Bulger killers release - just?

by digderidoo 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    You're wrong Seeker - in 100 years time I hope the death penalty is mandatory for those slicing and dicing innocents. The death penalty neednt be cruel like slavery or whatever - please try and think and not ibntroduce nonsensical strawmen. - if you put it that way you are actually on the slave herders side in this argument.

    My ancients were leaders in ending slavery of blacks in England and believe me, didn't treat the slave herders with any human dignity. Like an old german friend of mine used to say of Hitler and his henchmen and the Premier of Queensland .. we should just take them aside calmly, saying "stay calm, take it easy, everythings gonna be ok" wave goodbye and give him a little cyanide.

    I hope your barbaric world where sadistic murders are rewarded never comes to pass.


  • Roamingfeline

    Oh that's rich, Logical. Then why don't you and JanG apply to the proper authorities to have the boys come live next door to you and yours and let them terrorize YOUR children and your children's children, hmmmm? You can then be free to feed them milk and cookies and welcome them into your lives, and bask in the knowledge that you're merciful. Until they do something to YOUR kids, of course. I do believe it would be a different story, then, no matter what you say here.


  • unclebruce

    Great point RCat - Jan has the room and even a grandchild they can play with.

    It disgusts me that it is left up to vigilantees to do the right thing.

    unclebruce who wouldn't let 'em within cooee of here.

  • Seeker
    The death penalty neednt be cruel like slavery or whatever - please try and think and not ibntroduce nonsensical strawmen. - if you put it that way you are actually on the slave herders side in this argument.

    Think more deeply about this. I'm not equating death penalty to slavery, for they have many differences. I'm merely pointing out the historical trends against violence, and the death penalty will one day be seen as the act of barbarism that it is.

    This is not a nonsensical strawman, but a serious historical parallel. Two hundred years ago people laughed at the idea of slavery being cruel, for slaves weren't considered to have the same rights as other people, or even the same feelings. Today we have serious and intelligent people who seem to feel that rehaibilitation is impossible, and they want to react, not think, each time a life is taken. That is no way to have a civilized society, and any society built on violence will fail (eventually).

    I hope your barbaric world where sadistic murders are rewarded never comes to pass.

    It will. History is on my side.

  • Seeker

    That last comment came out sounding wrong. First of all, that is only my opinion about history, hardly a fact. I could be wrong. Secondly, I don't agree that this world would reward murderers. Prison is worse than death.

  • Roamingfeline
    I hope your barbaric world where sadistic murders are rewarded never comes to pass.


    It will. History is on my side.

    So, you're proposing a world where "sadistic murders are rewarded?" Because that is exactly what you inferred when you said "It will. History is on MY side."

    And you call OUR thinking twisted?


  • Seeker

    Read my follow-up comment, RCat, which was made precisely so that you would avoid making your misunderstandings. I mean, I realize that my earlier comment was opaque, and if I hadn't provided a correction I could understand your acccusations. But I explained that what you thought is not at all what I meant.

    I also don't think your thinking is twisted, as you imply. I do think in this one area you have chosen the course of barbarism that has plagued humanity from the beginning of time. But in other areas you seem like an intelligent, kind, funny person who I have come to appreciate and like. One of us is wrong in this particular matter. In every other way, I see nothing wrong with either your thinking or mine.

    To reiterate, I may dislike your THOUGHT, but not your THINKING process. It's the same as attacking the IDEA, not the PERSON.

  • Roamingfeline

    Granted, Seeker. I was writing my post as you were writing your follow-up, and didn't see it before I hit "reply". I feel the same.


  • Roamingfeline

    Now it's MY turn to clarify, lol. I don't feel I have chosen the path of Barbarism.

    However, I do believe, other than this issue where we majorly differ in thought, we do seem to get along in all other aspects.


  • Seeker

    Fair enough. :)

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