Refusing to eat Lucky Charms cereal...

by Confucious 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • nb-dfed

    Cereal wasn't a big deal in my house, as long as we never said anything about to anyone in the cong. We didn't want to stumble anyone! I remember that some people (namely the c.o.'s wife) thought that disney movies were demonic, so we weren't allowed to talk about that either. My parents also had a rule about movies with "swears" in them. I forget the limit, but if the number of swear words in a movie was over a certain limit, we had to turn the movie off. My dad would give me books to read after he finished them and he would use a sharpie to black out all swear words (including "damn" and "hell") and any sex scenes. Bizarre.

  • simplesally

    I loved the Flinstones cereals........... Apple Jacks, Cheerios with a teaspoon of sugar sprinkled across........mmmmmmmmm Frosted Flakes!!!

  • Confucious

    Apple Jacks is bad because... You know. Jacking off???

    And Cherrio's is bad because... You know. Cheer's??? Clinking glasses???

  • Mac


    My sister ate Lucky Charms and Apple Jacks by the bucket full but I always found them to be much too sweet.. I could do Trix and Cocoa Puffs but preferred Raison Brand and Shreaded Wheat...magically nutritious!


  • simplesally

    What about Pop Tarts???????? Oh my grandmother used to always have them in the house and Mom would never buy them. It was a treat to go on vacation with Mother (grandma) and Gramps!

  • Mac

    Yes, we did the Pop Tart thing (mmmm...strawberry) and the toaster waffles as well. All things I didn't allow my own kids to partake of. My oldest son was hyperactive... sugar and preservative restrictions were the key for us in managing it without medications.

    mac, le'go my eggo class

  • joenobody

    Anyone remember the paranoia over lecithin? I remember we couldn't eat Sugar Smacks because they contained lecithin. It wasn't until someone in our congregation wrote Kelloggs and got clarification that it was SOYA lecithin and not extracted from animal blood. I was confused as hell as a young kid about how a cereal could have blood in it. Assinine stuff upon reflection.

  • Scully

    joenobody wrote:

    Anyone remember the paranoia over lecithin? I remember we couldn't eat Sugar Smacks because they contained lecithin. It wasn't until someone in our congregation wrote Kelloggs and got clarification that it was SOYA lecithin and not extracted from animal blood. I was confused as hell as a young kid about how a cereal could have blood in it. Assinine stuff upon reflection.

    hellya!! We couldn't go to Dairy Queen for ice cream for about 3 years due to that lecithin stupidity!! Love, Scully

  • Alleymom
    We couldn't go to Dairy Queen for ice cream for about 3 years due to that lecithin stupidity!!

    Scully --

    An exJW once told me there was a type of chocolate candy bar she wasn't allowed to have because of the lecithin --- can't remember which one.

    I've been a member of the Compuserve Religon Forum for years and it's so weird to read the posts from the one and only remaining JW (they've all faded away over the years). He keeps insisting that he's been a member of the organization for over 30 years and the elders never MAKE you do anything and never control your life, and it's always a matter of conscience, yadda yadda.

    Then I come over here (where you have all so graciously allowed me to visit and occasionally post) and what do I hear? You weren't allowed to go to Dairy Queen!


  • Dan-O
    Doesn't everyone have childhood memories like that??

    Nope. I have fond childhood memories of Count Chocula, Booberry, and Frankenberry. Ditto for The Funky Phantom and Scooby Doo. Maybe my old man wasn't such a tight-ass after all ... even though Bewitched and Dark Shadows were still off limits.

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