Do JWs Marry At Too Young of an Age???

by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    My best friend married a 16 ( Barely) year old! PO's daughter. Fornicated before marriage. No one knew. Still together afrer 25+ years and is an "eldress" today.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Miss Manners says that ANY age is too young for JWs to marry.

    Also, I've noted that single JW guys will not marry divorced women unless they are divorced themselves!

    That is because they are major dorks who don't want to marry "used goods." Once those brothers divorce and become "used goods" themselves it's not such a big deal anymore. They have figured out that training virgin JW sisters isn't all it's cracked up to be. No pun intended.


  • glitter

    My mum's best friend (not a JW, they've been best friends since 12), has a 19 year old daughter. Soon she is moving in with her boyfriend (also 19 and a really lovely kid). My mum is very happy for her (not looking down on her at all) and we all think it's sweet how she's "playing house".

    The other week I found out a girl from my old congregation will be marrying 2 months before her 18th birthday. I asked the elder who told me if the fiance was also 17 - no; he doesn't know how old, but he's "quite a bit older".
    I just think *marrying* at 17 is creepy, wouldn't have been so bad if they were just living together like the 19 year old (yes there's a difference between 17 and 19, but not *that* much).
    She can't just turn round and go back home as easily if it doesn't work out.

    This poor kid was baptised at 9 or 10 years old and homeschooled from about 8.
    Her parents got married very young and had her at about 20 or 21.

  • mkr32208

    I married at 20 my wife was 20 we've been married 9 years in jan. Shes still jw, I'm an athiest. Almost all of our friends who got married around the same age and time are divorced and or df'd...

  • doogie

    my little brother (still a JW) got married this last winter. he's 21 which isn't that young, i know, but considering his experience with girls it's crazy young. the girl he married is the older sister of my best friend growing up. let's see...i'm a year and a half older than my brother, my friend is about a year/year and a half older than me, and his sister is probably a year or two older than him... Well, at least one of them waited plenty long before gettin hitched.

    hey, whatever makes you happy. you only have a 50% chance of making it for the long haul anyway, right? those are pretty good odds (...if you're playing craps).

  • wordlywife

    Yes!! Minimus, you have such great questions!

    My husband married his first wife (both JW) just shy of 18, and she was 19 almost 20. He wanted out of the house and didn't want to commit fornication, just as an earlier post described. I am not JW and never will be, although I attend the KH with him occasionally for support.


  • GermanXJW

    There is a joke at least among German JW:

    - Why do JW get married in the afternoon ???

    - Because in the morning they are at school. ;-)

    I got married at age 21 ...

  • NeonMadman

    I was 26 when I got married the first time as a JW, and I was still too immature to make that decision; if I had been more experienced with women, I would have known that the one I was marrying was not the right one for me. We divorced after 23 years, and now I've finally married the one I should have in the first place, my non-JW high school sweetheart.

    On the other hand, an ex-JW couple who are close friends of mine got married when he was 21 and she was a few days over 16, and they are still together and in love after 33 years.

  • Larry

    I was 22 and she was 20. And yes, they marry too young. At the time I married 22 was too old - go figure.

    LL :)

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I am 47 yo was a jdub since 1957.

    It plays like this,,,,,,sisters married at age 16 and,boys at 18 //// The18 y.o. boys get married to the 16 y.o. girls.

    OR,they leave the 'troof' at age 19.

    Exceptions,are elders enjoy the perk of robbing the cradle.

    The last time we had this topic I received a cascade of rebuts that i don't know what i'm talking about..

    Hey,this was what I saw in massachusetts,florida and new hampshire usa 1957-1992

    my server is acting up and that's it...

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