Bulger killers release - just?

by digderidoo 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Roamingfeline
    Make no mistake Australians aren't as stupid as our corrupt legal and political system and loonies like JanG make us look. We want the death penalty but the major of political parties have actually signed agreements to keep it off the agenda - do you believe that! Some Democracy - death penalty and migration are two things we're forbiddden to change. The last man hung in Aust was hung on false charges so the Conservative Victorian Premier could be re-elected. He won his election but, when the truth came out we lost the right to hang.

    Finally! An Australian who sees just how corrupt their political and legal systems are! Thank you UncleBruce, for validating what I have been saying since I saw the juvenile way the political system here is conducted. And yes, I, too, wonder about JanG's sanity when she spouts such utter bullshit. That liberal way of thinking is what got Australia's corrupt system where it's at!

    Simon, I totally agreed with what you had to say. My brother (a cop) has often said that if anyone ever did something like that to one of his boys, they'd never find the body of the perpetrator after he was finished. I agree with him.


  • Jang


    I am NOT against the death penalty

    In cases where it is warranted! People like McVeigh or Ivan Milac (Backpacker murders here) lose their right to live by the very way they went about their murders. People like the couple here who got a little girl of 8 and tortured her before a very sadistic burning her alive! They were mature adults, had full adult cognition, had a good understanding of how society viewed such acts etc. There was also solid evidence they had done the crimes.

    If there is no death penalty, but they are worthy of that penalty, then they should not live in the same conditions other prisoners get. Their life should be as austere as possible, and there should be no socialisation for them at all - justl ike USA Some of death penalty conditions!

    Here in Queensland, they get treated like they are on a bloody holiday! It makes my blood boil! My daughter works for Corrective Services here and she and her collegues are disgusted at what they have to provide for these prisoners ..... and they have to follow the law and they agree the law stinks in this area.

    I AM against the death penalty

    In cases like Lindy Chamberlain, or whenever it is all circumstantial evidence or there are serious questions about their guilt.

    In cases where it was not premeditated (except in the case of armed robbery where they were carrying a weapon).

    In cases where there are mitigating circumstances such as mental illness at the time of the crime such as the woman who just killed her 5 children.

    In cases where the crime was committed under the influence of drugs etc. by a young person. This is like mental illness at the time.

    In cases such as these children who did not have full adult cognition or understanding of full consequences at the time they committed the murder.

    In Addition: I do not exonerate them for what they did. It was cruel and wrong! I also do not exonerate the parents of these boys. There were obviously problems at home which contributed to the lack of emotional maturity in these boys.

    What I am saying is: They are now 18 and must be moved to an adult prison. Do we really want them to end up worse than they are now and THEN be released? This is worth thinking about. What if they were to spend another 10 years in prison - even if isolated from each other and other prisoners - they would come out of there really messed up and probably do worse crimes. This way they will continue to receive compulsory counselling and supervision.

    So Bruce I do agree with the death penalty and would like to see it come back in for cases like I described. If it is not brought back then they should not live in jail in holiday conditions. Nor should they ever be released no matter how good they are! For them life should be life should be life!

    CAIC Website: http://caic.org.au/zjws.htm
    Personal Webpage: http://uq.net.au/~zzjgroen/

  • expatbrit
  • Roamingfeline

    Taken from the James Bulger site: "Denise still cannot bring herself to speak the names of Robert Thompson and Jon Venables.

    Each was aged 10 when James was killed but they were very calculating, knowing children... "old for their age".

    They had watched horror videos and had previously tortured and killed animals.

    Then in cold blood they seized trusting, innocent two-year-old James from a shopping centre at Bootle, near Liverpool.

    They led him away by the hand and dragged him, in floods of tears, to a railway line two miles away.

    It was there that they subjected James to horrendous physical torture before battering him to death.

    In an attempt to cover-up the murder they put his body on the line to be hit by a train so it might seem like an accident.

    In fact, the moment they abducted James was caught on security cameras and within days they were arrested. Months later they were given a fair trial. "

    In cases such as these children who did not have full adult cognition or understanding of full consequences at the time they committed the murder.

    As I said before, "Bullshit thinking". This murder didn't deserve a "slap 'em on the hands and pity their poor parents" attitude. They deserve a hell of a lot more punishment than what they got. I still agree with Simon, I hope someone finds them someday and gives them what they really deserve. And their parents deserve the same.


  • ISP

    Hey group whilst this is a hot topic here and elsewhere.......I think little thought has been on the fact that these 2 guys are dogmeat. How long do you think it will be before 'justice is done' street style? 6months?

    The release maybe 'just' depending on your viewpoint.


  • Seeker
    I hope someone finds them someday and gives them what they really deserve.

    Uh huh, and then someone can hunt down that killer, and kill him. And then someone can hunt down the next person and kill them. And then...

  • unclebruce

    Jan - Strawman - No one is saying hang innocent people. Lindy Chamberlain is another case that validates what I've just said - The corrupt Police would have had her hang for what is an age old crime (that another woman was given 3 weeks in detention for commiitting just two weeks after Ding took Azaria) The media, Northern Territory Police and Ularu Park rangers will never be taken to task for the evil they perpetrated on Liindy and the rest of us.

    If anyone rapes and slices up my daughters leaving them to crawl around and slowly die on the forest floor Jan (as happened near here two years ago) Heaven and Hell wouldn't stop me taking good old vigilante justice. I couldn't live with myself any other way.

    We need to address the cause of the problem - the state killing innocent people .. and get on with doing what is right.


    Seeker - That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. When the monster is dead that's it done. Like I have asked - aren't these killers parents pleadiing there sons be put down? If not we gotta ask why not? are they letting their petty emotions cloud their good judgement like some of you folk? or worse do they approve of the crime?

    ISP - I haven't heard much about the case except on this board but people here wanna know who in govermnment is trying to sneak these guys into Tasmania? (Tasmania is still Great Britains favorite place for hiding and protecting its spys and other low life shit - wonder when Maggie Thatccher will be arriving? ;)

  • Roamingfeline
    Uh huh, and then someone can hunt down THAT killer, and kill him. And then someone can hunt down the next person and kill them. And then...

    No, someone can hunt down THAT killer and give him a citation for bravery, and thank him for delivering better justice than the 'slappy-hands, bleeding hearts" system ever gave.


  • Seeker

    A hundred years from now, when capital punishment is but a memory on this earth (unless certain religions still hold sway over national policy), people will look back on the death penalty the way we look back on slavery.

    Slavery had its proponents too, and lots of reasons why it was a good idea, and even scriptures that could be pointed to. Didn't matter. It was a cruel and barbarous policy. Same thing with death penalty. Violence begats violence. People learn what they are taught. Once the death penalty is finally gone, violence will drop.

  • logical
    No, someone can hunt down THAT killer and give him a citation for bravery, and thank him for delivering better justice than the 'slappy-hands, bleeding hearts" system ever gave.

    Yeah yeah, whatever. Evil begets evil... the best way is to let them serve their punishment, whatever the law decides. The LAST thing you want to do is REWARD unrepentant, merciless murderers who deliberately break the law, KNOWING the full extent of their actions. What sort of message would that send out to society? If the courts dont deal out a punishment long enough, then its OK to take their lives?

    If the 2 do get murdered, then the killers should serve full term MURDER charges, for pre-meditated murder.

    They wouldnt have been released if the judge wasnt satisfied they were repentant. Give them a chance. Its only fair. If they blow that chance, then they will get what they deserve.

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