Do JWs Marry At Too Young of an Age???

by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • notperfectyet


    Once again you make me mad.

    You attack XQ on things you know nothing about, and you answer no questions.

    I got married at 16.

    Given up by parents who believed 1975 was coming, they married me off to a elders son.

    19 years later and 3 kids, he fornicated multiple times, And got away with it. I was the one who was always lacking, I divorced him with scripitual grounds, who got shunned?

    You figure it out mini...once again if you were an elder.........I pity the people you counseled.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I was dating at 18 and engaged by 19, to someone 11 years older than me. At the time I thought I was the smartest thing in the world. I wanted to get married so I could get out of my parent's house, and he wanted to get married to have sex. I was too young, but not to young to know I shouldnt get married. I can only imagine what my life would be like now and the people I owuld have hurt.

    btw, wanted to point out that the above post is notperfectyet's 777th post. I think that's a pretty cool number.

  • minimus

    NPY, YOU were a baby! 16 is a child! Don't be mad at me. Your parents should've had their heads checked letting or encouraging you to get married. You were but a child.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Yeah 16 lil young. The average marriage last less than 7 years. So 19 years is almost 3 times the average. I know most people would say "its a failed marriage", but is it really?

  • minimus

    Whether you want to call it a "failed marriage" is up to you. I simply feel that JWs encourage marriage when "children" are not ready----like they do in baptism!

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Of course they do; their adolescent hormones are raging, and marriage (and often a subsequent pregnancy) is one way to deflect the incessant pressure to pioneer, go to Bethel, etc.

  • minimus

    Room, GOOD POINT! At least you can still have legit sex!

  • XQsThaiPoes

    True, it is like throwing a fight. Their was a simular thing on the CO thread (and most cos are geezers). If I was at bethel the best way to bow out is to get married and have a baby. Or imagine you have parents that say something stupid like to live here after 18 you have to pioneer.

  • minimus

    by the way----I'm at 11001 posts!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    now min, is that something to reeeeeeeeealy be proud of?


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