Complement a Poster

by Black Man 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca
  • TR

    About a year ago, I came to this forum as "dubby", then changed to my initials(TR)in September 2000. I've been here a while, and the place keeps getting more interesting all the time. Never boring. I can honestly say that I've read at least some of everyone's posts.

    I'll have to say though, I've been kind of a secret fan of Farkel, JanH, AlanF, Mommie Dark, Norm, and Kent Since way before I came to this forum. Nobody can use the word "dummy" like Farkel. Just read some of his essays. Too funny, man! I crap my pants laughing when I read your stories, Farkel.

    The people I admire on THIS forum since I came here is almost too numerous to list. I honestly enjoy all who post, warts and all. Heads up your asses and all(Yes Fred, this means you)

    I admire Simon for being a true gentleman with a sense of humor who doesn't throw his weight around like some forum despot. You're a class act, Simon.


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • Farkel


    : I crap my pants laughing when I read your stories, Farkel.

    I have to crap my pants writing half the stuff I write. I crap my pants doing research on stuff. Those who do research on JW stuff crap their pants, too. One cannot research WT stuff and NOT crap their pants. If they don't, they ain't right. Those who never do any research never crap their pants. So, I guess all of this means "follow the crap" because the WTS lies are hidden in all that crap. It is not a pretty sight. It's messy work, but someone has to do it! Bring lots of toilet paper, though and be prepared to use it!.

    Farkel, who simply must take a big dump right now.....

  • Quester

    I love this thread!
    Warm fuzzies to all.
    Group hug everyone.

    I am a secret fan of:

    1. Ginny's cuz of posts on the Jesus
    Seminar and I'm very into that.

    2. I like to read Sunchild's posts too,
    cuz I am often interested in the same topics,
    spirituality/science threads, etc.


  • ozziepost

    G'day youse all,

    O.K. it's time for me to open my trap! I've been deliberately quiet on this one, 'cos I'm really a new age sensitive guy and I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

    Anyhow, if I say I love everybody, will that be OK?

    Or, what about, is there anyone we don't appreciate?.......No, that won't do either.

    Oh well, look I always scan everybody's post but read some especially closely, like the colonials for example in Oz and Canada. Well, I've gotta keep up-to-date with me mates. And then there's that dignified sorta chap Mac somebody or other who is always referencing something for us. Oh and I like to read from that guy who goes to his field service meeting place at the pub!

    I do think we should give each other mutual hugs all round. Venice will ya hug me, too?

    You're all invited to the next Sydney BBQ at the end of the month. Can ya make it? Hope so. In the meantime, let's kick ass!

    And Simon, before I go to bed tonite, thanks for having us at your place, mate. Real neat, man.


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • neyank

    All right.
    If you guys keep trying to be nice and keep
    complimenting each other,I'm going to have to tell the elders
    on you all.
    They'll straighten you out! They will reajust your thinking on matters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    There are too many here to list that I enjoy reading.

    So I will just say thanks to ya'all.


  • Sunchild
    And (((((sunchild))))) from a fellow Michigander

    Hugs received and returned. Thank you. Where in Michigan are you, anyway?


    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • Sunchild
    2. I like to read Sunchild's posts too,
    cuz I am often interested in the same topics,
    spirituality/science threads, etc.

    *sniffle* I exist! I exist! Thank you so much.

    *Rochelle, who needs acknowledgement more than she lets on.

    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • Tina

    I always read your posts. I think you're one of the talented writers on this board. Just wanted to let you know.luv,Tina
    And I am impressed with your artistic abilities too!

  • LovesDubs

    Oh my, it's the Peoples Choice Awards of Cyberville :) Sally Fields would love this..."You LIKE me you really really LIKE me!"


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