My Governer is gay

by RR 83 Replies latest social current

  • amac

    In response to those that say infidelity doesn't matter in public office, I disagree.

    Marriage vows are very important, more important than a temporary term in office. I say this meaning the vow itself is more binding (unless you went with non-traditional vows about loving your mate more than chocolate.) So to treat such an important vow with disregard is a reflection on that person and how they will view other vows and promises.

    I realize that each case is different and the circumstances for each will say a lot. But I do think it is something that deserves attention.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    What really struck me about this whole episode is the depth of courage that it took for this man to come forward and admit that 1) he had an affair; 2) that he is gay; and 3) that he could not fulfill the duties of his office. Perhaps this admission was done as a pre-emptive strike as a result of a possible lawsuit, or the possibility that such a thing, if leaked to the news media, would be damaging to the office of Governor, but I really believe the guy finally just felt so pressured and upset that he finally had to do something about it.

    As we all know, from being former cult members, it's very hard to live a double life. Internal conflicts can cause many psychological and physiological health problems. I believe he just got tired of living under the intense burden of this internal conflict, and the external pressure of blackmail. By announcing this, he put himself out there and diffused the blackmail attempt, and in addition, showed the media that this Cecil person was attempting extortion. He can *now* turn around and have the police charge the Cecil person with blackmail, and/or extortion. By doing this, he shows that his lover is not credible and thusly could gain no favor from a jury on his claims of sexual harassment. Brilliant tactical move. In fact, maybe he could even sue the Cecil person...whatever that guy's name is.

    I feel very sorry for the man's family. My relative was married for 22 years and produced 3 beautiful girls before he finally came out and admitted to being gay. His marriage was ruined, obviously, and his girls were very hurt. But he was in a great amount of pain all his life at hiding his true self. I felt sorry for the girls at family reunions because they were the objects of great pity and rumor, and I am sure they knew it. But that's all water under the bridge now as everything, eventually, turned out for the best. His ex-wife is somewhat bitter, of course, but she still has his side of the family that envelope her with love and embrace her, so I know she is grateful for that. They can even be in the same family reunion now, and there's really no hard feelings. I just hope it works out, in the long run, for this man and his family. I think he did the right thing, all things considered.

    Country Girl

  • jwbot
    but, my point is that i think you have to choose if you are gay or if you are straight, or if you think you were born bi, i think you should choose to only have intercourse with ONE of the sexes, and if you want to do both, i think that is wrong, and i will say it bluntly, i think it is WRONG.

    DH what the hell is your problem? I will try not to get mad at you as you are obviously very ignorant to that issue. Do you find both blonde women and brunette women attractive? Well I think you should just pick ONE of the hair colors and if you want to do both that is WRONG!

    I am bisexual. In fact, I am slightly more attracted to females than I am males. I have fallen in love with a womderful man though. Does that mean I will cheat on him with a female!?!? Absolutely not!!! It means that I find both females and males to be sexually attractive. A lot of people find more than one person to be sexually attractive and that does not mean they will not remain monogamous. If you are married to a brunette, will that mean you will want to have sex with a blonde on the side just because you are attracted to both types? I hope you understand what I am saying.

    I am extremely offended in what you said, and that has nothing to do with you being politically incorrect, but rather just plain old ignorant.

  • StinkyPantz


    I adore you..

  • jwbot

    StinkyPantz, you never fail to make me feel really good :) It also helps that I feel if you agree with me, then I must be on the right track about something :)

  • Pleasuredome

    LT, mandelson quite likes his title of 'prince of darkness' and i'm sure it not for nothing that he has that title. camp is mentioned for his hypocrisy and manipulativeness of getting a mate of his at the BBC to ban any mention of himself being gay. i'm sure you remember.

  • LittleToe

    It's ok, you really probably don't need to expalin your knee-jerk bourgeois-fascist remarks to me

    I just feel uncomfortable seeing comments about paedophiles being brandished on threads about gay issues. For that matter, I have a couple of gay friends that I can assure you, you would NEVER guess their orientation from looks alone. Hence the "camp" comment is potentially misleading, too.

    An interesting viewpoint, and I suspect one that is self-confessedly ignorant of the sexual practices of homosexuals and bisexuals. I suspect this to be especially in the areas of "hygiene" and "which acts are compulsory".

    I also suspect you have all the motivation you need to go and research this topic properly, now. Hopefully it will prove enlightening. Nonetheless, you are quite entitled to your opinion.

    Too much "suspicion" going on here. I need to butt out (excuse the pun ).

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I think our Euorpeans friends are ahead of us Americans about this issue; In Europe, no one would care about the Governors sexual orientation. The fact that he was unfaithful to his wife would be "handled" and dismissed; life would go on. the job favoritism would become the issue, as I suspect it will here.

    some Americans may not be phased, but I suspect that most of "AMERICA" is still very provincial in its interpertation of such sexual matters . The media and the fundamentalist Christians; the right wing and THE JEHOVAHS WITNESSES will make a big issue of this. In America, we tend to hold our public figures ( celebrities and politicians) up to impossible standards. Look at Bill Clinton. Why was Martha Stewart convicted of lying in a Federal investigation and Bill Clinton was not? Personaly, I did not care if Bill "did it" with Monica or not. It is an issue between Bill and his wife. She obviously is still married to him. But the American public and media DEVOURED it.

    Europe, however, is centuries ahead of America on social issues; as one of the previous posters said " so what? find something else to stir up the pot".

    Yes, I agree with previous posts that the real issue is that he continually put his lover in positions of office ( on taxpayer money) and homeland security! ( the lover was not even American!). I would take issue with that if I was a resident of New Jersey.

    The governer will most likely go on with his life and make a fortune on the book and lecture circiuit; the gay community will assure him acceptence. His lover, however, I suspect will be hard pressed to land a new job.

  • Pleasuredome

    LT, you have gay friends?

  • LittleToe

    I have several hetero, gay, lesbian and bi-sexual friends, yes.
    Do you?

    I should also have added that one of my friends is VERY camp, happily married and TOTALLY hetero. Looks can be deceiving the other way, too

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