HELP ME! I cant cope with this anymore.

by chok 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sassy

    Chok, I know it is hard.. my mom is the same way..

    but we can't let them get to us.. we have to keep our foot down about what we want to do in life, whether they like it or not.. We know they love us and that is why in their brainwashed mentality they say and do what they do, but we need to live our lives..

    Sorry you have all this.. it isn't easy.. I know.

  • iiz2cool
    There were 6,624 there, so many people can't be wrong.

    It's always the numbers with JWs, isn't it? Their almighty statistics that they revere so much!

    Compare 6 million JWs to the 6 billion global population.

    Maybe they just can't be right!


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    If I was in your shoes and it was my family.This is what I would email to them. I would have them view this video from the non-apostate History channel Video excerpts from History Channel presentation on apocalyptic groups { Must see }


    modem (low bandwidth) version

    DSl/Cable (high bandwidth) version This is what I would say to my family: ABC'S 101 (1) the central CORE doctrine of the Watchtower is that Christ Jesus returned to power in 1914.This 'mutated millerite' (see above video) dogma is a blasphemous bogus LIE!

    (2) The revered holyman founder of Jehovah's Witnesses is buried in a mystical pyramid monument.

    (3) Sooo,the upshot of # 1 and 2 is that the Watchtower has been,teaching doctrines of demons from the get-go.

    Consequently on the basis of Gal.1:8 Jehovah's Witnesses are accursed and die unsaved.

    That's enough right there.I might add that people usually imitate the God they worship,who by process of elimination is NOT Jesus Christ.

    This would account for the dog eat dog turmoil among JW's.[James 3:15,16]

    Moreover have them visit my 'Bad Cop' site

    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

    Tell them only Prisons have watchtowers What I have posted here is what i will present to my family[missing 15 yearts] when i see them,let the chips fall where they may.

  • Scully

    There were 6,624 there, so many people can't be wrong.

    I'm with everyone else here on that: If JWs are RIGHT, why do they only make up one tenth of one percent of the ENTIRE world's population?? There are more Mormons than JWs, are they more right than JWs?? There are more Catholics than JWs, are they more right too?

    I am sure Jehovah's spirit was there.

    Why? Because of the prompted golf-clapping that happens during the last talk of the last session on the last day?? Was it really Jehovah's spirit, or was it perhaps the excitement of not having to sit through another @$$-numbing day of bull$h!t until this time next year?

    I know that you know its the truth; when you have sorted your life out I know you will return to the truth.

    Gee, you've stopped believing and living the lie known as The Truth?, you've decided to be honest with yourself and your children, you have stopped living in denial that this organization that tells you what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, where you can and can't go, what you can and can't do, who you can and can't talk to or associate with, which has been WRONG more times than it has ever been right for over a century is really NOT good enough for you to trust with your life and future and your daughter's life and future. If that's not sorting out your life, I don't know what is.

    And, yeah, I can see how she'd think you'd want to go back to that real quick.

    Jehovah is waiting to forgive you and keep you safe."

    What she's telling you is that she's pissed off with you. But she's projecting it onto Jehovah? and saying "Jehovah is waiting to forgive you (and so am I)". The 'keep you safe' line is a very subtle message of disapproval: You don't know what the hell you're doing and some day you're going to be sorry. (Remember the saying: "Better safe than sorry"?)

    Honestly, you don't need Jehovah to forgive you. You haven't done anything wrong. You don't need her to forgive you. You haven't done anything wrong. Going back, on the other hand will require you to make a compromise of your conscience, your self-honesty and your ethics. You've got higher standards now!! Would you be able to forgive yourself for that??

    Love, Scully

  • mustang

    I went through this for about 30 years after I left the KH. That included my father tracking me down and sending the locals after me, wherever I went.

    I even thought of going to a SPANISH congregation, walking in the door and leaving after 5 minutes for a couple of times a month. I could say that I went to the KH; trouble is, he would want to meet the "bros. @ my Hall" to keep tabs on me.

    I thought about going back and DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING: 1 or 2 Sundays a week, no socializing; likely I would be treated as a DF/DA, though I wasn't. I suppose that I could, have told the servants that I was just there to "fulfill an obligation" and to leave me alone. I suspect there would be too much needling and it wouldn?t' work.

    My "closet 'postate" brother told my "doing everything according to the KM" sister that my moving 3000 miles hadn't kept our over zealous father from being a pest.

    I told him once that I would go back to the meetings but that I WOULD NEVER GO OUT IN SERVICE AGAIN. I could hear the lump in his throat as he went silent for moments. They a re so transparent: first the meetings, then service, then meeting parts etc. They are so dumb: we see the pattern, they taught it to us.

    That did stop him in his tracks, for a moment. I did this to JW in Asia, face-to-face. It is priceless to see one of them speechless.

    Towards the end, the Old Man did enough things wrong that he was technically guilty of STALKING. The laws had finally changed enough so that he became guilty of a Criminal activity. I wanted to get my brother together for a "united front" and present Legal Notices to Dad with a Family Law attorney, but he wouldn't cooperate.

    I wanted him to know that there would be UNENDING LITIGATION if he didn't leave me alone.

    By this time, nobody was talking to him, including my "by the book" JW sister. So, I just let it alone, as this slowed him down quite a bit.

    I let the clock run out: he died earlier this year. I finally have peace. And I find that he was the only thing that caused me to be a JW.

    I have actually shed a tear over him this Father's day. It was for the life that he wouldn't let us with peaceful family relations.

    BTW, 6,624 people can be wrong. 6,000 to 6,000,000 is 1 in a million; there are all kinds of logical retorts to that. Tell her that any such sneak path hints at JWism will be met with a rebuttal. You could tell your mother, in no uncertain terms, that she is WRONG and there will always be a lecture or struggle in things if she doesn't just let it go!!!

    I wish better success to you, though I can't tell you how to go about it. And welcome to the board.


  • kj
    There were 6,624 there, so many people can't be wrong.

    What is it with the numbers? Do they have them memorize them so they can run off and tell all their friends and family how many loyal zombies JWs show up at the mass brainwashings conventions? My mom did the exact same thing, proudly rattling off how many were in attendance. Sickening.


  • chok

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement. And sincere encouragement.

    I thought that my mum and dad loved me. Parents are supposed to have this unconditional love for their children, but unfortunately I am seeing that their love HAS conditions. They are that I do what they consider the right thing.

    I was made to feel guilty by being told how hard they had found it when people asked for me at the assembly. Anyone would think I was dead! Why couldnt they just tell them I am well and happy (well trying to be happy!).

    They are annoyed because my ex husbands parents (not J.W's) are going to be able to buy their grandchildren birthday pressies, n celebrate all the other stuff with them. It just sounds to me as though they are jealous that they dont have full control over me and my children.

    The sadness is subsiding a little now, and is being replaced with a horrible feeling of bitterness and pain for how parents can allow men to tell them how to be with their own children.

    I was offered the latest release, a bible study and a discussion with the elders about the things i disagree with about the organisation! I said no to all three, and pleaded that she just let me get on with my life.

    I know this is going to be a long process, i just need to try and keep strong.


  • patio34

    Dear Chok,

    Never underestimate your own power, your boundaries, and your parental rights on your children. Believe it or not, you're in charge. It's up to you to respect your own boundaries and power before others will learn to do this for you.

    Two things I like and employ often in my life:

    "What you think of me is none of my business."

    And Billy Joel's old song:

    You can speak your mind, but not on my time. Go ahead with your own life, leave me alone."



  • Elsewhere

    There were 6,624 there, so many people can't be wrong. I am sure Jehovah's spirit was there.

    There was 14,000 people in attendace to a Catholic convention on April 13th. I guess this means that they are twice as right as Jehover's Witnesses.

  • Elsewhere

    Jehovah is waiting to forgive you and keep you safe.
    It's amazing how arrogant and passive-agressive JWs are.

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