I'm discovering the joy of....... heavy metal!!

by Leander 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    RUSH was great, but I thought they took a nosedive through the 80s & 90s.

    It's hard for me to classify Rush as heavy metal, however, I think in the 90s they started to get better. I like their newer stuff, it's much heavier.

    Oh, for REALLY new stuff, check out "Jet".

  • Dan-O
    It's hard for me to classify Rush as heavy metal

    Based on some of their 80s stuff ... yeah, I agree. I was thinking more about older Rush tunes like The Temples of Syrinx, Working Man, A Passage to Bankok, YYZ, etc. By the time the released the Signals album in 1982, they were in a downslide, IMHO.

  • avishai

    Whoops, yes, it is wasted years.

  • neverthere

    It is hard for me to idolize Rush now since I have met some of the band, worked somewhere that they used as a service, they were, well, not what you would expect, really tarnished the image for me.


  • LDH

    Blue Oyster Cult.....

    "I NEED MORE COW BELL" ..anyone seen that skit from SNL?

    I'd say all the good bands are pretty much names here. But what about Manowar? and Pantera? The only heavy metal band I'd have to say I DISlike is GWAR. What a bunch of losers.


    F-ing Hostile Class

  • avishai

    NO WAY!!!! lisa!!!! Someone else likes Manowar? Orson wells last voice over was the Manowar song "Defender!!!!

    "I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.!!!!!

    *avishai of the "dead on" Christopher Walken impersination class*

  • FMZ

    Well, of the genre you are looking for, my faves are:

    Thin Lizzy <<< AWESOME

    Sound Garden


    Ozzy / Black Sabbath

    Iron Maiden

    Some good stuff for you to listen to to ease yourself into something a little heavier is Forest of Shadows. They are quite heavy, certainly not satanic. I refuse to listen to any song with satanic lyrics (glorifying the devil etc.), but I listen to some of the heaviest stuff out there. It's all in the lyrics, my friend.


  • Leolaia
    It is hard for me to idolize Rush now since I have met some of the band, worked somewhere that they used as a service, they were, well, not what you would expect, really tarnished the image for me.

    Sorry to hear that....that must've been a real bummer.

    Yeah, I was talking more of 1976-1981 era of Rush (I couldn't get into their first album, for some reason). The later stuff is not metal, it's poppy, but nice well-produced poppy music....

  • bull01lay

    Cool topic - Metal Rules!!


    The Scorpions.... love that band

    Just picked up a DVD of ballads by scorpions - excellent!!


    Iron Maiden rules!!!!!


    As regards early rock / metal - most of the bands I listen to have been mentioned, but you may wanna try these too: -

    Rainbow - Incredible band - Guitarist Ritchie Blackmore still considered one of the best ever!

    Accept - Early German Metal band - very 'AC/DC'. Look out for 'Fast as a Shark', Metal Heart, and they did a concept album but can't remember the name.....anti war stuff!

    Yngwie Malmsteen - credited with being the fastest guitar player ever!

    Helloween - some early stuff is a bit 'raw' but Keeper of the Seven Keys part 1 and 2 are excellent!

    Enjoy your journey into the metal world!!!


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    OH.... <looks around>.

    I thought this was titled: I'm discovering the joy of ....... Heavy Petting!!!

    Carry on.


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