Will I die at Armageddon?

by sinamongurl 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Markfromcali

    By the way Sinamon, welcome. Please feel free to have an ongoing dialogue through these messages, it is certainly richer than a simple question and answer. I ask these questions though so that you might find answers for yourself, I'm certainly not going to tell you what to believe - otherwise known as religious teachings.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry


    Here's the way I see it. Focus on building your relationship with God and learn to trust Him for the ultimate outcome of your life. We all too often think we need to belong to this or that group so we can be "protected" when death comes. Learn to trust God by living with Him everyday, and you'll soon realize that His love for you isn't going to simply allow you to perish because you're not a JW when Armageddon arrives, if it ever even does. Also, you must keep in mind that this is just a scare tactic which such groups use (as the Watchtower Society) to keep the rank and file follower inline. You probably don?t see it this way right now, but you will in time.


  • freein89

    Well I vote for Farkel's answer!!!

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    Well, I vote for MY answer!

  • freein89


    well, now I have to vote for Farkel's answer AGAIN!!!


  • XQsThaiPoes

    Maybe I am misunderstanding. Aside from angels coming down with Jesus in the "great fear inspiring day of jehovah" the end of a civilzation is a real threat. I am dumb founded when people say it is trash or whatever. They have their heads in the sand.

    Any archologist can tell you about empires of centuries past that don't exist anymore. Some vanished in a few generations. Many due to natural disaster or climate change. The problem is in the past when trees fell they didn't make a sound with globalization everyone will hear it no matter if they were there to hear it.

  • BluesBrother
    I still struggle with: "should i go back cuz I dont want to die"

    Fear and guilt are two or the cultist's most powerful weopons... we were raised to believe some key facts. 1) The world belongs to Satan. 2) Jehovah is going to destroy it soon. 3) The Society is right about everything.

    But just think.. Think of the people you know on the outside. Would you kill them? Could you? No, of course not. They do not deserve any such thing. So if you and I can see that, how can we believe that God would do such a thing?? It would be ungodly, unjust and immoral. That is not the god that I know.

    So it is obviously wrong. Get this, It is just not true, none of it. Our Father is just not like that. Once that sunk in, for me, the whole thing unravelled like a badly made string vest

    The WT is another religion, nothing more. The Bible is fine ,but the more you learn about the Society and its teachings, the more it appears to be false.

    There aint going to be a New World, and no Armageddon either

  • talesin
    I live my life afraid of the


    Hi, and welcome!

    I used to feel the same way, when I was newly DFd. But then I realized that I didn't really believe in Armageddon. Do you really think that we're all gonna be killed by God? Really, truly?

    Once I realized that was all a big lie, I started educating myself about the here and now, the things I can know for sure.

    One thing the WTS frowns upon is 'living in the moment'. Why? Because you might actually be happy if you stop fearing the unknown and start enjoying and participating in the reality of life that is all around you.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    LOL, deb. K, so I vote for my answer again!

  • boa

    Sinamongurl....welcome to jwd.

    You are in good company (mostly) here. You have vast resources on every subject under the sun to do with the religion of jws. Take your time and don't get scared off if you read something painful or disturbing about said religion. Many of the people here go to great lengths to dissect all things jw to see if they are true or not.

    The fear and pain of disfellowshipping and 'what might happen' if Armageddon comes are key reasons why I don't believe such action has anything to do with christianity.

    boa....(who also gives a vote to farkel's post - no offense meant Steve )

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