Things kids say & do that bring a lump to your throat

by Simon 30 Replies latest social family

  • Simon

    You know what I mean ... when they do something **so** nice that you nearly start to blub !!

    The other day Angharad had gone out and I was joking with the kids that with mum gone, they could have a pint of beer with me if they wanted (to see what they would say).

    Liam (7) told me in an earnest voice "dad, I don't think I'm old enough to drink beer yet. I think I have to be 16" (16 = grown up to him for everything ... he's already sussing out how old he needs to be to drive).

    Well, I told him how I was proud he was so sensible and wasn't afraid to stand up and say "no" and that I was really looking forward to when he was old enough to take me out and buy me a pint of beer (ok, father-son moment ... I was getting emotional already)

    He disappears and reappears a minute later with some money he still had left from his birthday saying "Dad ! I don't know how much beer costs but I might have enough to buy you one now !" (offering me his money)

    God, I nearly burst into tears !!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Oh wow! That is soooo cute. It feels great to know that your kids really care. He sounds like a really great smart kid.

    Last week I took my Spencer to Universal Studios Hollywood (a theme park). It was a rare time when I didnt have to watch what I spent and he was able to buy alot of souveniers. At one particular store he was with me at the counter while I paid, and his eyes got really wide at the amount. "That sure is alot of money, can we afford that?" he says. I tell him not to worry about it. The next morning I make breakfast and ask him to set the table for him and my cousin visiting. I sit down and there's an envelope with a drawing of us at the theme park and $7.00 in change. And a note that says 'Thank you for taking me'. I got all teary-eyed.

    One funny story though about drinking alcohol: My friend and I had taken Spencer to the mountains to play in the snow. When we are done we usually stop at a lodge and order hot chocolate before the drive home. Spencer was playing and got hit by a snowball, and starts crying. He was only 6 so give him a break. My friend says to him 'you gotta toughen up, when we stop at the lodge I think you need to drink a Jack and Coke in stead of hot chocolate to toughen you up, be a man.' Well after I ripped my friend a new one for talking to Spencer like that, we headed to the lodge. Where Spencer promptly ordered a Jack and Coke. I just about crawled under the table, and had a wondeful time explaining that to the waitress.

  • qwerty


    He sounds a caring boy.

    I bet you took the money too! LOL


  • jwbot

    The closest thing to children around me (since my newphews can't talk to me) is Mikes little sister who is 3. She is always telling me she loves me, its really cute.

  • Simon
    The next morning I make breakfast and ask him to set the table for him and my cousin visiting. I sit down and there's an envelope with a drawing of us at the theme park and $7.00 in change. And a note that says 'Thank you for taking me'. I got all teary-eyed.

    Yeah, they have a way of getting *right* to your heart don't they?!

    Liam is very empathetic ... he asks how people are or what happened to them when he sees things on TV. Dylan is quite caring too: when he and a little girl in the class had a turn to take the register back to the office they got shut out of morning assembly by mistake. When the teacher realised she found the little girl crying and Dylan sat comforting her telling her not to worry and he'd look after her.

  • Simon
    I bet you took the money too! LOL

    Hey, a pint is a pint

  • qwerty
    Hey, a pint is a pint

    Spoke like true Northerner!


  • bikerchic

    *wipes tears from her eyes*

    You guys with your stories..........they are just so precious! I have a bunch of 'em rattling around in my head but after raising 5 kids I can't remember who did what to whom or who said what to who's on first????

    Love the stories, thanks for putting a huge smile on my face.


  • SheilaM

    *awwwww* very special moment Simon

  • LittleToe

    That's so cool!!!

    But you do realise that it's opened the floodgates to ask for more pocket-money
    Kids are savvy!!!

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