Do JWs Marry At Too Young of an Age???

by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I've got no pride in nothin'.

  • BluesBrother

    If it is customary in the U S for young dubs to marry in their teens, then it is not WT policy and very differnt from the practice here.. I have known for a Kingdom Hall to be refused as a place of wedding because the couple were thought to be too young, by the body of elders.


    fy chap. 2 pp. 15-16 Preparing for a Successful Marriage ***
    Living up to such a commitment requires maturity. Thus, Paul counsels that Christians do better not to marry until they are "past the bloom of youth," the period when sexual feelings run strong and can distort one?s judgment. (1 Corinthians 7:36) Young people change rapidly as they grow up. Many who marry when very young find that after just a few years their needs and desires, as well as those of their mate, have changed. Statistics reveal that teenagers who marry are much more likely to be unhappy and seek divorce than those who wait a little longer. So do not rush into marriage. Some years spent living as a young, single adult can give you precious experience that will make you more mature and better qualified to be a suitable mate. Waiting to get married can also help you to understand yourself better?a necessity if you are to develop a successful relationship in your marriage

    Also, divorcees/widows of either sex seem to have no problem finding a spouse within the congo, if they want one, in my observation

  • notperfectyet


    I had many in my hall refuse to come to my wedding because of our age. I agree with the fact it is not a witness thing but a sex thing, or a getting out of the home thing. In my case it was the latter.

    As far as getting remarried, I had no problem with that either, I had many brothers who wanted me, but I was past the bloom of youth, and knew no sex was better than bad sex.

    LOL..after the bloom of youth, I am looking for a best friend.


    How old were you when you got married? Was it to young? Did you want or dream of other sisters? Did you ever dream about or get aroused with the sisters you counseled? Did you get turned on by their statements? Are you happy now?

    edited to say: Thank you Chevy for noticing my 777

    Is that perfection?

  • minimus

    NPY, I answered your first 2 questions in the thread, if you bothered to read it. The other questions are typically notperfectyet and a long way to go!

  • Mary

    I remember one couple in our Hall a couple of years ago. He was 19 when he started dating a 14 year old girl. Her family were absolute losers, she was dumb as a post. Far from being concerned about the relationship, her parents let her quit school at 15 to date this guy. Apparently, she was so dumb she couldn't go to school and date at the same time (ya, she's blonde too). No one could ever figure out what this guy saw in her as he was very good looking and had a good job, but I think I knew: his mother was an over-bearing bitch and he wanted someone totally opposite to what his mother was, so he married the dumbest girl around. They got married when she was 16 and he was 21. She's not only has grade 9 education, she's never held a job in her life and is about as close to being a Stepford Wife as you could possibly get in a human................but she does pioneer.

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