I just confronted a car full of dubs in the preaching work!

by Atilla 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    LMAO @ Mary!

    Great idea!

  • shamus

    A typical head buried in the sand attitude. Doesn't suprise me in the least.

    They will keep they're head buried there until they choose to look.

  • wednesday

    It will not do any good until that person has a bad esperience or two with JWS themselves. I once met an apostate in door to door, i was in early 30's and he a bit older.. I went in the house (breaking the rules-if u are alone u should not enter a home) and he was nice but so eager to denouce the jws- he scared me to death. I had never even read one apostate thing, and as a good jws, did not intend to. I did not know about anything he was trying to tell me, Russell, Rutherford, and the like. He finally realized that and said "u don't know about any of this do u, and i'm scaring u". I just looked at my watch and made my excuse and left. what he said did nothing to cause me to want to research Russel and Rutherford, and of course being pre internet days, i had no easy acess to literature, that i knew of. i think the important thing when u meet jws now, is

    DO NO HARM. he did no harm and he was sorry he had scared me.

    i know most of us l despise the org, (and rightly so) but as a jws that day, i was just doing what they told me to and knew nothing. If that man had berated me, i may have never looked away from the org. All u can do is give this info in a nice way and hope they remember it when their "crisis of conscience" comes.


    and btw, atila, u rock

  • SheilaM

    Atilla: Way to go.....

    I had my own lil rush today. I went to vote in the primary and checked to see if Thunders name was on the list so he could too. I said this is the first time Thunder will vote, the elderly late says "really" I said yes he was raised a dub but after we found out they harbored pedophiles we just couldn't belong anymore.

    SHE and the entire room was all ears while I explained the "issues" with dubsWell, my vote may count for little but HELL I sure got some people not wanting the dubs in their life.

  • Sunspot

    Way ta GO!!!

    I'd love to be there when you make YOUR return visit with that neighbor, LOL!



  • Atilla

    I don't think it will be that weird because I kinda know the lady across the street and know her husband even better. I will not get into deep WT stuff like Russel or anything but rather simply tell her my story, how I was raised a dub, and a few mentions about how dangerous and boring it is for kids, no sports, no blood donations, maybe even the two witness thing for child abuse. I will tell her it is her decision to keep taking the magazines or keep studying and that I simply wanted to give her a warning. Plus, I think it would be great if that dub guy lost a return visit because of me, bonus.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    atilla: EXTRA GOOD JOB. YOU DID fine!!!!!!!! you shut them down. once they can't answer you . with facts you busted them, and they know if they dig deeper, they will find more crap. they hate facts at that point you,can now honestly call them hypocrites, liars false witnesses . and having a double standard. i confronted 3 jw's yesterday and one today, igo straight on the attack . i hit them with questions they never heard before. then challange them , that i'll go right now to the k hall and look it up for them . since they are calling me a liar.. trust me there are very few people out there , that can knock a jw for a loop. and as we all know jw's need to be brought down to earth. it hurts them very deeply when someone puts them in their place. Atilla you did great sounds like you may just have made them lose a study.. keep up the good work. it gets easier and more fun, every time you confront them. john as i tell them if they can't answer my questions or why jesus would pick a false prophet. they have no business knocking on doors and calling them selves ministers. they should be honest and just tell people they are publishers , and not able to question what ever the wt tells them. true or false

  • kls

    I am sitting here with the biggest grin on my face.,,,,,,,, You should be proud.

  • wednesday


    iI hope i did not come across as critizing u, far from it. i agree, u should go for it. my mesage was only to try and be kind . I don't think it helps to have people hate us. just give info if they will listen. u did great.

    btw i just struck a blow to jws myself. i just called the city hall asking about where to vote and all, and explained i had been one of jehovah's witness and we were not allowed to vote, so i knew nothing about the actual process. it is so embarassing to be an adult and know nothing about the nuts and bolts of the voting process. but u should have heard the gasp on the end of the line when i told her i had not been allowed to vote


  • BluesBrother

    Rock on - Attilla!

    is this a lie on the UN website, is the UN lying? He said "yes", they can't be trusted.

    What a pratt ! and so ignorant, not only of this issue but of the whole system ..

    Wednesday , Good one ! it explained the point nicely and showed up the dubs to those people..

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