Why is it cool to make fun of blonds, but not black people?

by Satanus 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    White people rule the world.
    LOL, come visit my neighborhood sometime.

    Yeah, come visit mine too.... I'm white, and I'm definately the "minority".

  • Markfromcali

    Speaking of racial stereotypes in movies, what about A Day Without a Mexican? Anyone seen that yet?

  • talesin
    And it's also "ok" to make fun of blonds, because pound for pound, there is nothing prettier than a blond girl.

    Pardon me? Are you speaking unequivocally or just your own personal taste?

    My oh my, that's the kind of remark that could open a whole big can o' whup-ass!

    Unless it is way too many pounds, then it usually becomes less than pretty..

    umm, I'm sure this was well intended ...

    You guys are too funny this evening. As Chandler Bing would say, "Can we push any more buttons?"

    hahahaha! see ya! *lolol*

  • Confucious

    Oh please guys.

    We have to be so politically correct when we go about our lives.

    But for once, we're on a BB and we're anonymous.

    So even now, even anonymous. Do we have to pretend we don't see the truth???

    I'm not white and I prefer dark hair white girls.

    And I'm not saying that there is no such thing as a pretty girl in any race.

    But a long hair blond with big boobs walk into a room and they will get all the attention of both guys and jealous girls.

    Don't belittle me for telling the truth.

    Yes, there are communities in where minorities rule.

    But the most powerful people in the world are white males.

    That is undisputable.

    The other thing is, white women for minorities are viewed as a trophy.

    Say what you want, but for a black man to date a white woman - especially a blond is a status symbol.

    I didn't invent this, so don't get mad at me. But it's true and you all know it.

    Be mad at this or furious. But don't get made at me. I'm telling the truth here.

    And if you don't think I am, tell me where I'm wrong.

  • bull01lay

    IMO, I think this whole Political correct shite has gone way too far. It's over sensitizing the world - people are far too 'prissy' about themselves - you can't say anything for fear of 'offending' some race, culture, gender, sex, minority.


    People are in way too much of a hurry to be hurt these days, purely because they can point a finger and get compensation for it!!!

    In my 'younger' days, if someone takes the piss out of you, you either laugh, answer back with something witty, or ignore them. The last thing you do is put your hand up and say 'miss, they're making fun of me'... you'd have had the piss taken for life, no friends and probably have the crap kicked out of you for being such a whinge arse.

    Life is full of prejudisms...and whilst they stay good humoured and non violent - GET OVER YOURSELF AND DEAL WITH IT!!!


  • Confucious

    Thank you Bull.

  • bigboi
    IMO, I think this whole Political correct shite has gone way too far. It's over sensitizing the world - people are far too 'prissy' about themselves - you can't say anything for fear of 'offending' some race, culture, gender, sex, minority.


    People are in way too much of a hurry to be hurt these days, purely because they can point a finger and get compensation for it!!!

    In my 'younger' days, if someone takes the piss out of you, you either laugh, answer back with something witty, or ignore them. The last thing you do is put your hand up and say 'miss, they're making fun of me'... you'd have had the piss taken for life, no friends and probably have the crap kicked out of you for being such a whinge arse.

    Life is full of prejudisms...and whilst they stay good humoured and non violent - GET OVER YOURSELF AND DEAL WITH IT!!!


    This post is soooooo sincerrrrrre!

  • talesin

    Geez, Bull, you sound really angry. *lol* Lighten up, why doncha. heheh

  • kls

    As far as bumb blond jokes, i am naturally blond and the jokes don't affend me because most blonds are really burnettes.

    Do blonds have more fun?,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i am still waiting, let me know when it happens.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    From the comic strip "Dilbert":

    Our company does not discriminate on the basis of race,sex,age, or religion...unless the religions are bizarre and unpopular ,and can be considered cults (and so may be freely discriminated against), or you are a short, fat, bald, ugly guy (and can be picked on without restraint), or are a nerd, smoker, or single person. Stupid people may now also be discriminated against, due to the failure of their lobbying efforts.

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