverthere

    One year for father's day my son gave me a card, he came to me and said he had told his teacher that since he didn't have a dad (this was before my hubby came around) could he make a father's day card for me. She told him yes. He hands me the card and there I am with tears in my eyes, the front says,


    YOUR SO STRONG! (at this point I was having trouble containing the tears!

    then I open the card and it reads:


    between tears and laughing my face was awash. It was so cute, I have that card put away somewhere!


  • ApagaLaLuz

    Diana! That is so funny, in fact I nearly spit my tea out reading it. What a wonderful boy!!! :)

  • Billygoat

    The day I left my parents home, it was a very emotional day. I had recently been disfellowshipped and Dad had kicked me out the previous day and was not home when I left. My baby brothers were about 8 at the time...still very sweet and boyish. Jonathan, the quiet more sensitive one I was closest to, had a teddy bear, Fuzzy, he was very attached to. As I walked out the front door to leave for the last time, Jon yelled, "Sister wait!" He ran upstairs and got Fuzzy and handed him to me. "Here you take him. You'll take good care of him." I said, "Jon this is your Fuzzy. I won't see you for a long time. Are you sure?" He welled up in tears and said, "Yes. He'll love you when I'm not there."


    I remember leaving that day with my sweet brother in his socks at the front door...waving after mom and his twin were long inside. I get swollen up with tears just remembering that today. Jon is now 22 years old with a college degree and an active JW. He works full-time and I will always have hopes that his sensitive nature will make him see through the double-sidedness of dubdom.

    I still have that little bear.

  • brokenfairy

    aw these were so cute .... i have 4 kids and they have all said the funniest things at youngest daughter couldnt pronounce words well when she was little & she was a total luvy-duvy lil girl....she would come up to me real big and very serious & caring at the same time...take my face into her hands, take a deep breath, smile and say "mommy you are so pitiful" LOL she was trying to say beautiful! haha...altho pitiful was prob the right word....she would also say "mommy i love all the body!" > i love everybody! and "i love you to the berry sky & thats so much!"

    i miss that!

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    very nice; but don't get too swayed....

    I have learned the HARD way that they are a younger; stronger; more savy generation and breed....and are RUTHLESS

    Simon; you were being set up--I have no doubt.

    Having three kids ( age 13,10, 5) has taught me that it is us against them. I admit that they are the smarter bunch.

    My 5 year old Caroline still thinks my wife and I are great ( still comes running to us with arms wide open smiling and saying " I love you") but she is gradually being swayed over by the older ones to the "darker side" ( adolesence). They grow up to say mean things to us...but we have the money and they learn very quickly and in such a savy way how to get that money from us.

    But I do have to admit....they are cute.

  • ScoobySnax

    My nephew asked me for an X Box Crystal for Christmas.

    It brought a lump to my throat.


  • upside/down

    it's what I live for.....

    pints all around!


  • Mulan

    Our oldest grandson crawled onto my father's lap one day (he is blind) and said "great grandpa, I know you can't see me, but I love you". That got me all choked up for the day.

    The best one to me was when my grand daughter said "you aren't fat".............when I had just explained to her why I had two chins. Gotta love them.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Yesterday was my birthday, and because he has such a hard time going to my ex on his visitation days, I decided not to enforce my "two hour visit on the other parents birthday" portion of our custody agreement (yes, my ex, a JW, insisted on having our son not only for 2 hours on our son's birthday but also for 2 hours on his birthday...I can't explain the madness). Anyway, when I called my ex to explain this to him and then asked to speak to our son. He got on the phone, I asked him if he was ok (having thrown the usual fit going with dad) and he said "yes...mommy will you come get me?" and there was my lump. I told him I "couldn't tonite, but I will come get you on Thursday and we'll go out to dinner for mommy's birthday" he cheered right up & said "no mommy, I want to make pasgetti"

    It's Pasgetti nite tonite!!!

  • kj

    These stories are so sweet.

    Billygoat, your story made me cry


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