My apeal of disfellowshiping letter

by D wiltshire 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • reagan_oconnor

    I appealed (was one of very few who EVER appealed in my Cong, from what I now know) and lost the appeal (of course).

    Although the Appeal Committee did in fact state that the DFing was handled inappropriately, they still allowed the decision to stand. I think it's one of those "can't step on the toes of the local boys" attitudes -- you never know who is going to take you out for hospitality when you give a talk at their hall...


    "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."

  • chipster

    yeah, especially if the hospitality luch is at wendy's or burger king...LOL

    i used to like to cut out right after giving my public talk when visiting another congo...that way i didn't have to deal with "hospitality"...LOL


  • Kent

    I wonder what they would do if anyone "confessed" to having sex to 50% of all members of the cong? LOL. I'd like to see the apeal hearings :)

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Mulan

    I know of third generation JW, who successfully appealed a df'ing. He was a close friend of my brother's so this is absolutely the truth. He had gotten many in the congregations to invest in a bogus investment thing, unknowingly. Everyone lost everything, including him. So he faced a JC, that df'd him. He appealed and lost. Then he wrote to the Society and implied he was consulting an attorney. They overturned the disfellowshipping, after it had been announced. Then they walked away.

  • chipster


    was his name 'brother teflon'??? LOL

    sounds like a slickster that i knew from boston......his specialty was embezzlement and employee exploitation(usually sisters, easy prey).... a very dear brother..LOL

    after his rise back to power he denounced an unrepentant sinner that was being DFd (he was the chairman of the JC) "by the holy spirit you were appointed, and by the holy spirit you are being removed from the congregation" wow. seems like the revived wayward ones are the harshest judges whenever they come back into power....

    btw, the brothers first name was Richard. we all called him "big dick".. the name was very appropriate. LOL

  • ofcmad

    I admire your attitude. LOL

    So I went to the meeting sat in the front row af the hall and no annoucement.

    Unless it's different in the Hall you attended, all APOSTATES AND INGRATES would sit in the back of the hall. I love the fact that you showed that they didn't even have control of where you sat!


    "Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/Dogma
  • LDH


    Thanks for writing your experience down. I'll tell you now to save it somewhere on your hard drive so you can re-post it in the future if you decide to. It's worth it.

    When I was df'd at 20, I appealed it. Based not on the JC mishandling of the case, although they did. Based on the fact that I was truly repentant for what I had done.

    The appeal was denied, I was told directly that I needed to face punishment. What I wouldn't give for a tape recording of those meetings.

    I REALLY want someone to tape one of these kangaroo court sessions.


  • mike

    It wouldn't be easy, but why not try to argue that the Society states you can record your Judicial Commitee hearing?
    Or is a JC not a christian meeting?

    *** w78 1/1 32 ***
    Questions from Readers

    Q Is it improper to make tape recordings of public prayers?
    Some Christians personally choose not to do so. But the Bible does not speak against making a record, written or otherwise, of the words of a prayer.—2 Chron. 33:18.

    A person may make a tape recording of a Christian meeting so he can review it later or share it with others who could not attend. In making such recordings, some Christians begin recording after the opening prayer and stop recording before the concluding prayer.

    They may reason that, basically, prayer is not a means of formally instructing others. Prayer, rather, is considered a personal expression to God, though others present may listen and concur by saying “Amen.” Furthermore, a person making a recording of the meeting knows that if the prayer were on the tape he would not later listen to it and say “Amen,” as if the recording were a prayer wheel that ‘sent up’ a prayer each time it was played.

    It is of interest, though, that many prayers are written down in the Bible. (Gen. 24:10-14; Matt. 26:36-39; John 11:41, 42; 17:1-26; Acts 4:23-30) In reading these prayers we do not look on them as requiring our “Amen.”—Rom. 8:26, 27.

    Of course, these prayers are part of the Bible; they are there because God wanted them to be included. (2 Tim. 3:16) And some persons may respond differently to a tape-recorded prayer from the way they do to a prayer in the Bible. Consequently, as long as no request has been made not to make a recording, the individual Christian may determine for himself whether he will include the prayers if he records a Christian meeting. There is nothing Scripturally wrong with this.


    "Doubt is not a pleasant mental state but certainty is a ridiculous one." --Voltaire

  • patio34

    D Wiltshire,
    Nice to meet you and look forward to your posts.

    I'll remember that point about what victims of the kangaroo court said stuck with you over the years. So, despite the angst it causes you (but it may well be a good catharsis), your points and letter might wake someone up someday.

    Kudos for you!


  • noidea


    Thank you for sharing.

    Our cong. recently had a visit from our CO. He gave a talk directed to the youth. He mentioned that if they were old enough to drive a car they were old enough to be baptized. Not to be sitting on the fence. My daughter who I let drive up and down our driveway (13 years old) was so upset she cried saying I'm just not ready for a step like that. I told her no I didn't think she was either.

    It seems at the assemblies that some are so young. (I was 12 and pushed into it) I don't mind having a commitment to Jehovah, but I do mind that I was not allowed to do it on my own. I think the org. wants them young so they can get a hold on them earlier in life. Straighten up, walk the line or loose everything.

    I say why appeal? To them apostasy is the unforgivable sin, an appeal will not work, they think you are a ticking bomb waiting to explode.

    Only you know how you feel about Jehovah. Apostasy is: When you turn your back on him, not an org. They are not the same. Remember this and don't hold him responsible. If you hold Jehovah responsible than you are agreeing that the org. is his channel of communication. The org. can hurt you only if you let them.

    Keep us posted.

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