Bulger killers release - just?

by digderidoo 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    It's the old dilema isn't it... what causes 'evil' ?

    Are people born evil or do the become evil because of how they are brought up and their environment.

    Either way, it is unfair to punish them because they don't have a choice. The same rules go for God then eh? He can't judge anyone, even Satan because ultimately, he is responsible for the universe (environment) and life (genetics).

    Ultimately though, I don't really care if they were born evil or became evil. Fact is, they ARE evil and everyone else needs to be protected against them (in case it's genetic they certainly shouldn't be allowed to breed).

    I know that bringing in the death penalty etc... is extreme and WOULD end up in innocent people being incorrectly executed BUT I believe that the lives saved would outweight the lives taken.

    My right-wing rant is now complete, I'm off to decorate the house in swastikas...

  • unclebruce

    Roaming feline said: I find your attitude in this typical of the Australian's I have come in contact with. They totally mollycoddle the criminals down here, and punish the victims for defending themselves. This mentality IMO is just plain SICK.


    I agree 100% Like the vast majoriity in this country I say the little pricks should have been hung 8 years ago, pure and simple. Now vast amounts of money are wasted on them .. yes the monetary factor is relevant - why should people slave day in day out paying taxes so these evil people can live an easy life.

    Make no mistake Australians aren't as stupid as our corrupt legal and political system and loonies like JanG make us look. We want the death penalty but the major of political parties have actually signed agreements to keep it off the agenda - do you believe that! Some Democracy - death penalty and migration are two things we're forbiddden to change. The last man hung in Aust was hung on false charges so the Conservative Victorian Premier could be re-elected. He won his election but, when the truth came out we lost the right to hang.

    Don't blame the Australian people for our predicament but the corrupt Political, Police and legal system that bought it about and sustains this nonsence of having murders released every day to continue the mayhem.

    Jan - You really make me wonder sometimes - If you believe in God what's wrong with the death penalty? Since you believe death has no sting I thought you'd be calling for them to be slowly roast over an open fire. Are you painting their parents as low life scum too? If they don't support the death penalty that's what they surely are. (my mum 'd have gladly killed me for far less) All this "oh we must help the rabid dogs and forget the innocent victims" is the biggest load of crap ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting society - it's enough to make one take seriously the conspiracy theories about communist destruction of our society by stelth. (I don't know much about the Fabians but isn't that their stated intention?)

    It's not about revenge, it's not about deterance it's about justice.

    Don't send them here! I have lived in Australia all my life and Jan is the first person I've met who wants to give these lunatics 3 meals a day (with icecream) etc... etc.. Most Australians wouldn't hestiate from pulling the lever and letting the scumbags drop.

    excitable unclebruce, remmembering why he avoids opening these threads.

    PS: Jan - ever seen the leftovers of a frenzied knife attack? .. and all this after I just told Kent how peacefull Australia was :(

  • logical

    The 2 killers were convicted and sentenced for their crimes. They have completed that sentence now.

    Yes what they did was evil, but they do deserve a second chance. They have to live with what they did for the rest of their lives.

    If people are unwilling to accept that they have repented, and refuse to give them a second chance, then quite simply, they are bad people.

    He who is without sin, cast the first stone...

  • logical

    The 2 killers were convicted and sentenced for their crimes. They have completed that sentence now. Thats the law, and theres little that can be done about it.

  • patio34


    I'm glad you quoted the Bible in your post. I was thinking along those lines but from the story of Elisha being made fun of by 42 children and God had them ripped apart by she-bears.

    It's interesting how real people agonize over the right thing to do.

    One comment about the supposed 'evil' of the 2 boys: this wasn't pulling wings off flies and similar experimentation in meanness. Can't even be compared.

    These boys are deviants from a wide range of 'normal' behaviour. It's hard to imagine this deviancy was 'cured' in the correctional institute.

    These boys were deadly dangerous. How to decide if they still are? Well, let 'em go and see if anyone gets hurt. Something seems wrong with that logic to me.

    And, as far as their own consciences will punish them the rest of their lives . . . that doesn't even warrant an answer. Wouldn't all the criminals just love to live with that 'punishment'! What a nebulous concept: who says they have this so-called 'conscience?' The Bible? Well, we saw how inconsistent that can be with the Elisha account and Logical's dubious "let him without sin . . . " quote.


  • logical

    Forgive me for trying to listen to Jesus' words.

  • logical

    No actually, dont forgive me. Seems you are incapable of it.

  • Seeker

    OK, time for a little thought experiment. Let's play a What If scenario. What if (if, get it?) it were possible to completely rehabilitate a killer, such that you were guaranteed that not only was he or she genuinely and thoroughly cut to the heart over their crime, but that it was also guaranteed that he or she would never commit another crime again.

    In such a scenario, what would you say should be done with such a convicted murderer? And why would you say that?

  • logical


    That person should serve their time in prison, and once done, people should let that person get on with their life. EVERYBODY deserves another chance. Whether it be a repentant paedophile, murderer, rapist, theif, drug dealer etc... Jesus forgave people of the above crimes, so we should follow that example. Failing to do that makes us hypocrites.

    How many people on this board have done something bad, and been given another chance? How many were deprived of another chance?

  • JanH


    That person should serve their time in prison, and once done, people should let that person get on with their life. EVERYBODY deserves another chance.

    Totally agree with you there.

    I think their release was in accordance with standard practice for other prisoners who serves similar sentences.

    Interestingly, murderers also has the lowest repeat rate of all types of criminals. Most murders are exceptional, that is, a person is taken over by extreme emotions, like jealousy (an explanation, not an excuse).

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

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