Why is it cool to make fun of blonds, but not black people?

by Satanus 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigboi

    Uhhhh...shouldn't the title of this thread be why is it cool to make fun of white people, but not black people?

  • frenchbabyface

    LOL Tashawaa ... and others !

  • Corvin
    shouldn't the title of this thread be why is it cool to make fun of white people, but not black people?

    I often make fun of white people. Ever see the way we dance? I had to hire a black kid just to choreograph the way I walk (rim shot). You'll just have to meet me in person to see what I am saying.

  • Markfromcali

    Some of the best comedians make fun of their own race and the interactions between different races. There's this Korean (I think?) comic that became part of the Mad TV group, in one of his acts he talks about how everyone in Texas is taller than him or something "Look honey, it's one of them Pokemons!"

  • Sunnygal41

    As I stated recently in another thread, I am a brunette, but do not appreciate other women who are blonde being put down because of their hair color, nor do I think blondes have more fun, etc. I am completely happy being a gorgeous brunette. And, of course, the whole gender bashing most of us women have undegone while in the Borg is detestable. I carry many scars to this day from insecure brothers, elders included, calling me a Jezebel influence and calling me Brother when I chose to cut my hair short. Those are just two of the many many remarks I was forced to endure. Despicable.


  • Sassy

    sometimes people are sensitive to jokes.. that is why I think it is important when we tell a joke, that we consider the people hearing it.....

    if everyone takes it as in fun w/o offense that is cool.. BUT.......other wise it might not be.........

    my father used to tell Finlander Jokes.. it was one of his favorite pastimes.. one day a coworker took another coworker aside and said.. Melvin really doesn't like Finlanders does he? The friend of my dad's laughed so hard.. the guys was like.. What is so funny? his friend said, are you kidding? Mel is 100% Fin!

  • Confucious

    I'll say it because everyone else is afraid to say it.

    White people rule the world.

    So it's ok to make fun of them, so to speak, because they are on top of the food chain PERIOD.

    Blacks and other minorities in this capitalist world can't be made fun of UNLESS BY THEIR OWN, otherwise it would be picking on them.

    You could say anything you want, but this is the truth.

    And it's also "ok" to make fun of blonds, because pound for pound, there is nothing prettier than a blond girl.

    If anyone wants to get upset about my views on this, then I believe it's the intention of the thread.

    But it's the truth and your lying to yourself if you don't think this is true.

  • Corvin
    White people rule the world.

    LOL, come visit my neighborhood sometime.

  • Markfromcali
    And it's also "ok" to make fun of blonds, because pound for pound, there is nothing prettier than a blond girl.

    Unless it is way too many pounds, then it usually becomes less than pretty..

  • Stefanie
    you all see the preview for the movie White Chicks?

    lol I am going to this one!

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