My Governer is gay

by RR 83 Replies latest social current

  • myauntfanny

    Had to laugh, dh, just before I read your message I was sitting here reading Gala (eurotrash gossip rag) and thinking "gosh, Princess Stephanie looks old, even though she's younger than me, etc etc". Now are you saying you think I should stop doing that?

  • blondie

    The first thing that came to mind was that he had not been faithful to his wife, whether with a man or a woman (or men and/or women).

  • LittleToe


    He's a hottie too.. figures he's gay.

    Sorry, you're gonna have to explain that one to me... If you were talking about his dress sense and interior decorating skills, I might understand where you were coming from, but on the basis of the information you've supplied...
    I think the biggest thing here seems to be that he employed his boyfriend to public office.
    His wife (at least on the face of it) appears to be supporting him, regardless of what ultimately happens to the relationship. I never really understood what affairs had to do with ones ability to do a job, anyhow.

  • Maverick

    Know why N.J. has the most toxic waste sites and Calif. has the most divorce lawyers? N.J. got first pick! Mav

  • blondie


    There certainly have been oodles of examples of maritally unfaithful politicians who were able to do their jobs. Where I work, you would step down or be fired only if there was a conflict, e.g., having an affair with a subordinate (or with your supervisor's spouse).

  • Pleasuredome


    i think SP is saying he's gay because he's so good looking. i get it all the time, mate.

  • myauntfanny


    Just to clarify, I wasn't agreeing he must be gay just because he's hot. I was just agreeing that he was attractive. But women often experience meeting a cute guy and then finding out he's gay, and we like to have a little moan about it now and then. I didn't think SP meant more than that. But I don't know SP so I could be wrong.

  • Elsewhere
    He's a hottie too.. figures he's gay.

    lol... yeah he's a Pretty Boy... must be gay.

  • NeonMadman

    RR, funny you should mention, my governor is gay too...

  • dh
    Had to laugh, dh, just before I read your message I was sitting here reading Gala (eurotrash gossip rag) and thinking "gosh, Princess Stephanie looks old, even though she's younger than me, etc etc". Now are you saying you think I should stop doing that?

    no, not at all, and i'm not pro gay, in fact i've been accused of being the opposite more than once, but i believe that the guy is a human being and what he does in his private life is his concern, nothing to do with us. if you mean my comments regarding the press shouldn't be able to publish info on the private lives of people, i mean this as in, with intentions of smearing a persons name or credibility, a photo is a photo, we each see what we see in those photos, and it's not always the same. this being said i totally think they (the press) shouldn't be allowed to do smear people with things that are irrelevant, likewise i think the small minded public who buy into it are just that, small minded. people argue that with position & fame comes a certain amount of press intrusion BUT does who you have sex with have anything to do with your job? and yeah, trash magazines about other peoples lives, gossip and this garbage, i know large sections of society are into it, but me being the person i am, i think they are pathetic. imo: people read about other peoples downfalls to make themselves feel better about their own shortcomings, amuse themselves by watching the downfall of someone who they were never capable of being. that's what i don't agree with, and that's why i don't like the press hyping things up as they do. they are just my thoughts.

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