What is the biggest negative and biggest positive to being a jw?

by skittles4u 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country_Woman

    negative: fieldservice - the many hours in the KH - the lack of other interests (outside the Truth)

    positive : "the belonging to a group"

    and that only positively point is'nt real either...................

    Today I can't find any positive at all

  • dh

    biggest positive: providing that you believe it all... you have 'the truth', and will live forever in paradise, this world is but a dream bwhaahahahaha.

    biggest negative: finding out that it's all lies , that you've wasted your life, and you're going to die soon.

  • HeyNow!

    The positive: Learning good study habits, learning cold call selling ( service)and learning how not to raise my kids.

    The NEGATIVE: All the wasted time, holier than thou attitudes, no secondary education, a warped sense of reality, family time=meetings and service, vacations=ASSemblys, being watched by inflated ego, power hungered, window washing elders and the list can go on.

  • jgnat

    I was never a JW, but they still influence me!

    Biggest positive: To defend myself, I thoroughly studied my own beliefs. I am a grounded Christian that actually understands the whole trinity thing.

    Biggest negative: They mess with my personal life.

  • Deleted

    I take it you mean by STILL being a jw? If so then the POSITIVE is having simple answers to complex (and often, in the real world, unanswerable) questions. The NEGATIVE would be separating yourself from former family and friends (we were the only dubs in our families). But if you mean having LEFT off being a jw then the POSITIVE is never ever being fooled again and the NEGATIVE being wasting many years.

  • BluesBrother

    Positive : Having "The answers" to lifes problems, believing that you are going to live forever.

    Negative ; When you find out that it is all bullshit, that you are going to die just like everyone else, andyou have wasted the better part of your life

  • Mary

    Negatives: Too many meetings, too many meetings and too many meetings

    Positives: I get all the bible questions on Jeopardy right.

  • woody02302



  • ohiocowboy

    Positive: Learning to speak well in front of others.

    Negatives: Where do I begin........

  • Scarlet

    Positives: Having your family

    Negatives: How they strip away all humanity and call it love

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