Do you trust JW's?

by desib77 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan
    Do you really think people take this in to consideration and hire somebody because the trust the JWs?

    I believe some people do. Bill and Melinda Gates live in our area, and they employ 4 JW women to clean for them for that very reason. They know they can trust them not to steal or talk about them. They had to sign confidentiality agreements, and from what I hear, they stick by them too.

    One of my friends cleaned for the #3 man at Microsoft but she never let them know she was a witness. She got amazing Christmas presents from them, as a result.

  • Sadie5

    Having been on both sides of the fence, I would say I am not impressed by JWs as being honest. There are honest individuals in the group but I have found them to be the exception.

    I have found that the witnesses create a loophole for dishonesty by using the "don't take a brother to court " scripture. This would be in dealings amongst themselves.

    As far as worldly people, I remember talking to someone outside the organization. I explained to her all the things JW are taught about what the people in the world think of them. She laughed so hard, most people don't give JW's a single thought.


  • Carmel

    Religious affiliation is no guarantee of character. There are exceptionally honest and upright people in all walks of life, even attorneys, believe it or not! I remember being told how honest we dubbies were compared to the evil baddies "outside", but then my older brothers were always complaining about how this brother or that brother had squelched on a business deal or reneged on an agreement. It was a constant source of tension in the house because someone was always ripping them off. I've always wondered if I wasn't only hearing half the story though. They had no compunctions about breaking all kinds of laws and falsifying tax returns...


  • glitter

    I've found that doing business with JWs is not a good idea - there's no "mate's rates" with the JWs we've got quotes from in the past (unless they're *majorly* ripping off their other clients) - and if you do get ripped off you have no comeback like you would with a worldly plumber etc as you can't take a brother to court, etc etc.

    In personal matters you can't really trust them not to grass you up to the elders like they're *meant to*!

    I'm generally wary anyway, but I've been let down by many JWs and seen others let down by them. There's not many people I *absolutely* trust - just many people I would trust with certain things.

  • cyber-sista


    1) I have lent out sizable amounts of money to some JWs (in the past) and never did they make an attempt to pay me back.

    2) I have had elders lie to me (cover over the facts) and hide important information from me.

    3) Witnesses belong to an organization that lies to and cheats its own members out of their time and money and also hides the truth from their members.

    4) Witnesses are trained to be deceptive and manipulating when spreading the word about their religion: (We never really told them the truth about our religious beliefs when going to to door.)

    Would you trust people like this?

    I know that witnesses are supposed to be known for being great upstanding and honest citizens. But did I ever here this from the general public? Never in 20 years. So where did I get this idea? I read it in the WT. Is the WT truthful and trustworthy?

  • heathen

    This reputation of theirs was conjured up by the WTBTS . They lie they cheat and they steal . I would never hire anyone on the basis of hear say . Jeeze and who wants to have a WT magazine placed all over the work place so they can count time ?

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Not all JWs are like that but some are. Just like not all worldlies are like that but some are. One witness always buys me ice cream everytime we go and do something, and I just got around and bought him a new tie since his other ones were kind of old. He was very greatful. Those kinds of witnesses are one in a million, not litterally but ya know. I'm skeptical about everybody witness or non witness. So I really wouldn't blink twice if somebody said they were witnesses or not.

  • SuperMommy

    Each person should be judged up on their own merit. I do agree with Gumby, to an extent...I have not had the best experiences, but I am not putting all JW's in the same pot yet.

  • undercover

    I agree with SuperMommy. Judge them each on their own merit.

    Would I turn down a person just because they were JW? No. Would I hire them just because they were JW? No.

    If I knew them and knew they were trustworthy and honest, I'd have no problem with hiring them. If I had bad feelings about them (or experiences with them previously) despite the fact that they were JWs I would probably not hire them. If I did not know them, but their resume and application was the best turned in, I wouldn't have a problem hiring them. If they proved themselves honest and trustworthy, fine, if they gave me problems and ended up being dishonest, I'd fire them as quick as I would anyone else.

  • shamus

    I have had my fill of JW's, and actively did NOT hire them while I was in the borg. Why?

    Because how in the hell do you fire a dub? Especially if they're in your own congregation????

    I found them to be the worst (and I do mean the WORST) workers and unreliable... they would take advantage of our position and take advantage of not being able to sue. (I am still owed $800 from a former witness contractor... I couldn't sue, because he was a witness... er um.. his wife was a witness)

    There was one 'brother' who nearly got fired for preaching to people while he was a bell-hop at a hotel. It just didn't compute that he was on the company's dime; not his. He thought it was 'persecution'.

    Now that I am out, I would have business dealings with them, but would be very careful to check references and be dammed sure to use the probationary firing period to get rid of anyone in the religion that tried to throw the old 'persecution complex' (as I like to call it) on me. I would get rid of them in a minute.

    My advice?

    Anyone who has faded and is considering hiring one of these people should realize that the 'higher' power of the 'elders' is still very much in effect, and you can get in serious trouble with these nitwits running about your office.


    Oh, and to think that they consider themselves 'good' workers because they dont' steal. No, they don't usually steal in the monetary sense; just time sense. Thinking that witness workers are the cat's ass just because of they're religion is still one of the stupidest things that I ever found in the religion. Obviously, I would hire a witness if they were qualified; however, if they started beaking off how they are a "jehovahs witness" in an interview would land they're resume straight into the garbage the second they walked out the door. When they start talking like that, that's a great sign of being completely unbalanced.

    Just my .02 cents.

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