Subtle Propaganda at DC -but Noticeable To Us

by Had Enough 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    I appreciate the need to not jump overboard when hearing this stuff and think that it's being said because of us, and I tried to be very objective in my observations this weekend not wanting to be biased.

    However, with the amount of repetition these type of phrases were given and the way they were worded, stuck out to me like hearing fingernails on chalkboard.

    I have seen the Korah drama done before, and don't recall near the emphasis on equating "obeying Moses meant obeying God" along with all the other subtleties.

    If it is my be it...but, in just MHO, that's not how it came across to me and to others there who picked up on the same thing. Whether we have any affect on them or not, only time will tell....but I'm not holding my breath.

    Had Enough

  • Moxy

    im not saying that you are imagining it, just that the tendency exists. i will see what i think myself next weekend. you are right of course, and i dont think theres any question on this point, that the theme of the drama and other talks is directed at stemming the loss due to growing rebelliousness. but i dont see this as a 'direct' response to the threat of x-jw groups on the internet, but certainly an indirect one. in other words, i dont really think that the teaching committee is sitting there planning the program saying, 'well here's what's being said on this webpage, now how can we address that?' altho indirectly that may appear to be the case.


  • Tina

    Thank you! I appreciate the summary of the DC. When I read these I can't help but get a feeling of deja-vu-they recylce and recycle don't they? luv,Tina

    psssssst BETHelMOle's the name

  • RedhorseWoman

    Sounds pretty much like the regular "broad brush" approach. The meaning was pretty obvious, but it was also very general. In this way, they can affect the thinking of all of the JWs in whatever "non-spiritual" pursuits they may wish to get involved. Those who enjoy the Internet can feel "Internet guilt". Those who are thinking about supporting themselves in a decent manner can enjoy "education guilt". And so on.....

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Yes RhW:

    I found it interesting that their talks made the jabs in line with the KM to be discussed next month. Discouraging the pursuit of higher ed. again in favour of immediate pioneering out of school was the obvious message...again veering away from the seeming let-up of pressure in the 90's WT articles that lead us to believe it was OK to seek training in some field since times were getting tougher to make ends meet. What struck me as an interesting approach was the subtle one-liners interjected in an unrelated talk instead of a complete talk on the subject.

    Hey Tina:
    Cute picture!

    Had Enough

  • Wolfy

    I wanted to say I am sorry I didn't get to meet you Had Enough. It's funny wife mentioned the same thing to her grandmother that it is obvious who were going to be the one's who went against Moses in the drama...She didn't see it that way of course..Been a dub for over 60 years....
    Kinda funny..My daughter was asleep and I thought I would wake her up for the drama...She's half asleep and in her 6 year old voice says...Daddy..I have seen all the dramas before..Goes back to

    I have to say I felt like I was being reprimanded and lectured too about being a bad me the are not allowed to do this but you HAVE to do this..

    I agree with your observations Had Enough, take care


    (BTW..My firewall goes nuts when I come here...Wondering if anyone else has that experience.)

  • esther

    Redhorsewoman, yes it is the same old stuff as they have been spouting for decades. By making it general, it can apply to almost anything.

    That way, the elders can apply it to whatever the main problems are in their congregations, when they do the rehash at the meetings.

    Wolfy, you commented

    (BTW..My firewall goes nuts when I come here...Wondering if anyone else has that experience.)
    Mine does, too


  • Kismet

    Thanks for your observations HadEnough. I can't say I am sorry I will be missing it this year.. shudder.

    Hackaw..How do you know Zenon. Interesting sort he is. I knew him well during his single days at bethel but once he got hitched he became mr loner.

    A wee bit on the arrogant side.

    Also HadEnough mentioned David Walker. Interesting dude. his wife died and he married one of the young nurses at bethel, marina...about half his age and he is close to 70 something now. You were bang on about his teeth BTW! :)

    ahhh memories.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello HadEnough,

    thanks for the post and ...the effort to
    summarize some of the " tough " statements at the DC .
    I'll comment more, in another post.

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

  • ozziepost

    G'day HadEnough,

    Sounds like you really did have enough at the weekend's grand spiritual banquet. It was very noble of you to sit through the whole program. The things we do for our moms! And thanks for 'filling us in' with a bit more detail. Our DCs in Oz are coming up soon. I don't think Mrs Ozzie can summon up the courage to face it again, not even for her family. It just gets too "ARGGGGHHHHH!" as you aptly put it.

    I was thinking about that point you mentioned that always seems to get repeated by the Writing Department whenever they have to prepare something about 'higher education'.

    Bob Alton, said Peter and John were outspoken about God’s Word and were unlettered and ordinary men – they didn’t need higher education to speak wondrous things of God.
    How does this 'gel' with the account of the selection of the apostle Paul? It was Jesus himself, not a F&DS class, who selected him. Yet what were his 'qualifications'? A foremost scholar of his time. Quite clearly Jesus had a very good reason(s) for selecting him. Not, we notice, someone "unlettered and ordinary". Yet he was to take the Gospel to the nations, doing a work of perhaps greater scope than Peter and the other apostles. It seems he did need higher education (along with Holy Spirit, of course) to "speak wondrous things of God". But we don't here about that at the District Convention, do we?

    Anyhow, welcome 'home'!


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

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