I'm discovering the joy of....... heavy metal!!

by Leander 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • bull01lay


    I'm discovering the joy of ....... Heavy Petting!!!

    Oh well, if you insist sweetie...! Sluuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrp

    Looks like we'll need some practice... I think your tongue slipped into my mouth then!!!

    Bull! <<of the 'suddenly weak at the knees' class>>

  • ColdRedRain

    Try Deicide, old Fear Factory, Devildriver and Cannibal Corpse.

  • Nosferatu

    Accept - Early German Metal band - very 'AC/DC'

    I've got a few albums by Accept. Their album "I'm a Rebel" is much different than "Balls to the Wall" or "Restless & Wild" (I think that's the album name). It was more rock than metal, but it's excellent.

  • Purza

    I LOVE Sevendust (as you mentioned in your first post). I saw them back in February and they totally kiced @ss!

    Another suggestion for an 80s metal band. . . . . Queensryche. They are from the Seattle area and have about 10 albums/cd's out. They were on the MTV movie awards in 1991 for their song "Silent Lucidity" -- it won the viewers choice award that year.

    One of their more "thoughtful" albums came out in 1988 and it was called "Operation Mindcrime". It is a "conceptual" album -- meaning it tells a story from the first song to the last one (there are about 15 tracks). The singer, Geoff Tate, his voice is awesome (kinda reminds me of Bruce Dickenson's voice from Iron Maiden). Check Queensryche out -- you will not be disappointed.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Im into 'new age' jazz.I like some HM has anyone mentioned that Steppenwolf is considered ground zero?

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Congratulations!!! Aint it great? I'm so eclectic with my taste in music. I'm seriously all over the place in this regard. But I sure do love a great Heavy Metal band to blow off some steam. I've also been very lucky working the music industry to meet many of the great 80's musicians

    I think NOS pretty much summed up the most of them. Let's not forget the ladies too like Lita Ford and Heart

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma
    Lita Ford


    Did she ever do anything other than 'kiss me deadly' and the duo with ozzy 'if i close my eyes forever'? i thought she was a 1 and a half hit wonder.

  • ApagaLaLuz
    RUSH was great, but I thought they took a nosedive through the 80s & 90s

    NOS, Rush was amazing with just layers and layers of sounds, and so far out there. You should check a newer band called Coheed and Cambria

    http://coheedandcambria.com/home/ They have such similarities to RUSH. The singer's voice takes a while to grow on you, but it truely is a wonderful Epic, Progressive style of rock that RUSH pulled off so well.

  • Stefanie

    Did anyone mention System of a down?

    Chop Suey Fricken Rocked. I started listening to it when i started leaving.

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    Well, you mentioned my 2 favorite metal bands, both featuring maynard. Tool and a perfect circle. One that I really like and is not so 80's cheesy is Whitesnake. they had an edge to them at a time when most where opting for freaking power ballads. of course i think they did a ballad or two as well, but actually played metal. not sure if they count as metal, but linkin park kicks some serious ass with a fusion of grinds and positve vibes. and dont forget what i consider the fathers of all metal, jimi hendrix and led zeppelin

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