They know about UN debacle, but they simply don't care!

by Quotes 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Quotes

    [Note: the quotes below are to the best of my memory, but may contain minor errors]

    A follow-up to the UN evidence I sent to my Mom (orignal thread here:

    I phoned my Mum last night to enquire if my Missionary-elder youngest brother was OK in the floods/mudslides in Haiti/Dominican Republic; turns out he is OK -- but that is another story.

    I wasn't sure if I was going to ask about the UN thing or not; fortunately she brought it up! She said that not only had she looked at the information I sent, but she had given it to my (gulp) FATHER to look at!

    He left it on the desk in his study for several weeks, but finally got around to looking at it just this past week (don't read too much into his delay, he is always procrastinating the paperwork on his desk; and I inherited that gene).

    Anyway, according to my Mum he emerged from his study and basically said that he accepted the proof as genuine and agreed that indeed, the Watchtower had truly been a fully Associated NGO.

    So what was their response to this shocking revelation?

    What did the wonderful people who taught me right-from-wrong, morals, honesty, and integrity do about it?

    What did my (otherwise apolitical) father, who angrilly called for the impeachment of US Pres. Clinton "because he lied and he is a liar and he deserves all the punishment he brought upon himself" say when he learned of Watchtower duplicity?

    Did my dad phone other elder's and attempt to start an Investigative Committee into this case of "wrongdoing"??? NO.

    Did they phone Bethel and demand an explanation for this unprecedented "Wild-Beast-Humping-Harlotry"???? NO.

    Did they realize that maybe, just maybe, this book publishing company is not a channel of communication linking them to God? NO.

    So what was my dear Mum's response?

    "Well, your father wants to wait and see what The 'Tower [I can't believe she called it that, she never used to; I think she drank the Kool-Aid recently] will print to explain this. I mean, there must have been a good reason. And now the facts are out, surely they will have to print something to explain it."

    Attempting to stop my desire to reach through the phone lines and shake some sense into these otherwise good, intelligent people, I pointed out how this story broke October 2001, and they haven't printed anything in the past 2.5 years, they probably wouldn't, and that it wasn't really "out" since most Bros & Sis knew nothing about this, and advised Mum to tell Dad to "not hold his breath waiting".

    Reminding Mum that WT called the Catholic Church a "Harlot" for riding the "Wild Beast" by having the exact same NGO Association (that was part of the package of proof I sent them), I even did a bad Edwin G. Robinson impression (from that Ten Commandments movie with Charlton Heston) and asked, "Who is the Harlot, NNNNOOOOOWWWWW!?!?!?!?!?" She managed to give a small chuckle, even though uncomfortable she saw the humour (my Mum has a great sense of humour, I also inherited that gene).

    We briefly talked about how even the "library card" excuse, if that is their reason, was insufficient: JWs can't join the YMCA to use the gym, but Watchtower can join the UN to use the library? Double standard! Double Standard! She agreed.

    And yet, None of this moved her or dad to action. The deceit and duplicity of Watchtower is staring them in the face, they recognize and accept these facts, and agree it is an important and significant issue. But she (and Dad) will simply wait to see the spin from The 'Tower.

    Or put another way, it appears they simply don't care. They truly have "drunk the Kool-Aid", and will ignore and dismiss any and all errors, limitations, mistakes, deceptions, or frauds from their cult leader.

    This diagnosis is much worse than I originally thought.

    ~Quotes, of the "I guess I was expecting too much" Class

  • Scully

    Patience, Quotes. Patience.

    This is a very typical response. It's part of the denial defense mechanism. However, it takes a lot of mental energy to defend the indefensible for a very long time. When the defense mechanism starts to break down, you may notice mild to moderate levels of depression in one or both of your parents. The same way that children can identify when their parents have been "UNFAIR!!" in dealing with the kids, JWs eventually see Mother? as the hypocritical hussy that she is.

    Just be ready to do a lot of listening when the time comes.

    Love, Scully

  • Quotes

    Thanks Scully, I have trouble with "Patience is a virtue", I tend more towards "He who hesitates is lost".

    Thanks for the reminder; I have long suspected my Dad is chronically depressed (even before all this); (I think I inherited that gene too). I really should remember to think about their immediate welfare, because this could just make it worse.

    It's just so frustrating, since I'm on the other side of the chasam (sp?) and I know that crossing it would lift their spirits in the long run.

    But you are correct (as usual!). Patience....

  • blondie

    If you don't have them already, try reading or re-reading Steve Hassan's books "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and "Releasing the Bonds." He sets out scenarios on how to talk to cult members from an indirect angle that doesn't put them on the defensive. He too talks about being patient. I found them very interesting.


  • Quotes
    "Just be ready to do a lot of listening when the time comes"

    Good reminder! During/after my exit, I was talking, for hours on end, to anyone that would listen: siblings, workmates, even my boss! In retrospect I think it was a necessary catharsis.

    ~Quotes, of the "I wish Scully was my personal Nurse" Class

  • Quotes

    Thanks Blondie, it is time for me to re-read "Combatting..." and time I fianlly acquired and read "Releasing..."

    "Combatting..." was excellent, as I recall. Definately time for a refresher course.

    ~Quotes, of the "The pile of books I am reading is taller than I am, and none of them were printed by Watchtower" class

  • talesin

    Had a similar discussion recently with my dad, only re charitable status. They have recently begun to pay taxes for their KH so that they can receive 911 status. He said this proves that WT pays taxes. I countered with some information I learned here :) about other countries, where they are fighting for their tax-free status. His reply? "Well, I don't know anything about that." arrrggggghhhh I felt like saying, WELL NOW YOU DO, BECAUSE I AM TELLING YOU. IS ANYBODY IN THERE????

    Yeah, it's frustrating. Guess I will just have to 'wait on Jehovah' TM for their eyes to open.

  • UpAndAtom

    Your parents sound like proud people that don't want to admit the humilitating experience of admitting all of their emotional investment in the 'Tower has been for nought.

    The longer their own emotional investiment, the harder it is to admit the problems. I suggest approaching your parents as 'proud people'. Don't make them feel worse for believing the lie... make them feel proud that they can see past it. In this way, you appeal to their ego... their selfish side... their proud side; Everybody likes hearing good things about themselves. Appealing to a person's ego can be a very powerful (and even manipulative) technique.

    Tell you Dad you are very pleased that he was intelligent enough to see the truth. Tell him he is wise for studying. Tell him your glad that he seeks out truth. You could even say that waiting on the tower, shows patience... itself a very good virtue. Everything should be positive. I think the seed has been planted... don't be too impatient for the plant to grow and choke out the weeds of ignorance.

  • talesin

    It's funny, UpandAtom, I see both sides of the coin in my parents. They are in their 70s, keep in mind.

    My mother, is a prideful person. For her to admit that she was wrong, I don't think will ever happen. She has been the driving force behind their devotion to JW for 50 years. She will deny, deny, deny to the bitter end.

    My father, OTOH, seems to be more depressed about the whole thing. The disillusionment is apparent in his eyes, but I think it is more a matter of "where would I go, what would I do" for him. I get a real sense of loss from him, rather that he is not in denial, he just doesn't see a way out.

  • Quotes

    UpAndAtom, Thanks for the advice; wise counsel indeed!

    I have to remember that I can't force this "horse to drink" but can only "lead it to the water". Your advice provides a necessary "carrot".

    ~Quotes, of the "Too Many Metaphors" class

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