Letter to my Mom about UN NGO association

by Quotes 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

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    The backstory: my Mom became JW when she was young (early 20s, I think). My Dad is an Elder and has been for years. I had opportunity to mention the UN thing via telephone a couple of times over the last couple years, always "buying out the opportune time," and encouraged my Mom to check it out herself.

    Of course, she didn't bother to check out anything. Maybe too much to deal with, maybe too unbelievable. She did strongly agree that IF it is true it is significant. Eventually, she did see something on the web (I think it was my site, actually, after I challenged her to find even one thing on my site they she could justify asking me to remove, in response to her asking me to "just take down my website" and giving me a guilt trip about by site and my dad's heart & triple bypass). She seemed a little more moved, but still not convinced. "Your dad said, IF it is true, that's the biggest BOO-BOO he's ever heard of." (i.e. a combination of denial, and minimalization).

    On the phone last Saturday, she said "I just don't know who to ask about that. If I call Bethel, they will tell me to ask [my elder husband] after all, [Dad's name removed] is an elder."

    So, being the helpful and loving son that I am, I told her about the letter at the UN website, and offered to mail her a copy along with instructions so she could verify and download a copy herself.

    I hand wrote the following letter and will put it in today's post:

    March 30, 2004

    Dear Mom,

    I have enclosed the document from the U.N.'s website concerning Watchtower Society's nine years of official "N.G.O." status with the U.N. The fact that this document appears at an official, authoritative source is important: this is more than mere rumour or speculation.

    Don't take my word for it, though. Go to the library, use the internet computer to find it yourself. I have included "How to Retrieve..." insturctions (important only to help navigate the huge U.N. website).

    I would really like to know Watchtower's true reason for this (because frankly, I can't think of anything which would justify this). See what Brooklyn explains to you & let me know. (The ph.# I have is Watchtower "Office of Public Information" 1-718-560-5600, but maybe you have a better number, this one is for press reporters; maybe they can redirect you?)

    Before calling, consider Watchtower June 1st 1991 pg.15-20; paragraph 11 seems to speak negatively about the Catholic Church for it's relations with the U.N., but those relations are, in fact, as "N.G.O." assoications. (You have to go to the book quoted in paragraph 11 to see this, though).

    I'm not telling you what to do, but I think this possible "wrongdoing" should be investigated, just the same as any other case of "wrongdoing". The rules about, say, smoking, blood use, or NEUTRALITY apply equally to all, don't they? Dad is an Elder, and has a responsibility & obligation in these matters.

    Let me know what you find out,



    Oh, and I'll include the June 1st 1991 Watchtower (printed out from WT 1999 CD Library).

    Of course, if I get a response to this, I will post it!

  • xjw_b12

    Quotes. Hope she follows through. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  • hawkaw

    Well done

    Prepare for the half truths such as the WTS did not "join" the UN as only countries can join.

    That is where you have to remind her that the WTS and other non governmental organizations (which are not for profit corporations) can have special relationships (ie. "partnerships") with different branches in the UN. One of these partnerships is having an "associated NGO" status with the UN's Department of Public Information. In order to get the "associated NGO status", a NGO must voluntarily approach the UN's Department of Public Information and must voluntarily agree to support the UN charter (which allows for war in Chapter 7) and must disseminate positive information on UN programs etc. That is in direct violation of the WTS own doctrine and even highlighted in the 1991 WT magazine that you referred her to. If mom says that the 24 catholic organizations cited in the article are not the same as what the WTS did, pull out the original quote from Robert Muller's New Genisis book (page 45) that is on the internet here as well as the 1976 WT article that we have up on the board. Ask her why the one line from the paragraph in Muller's book is missing in the WT's 1991 article.

    Here's Muller's cover, table of contents and page 45.




    As a suggestion, rote into your head the words "associated NGO" status.


  • Quotes

    Thanks for the tips, Hawk! What you said is already pretty much part of my gameplan.

    And yup, I've memorized the "associate NGO" status already, thanks for the reminder. You will note that my letter refers only to "official NGO status", and later, "NGO associations"). I agree with you completely it is important to keep the terminology straight, otherwise it just gives them loopholes to wriggle out of.

  • Scully

    *** w91 6/1 pp. 10-15 The Spiritual Drunkards?Who Are They? ***

    The Spiritual Drunkards?Who Are They?

    "Woe to the eminent crown of the drunkards of Ephraim."?ISAIAH 28:1.

    WE ARE living in stirring times. Many people have been excited by dramatic political changes around the world and in seeing more involvement by the United Nations. In December 1989 the Detroit Free Press said: "As the planet enters the 1990s, peace has broken out." A Soviet magazine announced: "We are preparing to beat swords into ploughshares," while the secretary-general of the United Nations declared: "We are no longer in the cold war." Yes, hopes have been high, and without a doubt, the world scene is changing. More recently, the Gulf war has illustrated how rapidly changes may take place. But will this present world ever realize a time of actual peace and security, with all its attendant benefits? The answer is no. In fact, a serious crisis is brewing that will rock the world to its foundations! It is a crisis in which religion is deeply involved.


    This crisis was foreshadowed by events in ancient Israel and Judah during the eighth and seventh centuries B.C.E. Back then, too, people thought that they might have achieved peace. But God, through his prophet Isaiah, warned that their hope for peace was a delusion, which would soon be exposed. In a similar way today, Jehovah, through his Witnesses, is warning mankind that they are deceived if they hope to achieve a lasting peace through human efforts. Let us read Jehovah?s prophetic warning and see how it applies today. It is found in the 28th chapter of Isaiah and was written before 740 B.C.E., likely during the reigns of wicked King Pekah of Israel and of wayward King Ahaz of Judah.

    "The Drunkards of Ephraim"


    In verse 1 of chapter 28, we are jolted by a startling statement: "Woe to the eminent crown of the drunkards of Ephraim, and the fading blossom of its decoration of beauty that is upon the head of the fertile valley of those overpowered by wine!" How the Israelites must have been shocked to hear that scathing denunciation! Who were these "drunkards of Ephraim"? What was their "eminent crown"? And what is "the head of the fertile valley"? More important, what do these words imply for us today?


    Since Ephraim was the largest of the ten tribes of Israel, the term "Ephraim" sometimes referred to the whole northern kingdom. So "the drunkards of Ephraim" were really the drunkards of Israel. The capital city of Israel was Samaria, which was situated on a commanding height at the head of a fertile valley. So the expression "the head of the fertile valley" refers to Samaria. When these words were written, the kingdom of Israel was very corrupt religiously speaking. Moreover, she had entered a political alliance with Syria against Judah and now felt secure. (Isaiah 7:1-9) That was about to change. A crisis was approaching, which was why Jehovah pronounced "woe to the eminent crown of the drunkards of Ephraim."


    What was "the eminent crown"? A crown is a symbol of royal authority. Evidently, "the eminent crown" was Israel?s position as a separate kingdom, independent of Judah. Something was going to happen to destroy Israel?s royal independence. Who, then, were "the drunkards of Ephraim"? Doubtless, there were literal drunkards in Israel, since Samaria was the scene of licentious pagan worship. Yet, the Bible speaks of a worse kind of drunkenness. At Isaiah 29:9, we read: "They have become intoxicated, but not with wine; they have moved unsteadily, but not because of intoxicating liquor." This was a spiritual drunkenness, an unclean, death-dealing intoxication. Israel?s leaders?particularly her religious leaders?clearly suffered from just such a spiritual intoxication.


    What was the cause of ancient Israel?s spiritual drunkenness? Basically, it was her alliance with Syria against Judah, which gave the nation?s leaders a good feeling of security. This spiritual drunkenness put Israel out of touch with reality. Like a literal drunkard, she was optimistic although there was no reason to be. Moreover, Israel wore her intoxicating alliance with Syria proudly, like a garland of beauty. But, as Isaiah says, it was a fading garland that would not last much longer.


    Isaiah stresses this in chapter 28, verse 2: "Look! Jehovah has someone strong and vigorous. Like a thunderous storm of hail, a destructive storm, like a thunderous storm of powerful, flooding waters, he will certainly do a casting down to the earth with force." Who was this "someone strong and vigorous"? In ancient Israel?s time, it was the powerful Assyrian Empire. This cruel, ruthless world power would come upon Israel like a thunderous storm of powerful, flooding waters. With what result?


    Isaiah goes on to say: "With the feet the eminent crowns of the drunkards of Ephraim will be trampled down. And the fading flower of its decoration of beauty that is upon the head of the fertile valley must become like the early fig before summer, that, when the seer sees it, while it is yet in his palm, he swallows it down." (Isaiah 28:3, 4) Israel?s capital city, Samaria, was like a ripe fig to Assyria, ready to be plucked and swallowed. Israel?s garlandlike alliance with Syria was going to be trampled. It would have no value when the day of reckoning came. Even worse, her crownlike glory of independence would be crushed under the feet of the Assyrian enemy. What a catastrophe!

    ?Priest and Prophet Gone Astray?


    Yes, a terrible reckoning awaited Israel, and just as Jehovah God had warned, that reckoning came in the year 740 B.C.E. when Samaria was destroyed by Assyria and the northern kingdom ceased to exist as an independent nation. What happened to ancient Israel stands as a grim warning to unfaithful false religion today, as we shall see. But what of Israel?s sister kingdom to the south, Judah? In Isaiah?s time Jehovah?s temple still functioned in Jerusalem, the capital of Judah. The priesthood still operated there, and prophets such as Isaiah, Hosea, and Micah spoke in Jehovah?s name. What message, then, did Jehovah have for Judah?


    Isaiah goes on to tell us: "These also [that is, the priests and the prophets of Jerusalem]?because of wine they have gone astray and because of intoxicating liquor they have wandered about. Priest and prophet?they have gone astray because of intoxicating liquor." (Isaiah 28:7a) Evidently, Judah?s religious leaders were also drunk. Likely, as in Israel, some were drunkards in a literal sense, and if so, this was a disgrace. God?s Law specifically prohibited strong drink to priests when they were serving in the temple. (Leviticus 10:8-11) Literal drunkenness in God?s house would have been a shocking contravention of God?s Law.


    More serious, though, there was spiritual drunkenness in Judah. Just as Israel had aligned herself with Syria against Judah, so Judah sought security through an alliance with Assyria. (2 Kings 16:5-9) Despite the presence of God?s temple and his prophets, Judah put faith in humans when she should have trusted Jehovah. Moreover, having formed such an ill-advised alliance, her leaders felt as carefree as their spiritually drunken neighbors to the north. Their irresponsible attitude disgusted Jehovah.


    Isaiah goes on to say: "They have become confused as a result of the wine, they have wandered about as a result of the intoxicating liquor; they have gone astray in their seeing, they have reeled as to decision. For the tables themselves have all become full of filthy vomit?there is no place without it." (Isaiah 28:7b, 8) Likely, in their drunken state, some literally vomited in the temple. But even worse, the priests and the prophets who should have given religious guidance vomited forth spiritual filth. Moreover, with the exception of a few faithful ones, the judgments of the prophets were warped, and they foresaw false things for the nation. Jehovah would punish Judah for this spiritual uncleanness.

    Spiritual Drunkards Today


    Were Isaiah?s prophecies fulfilled only on ancient Israel and Judah? By no means. Both Jesus and the apostle Paul quoted his words about spiritual drunkenness and applied them to the religious leaders of their time. (Isaiah 29:10, 13; Matthew 15:8, 9; Romans 11:8) Today, too, a situation like that in Isaiah?s time has arisen?this time in Christendom, a worldwide religious organization that claims to represent God. Rather than taking a firm stand for truth and relying on Jehovah, Christendom, Catholic and Protestant, puts her faith in the world. She thus staggers about unsteadily, like the drunkards of Israel and Judah. The spiritual drunkards of those ancient nations well foreshadow the spiritual leaders of Christendom today. Let us see exactly how.


    Like Samaria and Jerusalem, Christendom has drunk deep of the wine of political alliances. In 1919 she was among the foremost promoters of the League of Nations. While Jesus said that Christians would be no part of the world, Christendom?s leaders cultivate relationships with political leaders. (John 17:14-16) The symbolic wine of such activity is stimulating to the clergy. (Compare Revelation 17:4.) They enjoy being consulted by politicians and associating with the great ones of this world. As a result, they have no true spiritual guidance to give. They vomit out uncleanness rather than speaking the pure message of truth. (Zephaniah 3:9) With their vision blurred and confused, they are no safe guides for mankind.?Matthew 15:14.

    "Command Upon Command"


    In the eighth century B.C.E., Isaiah exposed the wrong course of the spiritual leaders of Judah in particular. How did they respond? They hated it! When Isaiah persisted in proclaiming God?s warnings, the religious leaders retorted: "Whom will one instruct in knowledge, and whom will one make understand what has been heard? Those who have been weaned from the milk, those moved away from the breasts?" (Isaiah 28:9) Yes, did Isaiah think he was talking to little babies? Jerusalem?s religious leaders considered themselves to be grown men, fully capable of making decisions for themselves. They did not need to listen to the nagging reminders of Isaiah.


    Those religionists even made a joke of Isaiah?s preaching work. They chanted at him: "For it is ?command upon command, command upon command, measuring line upon measuring line, measuring line upon measuring line, here a little, there a little.?" (Isaiah 28:10) ?Isaiah keeps repeating himself,? they claimed. ?He keeps saying: "This is what Jehovah has commanded! This is what Jehovah has commanded! This is Jehovah?s standard! This is Jehovah?s standard!"? In the original Hebrew, Isaiah 28:10 is a repetitious rhyme, rather like a child?s nursery rhyme. And that is how the prophet seemed to the religious leaders, repetitious and childish.


    In the first century C.E., the preaching of Jesus and his disciples sounded similarly repetitious and unsophisticated. Those who followed Jesus were viewed by the Jewish religious leaders as accursed, unsophisticated yokels, men unlettered and ordinary. (John 7:47-49; Acts 4:13) Jehovah?s Witnesses today are often viewed in the same way. They have not attended Christendom?s seminaries, and they do not use high-sounding titles or theological terminology as do the clergy. So the high ones in Christendom look down on them, imagining that they should know their place and give these religious leaders more respect.


    However, there is something that those religious leaders overlook. Even though the great ones of Isaiah?s day rejected his message, he was speaking the truth, and his warnings came true! Similarly, the warnings Jehovah?s Witnesses utter today are true, solidly based on God?s Word of truth, the Bible. (John 17:17) Hence, they will be fulfilled.

    The Reckoning

    19 At Isaiah 28:11, we read: "For by those stammering with their lips and by a different tongue he will speak to this people." Isaiah?s teaching sounded to Judah like foreign babble. Although Judah survived the Assyrian menace that overwhelmed Israel, in time Jehovah dealt with Judah by means of another foreigner, Nebuchadnezzar. (Jeremiah 5:15-17) The Babylonian language sounded harsh and stammering to those Hebrews. But they were forced to listen to it when Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed in 607 B.C.E. and the inhabitants were dragged off into Babylonian exile. In the same way today, Christendom will soon have to suffer because, like Judah of old, she ignores Jehovah?s exhortations.

    20 The prophecy says of such ones: "Those to whom he has said: ?This is the resting-place. Give rest to the weary one. And this is the place of ease,? but who were not willing to hear. And to them the word of Jehovah will certainly become ?command upon command, command upon command, measuring line upon measuring line, measuring line upon measuring line, here a little, there a little,? in order that they may go and certainly stumble backwards and actually be broken and ensnared and caught."?Isaiah 28:12, 13.

    21 Incessantly, just as Isaiah spoke God?s message, Jehovah?s Witnesses tell Christendom that she should rest her hope in Jehovah?s word. But she refuses to listen. To her, the Witnesses seem to be babbling in a foreign tongue. They speak a language she cannot understand. Christendom refuses to give rest to the weary one by telling about God?s Kingdom and the new world to come. Rather, she is drunk with the wine of her relationship with this world. She prefers to support political solutions to mankind?s problems. Like the Jews of Jesus? day, she has not sought the Kingdom resting-place herself, and she will not tell others about it.?Matthew 23:13.

    22 Hence, Isaiah?s prophetic words put the clergy on notice that Jehovah will not always speak by means of His harmless Witnesses. Soon, Jehovah will carry into effect his "command upon command, measuring line upon measuring line," and the result will be catastrophic for Christendom. Her religious leaders and their flocks will "be broken and ensnared and caught." Yes, like Jerusalem of old, Christendom?s religious systems will be utterly destroyed. What a shocking, unexpected development that will be! And what a frightful outcome because the clergy prefer spiritual drunkenness to Jehovah?s reminders!

    Can You Explain?

    · Who were the drunkards of Ephraim, and what made them drunk?

    · How were the eminent crowns of the drunkards of Ephraim trampled down?

    · What disgraceful situation in Judah did Isaiah expose?

    · Where today do we see spiritual drunkenness?

    · Why should Christendom heed what happened to the ancient nation of Judah?

    [Study Questions]

    1. What optimism have many felt, but will their hopes be fulfilled?

    2. How was today?s situation paralleled in ancient Israel and Judah?

    3. What startling denunciation did Isaiah utter?

    4. (a) What were Ephraim and the head of the fertile valley? (b) Why did Israel feel secure?

    5. (a) What was Israel?s eminent crown? (b) Who were the drunkards of Ephraim?

    6. What made ancient Israel drunk?

    7, 8. Despite her good feelings, what was ancient Israel due to experience?

    9. Why may Judah have expected a better message from Jehovah than ancient Israel got?

    10, 11. What disgusting situation existed in Judah?

    12. What would result from Judah?s spiritual drunkenness?

    13. What parallel to the situation in Israel and Judah existed in the first century C.E., and what parallel exists today?

    14. How are the religious leaders of Christendom as drunk as were the leaders of ancient Samaria and Jerusalem?

    15, 16. How did Isaiah?s contemporaries respond to his warnings?

    17. How do many today react to the warning message proclaimed by Jehovah?s Witnesses?

    18. What do religious leaders today overlook?

    19. How was Judah forced to pay heed to foreigners speaking a stammering language?

    20, 21. What do Jehovah?s Witnesses incessantly proclaim, but what do the leaders of Christendom refuse to do?

    22. Of what does Jehovah put the leaders of Christendom on notice?

    *** w91 6/1 pp. 15-20 Their Refuge?A Lie! ***

    Their Refuge?A Lie!

    "We have made a lie our refuge and in falsehood we have concealed ourselves."?ISAIAH 28:15.

    DO THOSE words apply to Christendom today as they did to the ancient two-tribe kingdom of Judah? Surely, they do! And that parallel bodes ill for modern-day Christendom. It means that catastrophe will soon overtake that apostate religious organization.

    2 To the north of Judah was the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. When Israel proved faithless, Jehovah allowed her to be conquered by Assyria in 740 B.C.E. Her sister kingdom, Judah, witnessed this tragic event but clearly felt that such a thing would never happen to her. ?Why,? her leaders boasted, ?is not Jehovah?s temple in Jerusalem? Are we not God?s favored people? Do not our priests and prophets speak in Jehovah?s name?? (Compare Jeremiah 7:4, 8-11.) Those religious leaders were confident that they were safe. But they were wrong! They were just as faithless as their northern kinsmen. So, what happened to Samaria would also happen to Jerusalem.

    3 In a similar way, Christendom claims to have a special relationship with God. ?Why,? she boasts, ?we have tens of thousands of churches and a professional clergy, as well as hundreds of millions of adherents. We also possess the Bible, and we use the name of Jesus in our worship. Surely, we are favored by God!? But what happened to ancient Jerusalem stands as a stern warning. Despite recent extraordinary political developments, we know that Jehovah will soon act decisively against Christendom and all other false religions.

    "A Covenant With Death"

    4 In ancient times, unfaithful Jerusalem received many warnings through God?s true prophets, but she did not believe them. Instead, she bragged that death would never take her down into Sheol, the grave, as it had taken the northern kingdom of Israel down. Isaiah the prophet was inspired to say to Judah: "Therefore hear the word of Jehovah, you braggarts, you rulers of this people who are in Jerusalem: Because you men have said: ?We have concluded a covenant with Death; and with Sheol we have effected a vision; the overflowing flash flood, in case it should pass through, will not come to us, for we have made a lie our refuge and in falsehood we have concealed ourselves.?"?Isaiah 28:14, 15.

    5 Yes, Jerusalem?s leaders thought they had an agreement, as it were, with death and Sheol so that their city would be preserved. But did Jerusalem?s supposed covenant with death mean that she had repented of her sins and now trusted in Jehovah for salvation? (Jeremiah 8:6, 7) Not at all! Rather, she turned to human political rulers for help. But her reliance on worldly allies was a delusion, a lie. The worldlings she trusted could not save her. And since she abandoned Jehovah, Jehovah abandoned Jerusalem. It happened just as the prophet Azariah had warned King Asa: "Jehovah is with you as long as you prove to be with him; and if you search for him, he will let himself be found by you, but if you leave him he will leave you."?2 Chronicles 15:2.

    6 Confident in their political alliances, Jerusalem?s leaders were sure that no "overflowing flash flood" of invading armies would come near them to disturb their peace and security. When threatened by an alliance of Israel and Syria, Judah turned to Assyria for help. (2 Kings 16:5-9) Later, when menaced by the military forces of Babylon, she appealed to Egypt for support and Pharaoh responded, sending an army to help.?Jeremiah 37:5-8; Ezekiel 17:11-15.

    7 But Babylon?s armies were too powerful, and Egypt?s troops had to withdraw. Jerusalem?s placing confidence in Egypt proved to be a mistake, and in 607 B.C.E., Jehovah abandoned her to the destruction he had foretold. So Jerusalem?s rulers and priests were wrong! Their trust in worldly alliances for peace and security was "a lie" that was swept away by the flash flood of Babylon?s armies.

    Rejecting the "Tried Stone"

    8 Is there a parallel situation today? Yes, there is. The clergy of Christendom also feel that no calamity will overtake them. In effect, they say as Isaiah foretold: "We have concluded a covenant with Death; and with Sheol we have effected a vision; the overflowing flash flood, in case it should pass through, will not come to us, for we have made a lie our refuge and in falsehood we have concealed ourselves." (Isaiah 28:15) Like ancient Jerusalem, Christendom looks to worldly alliances for security, and her clergy refuse to take refuge in Jehovah. Why, they do not even use his name, and they mock and persecute those who do honor that name. Christendom?s clergy have done just what the Jewish chief priests in the first century did when they rejected Christ. They have said, in effect, "We have no king but Caesar."?John 19:15.

    9 Today, Jehovah?s Witnesses warn that a flood of executional armies will soon sweep over Christendom. Moreover, they point to the true place of refuge from that flood. They quote Isaiah 28:16, which says: "This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: ?Here I am laying as a foundation in Zion a stone, a tried stone, the precious corner of a sure foundation. No one exercising faith will get panicky.?" Who is this ?precious cornerstone?? The apostle Peter quoted these words and applied them to Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:6) If Christendom had sought peace with Jehovah?s King, Jesus Christ, then she would have avoided the coming flash flood.?Compare Luke 19:42-44.

    10 However, she has not done so. Instead, in her quest for peace and security, she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations?this despite the Bible?s warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God. (James 4:4) Moreover, in 1919 she strongly advocated the League of Nations as man?s best hope for peace. Since 1945 she has put her hope in the United Nations. (Compare Revelation 17:3, 11.) How extensive is her involvement with this organization?

    11 A recent book gives an idea when it states: "No less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. Several of the world?s religious leaders have visited the international organization. Most memorable were the visits of His Holiness Pope Paul VI during the General Assembly in 1965 and of Pope John Paul II in 1979. Many religions have special invocations, prayers, hymns and services for the United Nations. The most important examples are those of the Catholic, the Unitarian-Universalist, the Baptist and the Bahai faiths."

    Vain Hopes for Peace

    12 One of the world?s most powerful political leaders echoed the hopes of many when he said: "This generation of people on earth may witness the advent of an irreversible period of peace in the history of civilization." Was he right? Do recent developments mean that the warnings Jehovah?s Witnesses have issued concerning Jehovah?s execution of judgment on the nations will not come true? Are Jehovah?s Witnesses wrong?

    13 No, they are not wrong. They know they are telling the truth because they put their trust in Jehovah and in the Bible, which is God?s own Word of truth. Titus 1:2 says: "God . . . cannot lie." So they have full confidence that when a Bible prophecy says that a certain thing will happen, it will without fail come to pass. Jehovah himself states: "So my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted."?Isaiah 55:11.

    14 In the years before the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., Jeremiah reported that the leaders were crying, "There is peace! There is peace!" (Jeremiah 8:11) However, that was a lie. Jerusalem was destroyed in fulfillment of the inspired warnings of Jehovah?s true prophets. The apostle Paul warned that something similar would happen in our day. He said that men would be crying "Peace and security!" But then, he said, "sudden destruction" would be "instantly upon them."?1 Thessalonians 5:3.

    15 As we entered the 1990?s, newspapers and magazines everywhere were saying that the Cold War is over and that world peace is at last in sight. But then a shooting war broke out in the Middle East. However, sooner or later the world situation will develop to the point where the cry of "Peace and security!" prophesied at 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3 will increase to a climax. With our hopes firmly anchored in God?s Word, we know that, as that climax is reached, God?s judgments will be executed swiftly and unerringly. No patched-up peace and security pronouncements should make us think that destruction foretold by God will not come. Jehovah?s judgments are unchangeably recorded in his Word the Bible. Christendom, along with all other false religion, will be destroyed. And then Jehovah?s destructive judgments will be expressed against the rest of Satan?s world. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-8; 2:8; Revelation 18:21; 19:19-21) Since Jehovah?s Witnesses are confident that Jehovah will fulfill his word, they continue to keep on the watch under the guidance of the faithful and discreet slave class and carefully observe how world events unfold. (Matthew 24:45-47) Certainly, no peacemaking efforts of man should make us think that Jehovah has abandoned his purpose to bring a flash flood of destruction on sin-laden Christendom.

    ?God Is Our Refuge?

    16 Some may take offense at the frankness of Jehovah?s Witnesses in proclaiming this. However, when they say that Christendom?s religious rulers have taken refuge in a lying arrangement, they merely relate what the Bible says. When they say that Christendom deserves punishment because she has become a part of the world, they merely report what God himself says in the Bible. (Philippians 3:18, 19) Moreover, because Christendom puts her confidence in the schemes proposed by this world, she actually supports the god of this world, Satan the Devil, who Jesus said is the father of the lie.?John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 4:4.

    17 Therefore, Jehovah?s Witnesses declare: As for us, we do not encourage false hopes of world peace because of the changing political scene. Instead, we echo the words of the psalmist: "God is a refuge for us. . . . The sons of earthling man are an exhalation, the sons of mankind are a lie. When laid upon the scales they are all together lighter than an exhalation." (Psalm 62:8, 9) Human schemes to promote and preserve Christendom and the rest of this system of things are a falsehood, a lie! All of them put together have no more power to forestall Jehovah?s purposes than does a mouthful of hot air!

    18 Jehovah?s Witnesses also quote Psalm 33, verses 17 to 19, which declares: "The horse [of Egypt, symbolizing warfare] is a deception for salvation, and by the abundance of its vital energy it does not afford escape. Look! The eye of Jehovah is toward those fearing him, to those waiting for his loving-kindness, to deliver their soul from death itself, and to preserve them alive in famine." Today, true Christians trust in Jehovah and in his heavenly Kingdom, the only arrangement that can bring permanent peace.

    Christendom "a Trampling Place"

    19 To trust any man-made substitute for God?s Kingdom makes that substitute an image, an object of worship. (Revelation 13:14, 15) Thus, encouraging reliance on political institutions, such as the United Nations, for peace and security is an illusion, a lie. Concerning such objects of false hopes, Jeremiah says: "His molten image is a falsehood, and there is no spirit in them. They are vanity, a work of mockery. In the time of their being given attention they will perish." (Jeremiah 10:14, 15) Therefore, the war-horses of antitypical Egypt, that is, the military-political might of the nations today, will not protect the religious realm of Christendom in her day of crisis. The alliance of Christendom?s religions with this world will surely fail to protect them.

    20 Christendom rested her hopes in the League of Nations, but it was overturned even without the coming of Armageddon. Now she has transferred her allegiance to the United Nations. But it will soon have to face "the war of the great day of God the Almighty," and it will not survive. (Revelation 16:14) Even a revived UN can never bring peace and security. God?s prophetic Word shows that the United Nations organization with its member nations "will battle with the Lamb [Christ in Kingdom power], but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them."?Revelation 17:14.

    21 Jehovah?s Witnesses confidently say that there is no salvation for Christendom in her alliances with Satan?s world. And when they say this, they are merely pointing out what the Bible itself says. Isaiah 28:17, 18 quotes Jehovah as saying: "I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the leveling instrument; and the hail must sweep away the refuge of a lie, and the waters themselves will flood out the very place of concealment. And your covenant with Death will certainly be dissolved, and that vision of yours with Sheol will not stand. The overflowing flash flood, when it passes through?you must also become for it a trampling place."

    22 When Jehovah?s judicial decision is carried out, it will be according to perfect justice. And Christendom?s basis for confidence, her "covenant with Death," will be completely swept away as if by a flash flood. Isaiah goes on to say: "Morning by morning it will pass through, during the day and during the night; and it must become nothing but a reason for quaking to make others understand what has been heard." (Isaiah 28:19) How terrifying it will be for onlookers to witness the full power of Jehovah?s judgment! How awful for Christendom?s clergy and their followers to find out, too late, that they have trusted in a lie!

    Jehovah?s Name "a Strong Tower"

    23 But what of Jehovah?s Witnesses? Even in the face of international hatred and persecution, they persist in keeping separate from the world. They never forget that Jesus said of his followers: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world." (John 17:16) Throughout these last days, they have put their trust in Jehovah?s Kingdom, not in human schemes. Therefore, Christendom?s calamity will not cause Jehovah?s Witnesses to be terrified. As Isaiah foretold: "No one exercising faith will get panicky."?Isaiah 28:16.

    24 Proverbs 18:10 says: "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection." We therefore invite all sheeplike persons to take refuge in Jehovah and in his Kingdom by Christ. As a concealment place, Jehovah is no falsehood! His Kingdom by Christ is no lie! Christendom?s refuge is a lie, but the refuge of true Christians is the truth.

    Can You Explain?

    · How did ancient Judah take refuge in a lie?

    · In what way has Christendom tried to conceal herself in falsehood?

    · How did Isaiah warn Judah, and how do Jehovah?s Witnesses utter a similar warning today?

    · How will Christendom find that her confidence is misplaced?

    · In contrast with Christendom, what stand do Jehovah?s Witnesses maintain?

    [Study Questions]

    1, 2. (a) Which organization today should take note of what happened to the ancient kingdom of Judah? (b) What misplaced confidence did Judah have?

    3. Why does Christendom feel confident as to the future, but is there good reason for her confidence?

    4. What covenant did Judah think she had made?

    5. (a) What was Judah?s supposed covenant with death? (b) What warning given to King Asa had Judah forgotten?

    6, 7. What steps did Judah take to ensure her security, but with what final result?

    8. How has Christendom taken a position very much like that of ancient Judah?

    9. (a) Who is warning Christendom today in the same way that Isaiah warned Judah? (b) To whom should Christendom turn?

    10. What involvements has Christendom cultivated?

    11. What representation does religion have at the UN?

    12, 13. Despite widespread hopes that peace is on the horizon, why are Jehovah?s Witnesses confident that their warnings are true?

    14, 15. (a) What were the leaders of Judah proclaiming shortly before Jerusalem?s destruction in 607 B.C.E.? (b) What did Paul foretell would be proclaimed before sudden destruction would come upon this world? (c) What can we expect at the climax of the proclamation prophesied at 1 Thessalonians 5:3?

    16, 17. How do Jehovah?s Witnesses respond if some take offense at the frankness of their message?

    18. What warning of the psalmist is appropriate today?

    19. Why is reliance on political organizations to bring world peace an illusion?

    20, 21. (a) What happened to the League of Nations, and why will the United Nations fare no better? (b) How did Isaiah show that Christendom?s alliances with the world will not save her?

    22. When perfect justice is applied to Christendom, what will result?

    23, 24. Rather than seeking security in this world, what will Jehovah?s Witnesses do?

    [Box on page 17]


    "For the first time since World War II the international community is united. The leadership of the United Nations, once only a hoped-for ideal, is now confirming its founders? vision. . . . The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order."?President Bush of the United States in his State of the Union message to that nation, January 29, 1991

    Note paragraphs 10 and 11 again:

    10 However, she has not done so [sought peace with Jehovah's King, Jesus Christ]. Instead, in her quest for peace and security, she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations?this despite the Bible?s warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God. (James 4:4) Moreover, in 1919 she strongly advocated the League of Nations as man?s best hope for peace. Since 1945 she has put her hope in the United Nations. (Compare Revelation 17:3, 11.) How extensive is her involvement with this organization?
    11 A recent book gives an idea when it states: "No less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. Several of the world?s religious leaders have visited the international organization. Most memorable were the visits of His Holiness Pope Paul VI during the General Assembly in 1965 and of Pope John Paul II in 1979. Many religions have special invocations, prayers, hymns and services for the United Nations. The most important examples are those of the Catholic, the Unitarian-Universalist, the Baptist and the Bahai faiths."

    And now the actual quote [in context] from Muller's book:

    Prayer, meditation and spirituality at the UN are fascinating subjects. All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations. For example, no less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. Several of the world's religious leaders have visited the international organization. Most memorable were the visits of His Holiness Pope Paul VI during the General Assembly in 1965 and of Pope John Paul II in 1979. Many religions have special invocations, prayers, hymns and services for the United Nations. The most important examples are those of the Catholic, the Unitarian-Universalist, the Baptist and the Bahai faiths. It is a common practice of the Unitarian-Universalists to display the United Nations flag in their houses of worship. So does the Holy Family Church, the parish church of the UN, with its international reliquary and its many religious services and activities catering to world peace and to the international community.

    In denouncing the Catholic Church for having 'no less than twenty-four Catholic non-governmental organizations represented at the UN', the WTS also have to apply that same denunciation to themselves for becoming an associated non-governmental organization of the UN. Remember they said that in doing this, Christendom "insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations?this despite the Bible?s warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God. (James 4:4)"

    *** Rbi8 Matthew 7:1-5 ***

    7 "Stop judging that YOU may not be judged; 2 for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged; and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU. 3 Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother?s eye, but do not consider the rafter in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ?Allow me to extract the straw from your eye?; when, look! a rafter is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw from your brother?s eye.

    Love, Scully

  • acsot

    Way to go Quotes! Very good responses to your mum.

    From my experience however, a die-hard dub won't let facts interfere with their belief system, as you undoubtedly already know.

    It was from a "faithful" elder's wife that I first heard of the UN association. I almost fell off the sidewalk as she was telling me, but the context of it all was her complaining about one of her former friends from the congregation, who had become "apostate" because of learning about the WTS/NGO connection .

    I looked at her and said: "the society joined the UN?" She justified it with the library card knee-jerk respones, finding nothing wrong with the whole idea. Her wrath was reserved for the "unfaithful apostate" who had once been her friend. This elder's wife had very self-righteously tried to help this former "friend" see the error of her ways, "but I just couldn't convince her. Satan really got a hold of her."

    Shortly after the above conversation, the Dateline program aired and I exited Watchtowerland mentally and emotionally.

    Another "faithful" elder's wife, former missionary, works next to me and when I mentioned what Elder's wife #1 had told me regarding the UN/WTS connection, she replied: "I bet the higher-ups don't want that news to get out to everyone" (giggle, giggle). I felt like slapping her. The WTS can do whatever it wants and everything is fine, just don't tell the rank and file, don't make any waves.

    Friggin' hypocrites.

    Sorry, Quotes, I went off on a tangent. I hope your mother isn't as blinded as these acquaintances of mine.

  • willyloman

    Excellent research, Scully. I did the WT in those days and was known as a deep study kind of guy, so I remember it vividly. The WTS' hypocritical role in this scandal is inexcusable and deserves the widest possible circulation.

  • Scully

    Thanks willyloman.

    Y'know, what really turns my crank about this Watchtower article, is not so much that they were slamming Christendom for its multiple NGO status with the UN, but the fact that at the very same time as this article was being written, plans were already underway to apply for NGO status by members of the WTS at the upper echelons of the food chain. The March 4, 2004 letter on the UN website states that the organization "applied for association with the DPI in 1991 and was granted association in 1992."

    I seriously doubt that applying for association with the DPI was a whimsical or not-well-thought-out plan on the part of the GB. Nor do I believe for one minute that this was an action that was taken independently of the GB. It would have taken meetings, meetings and more meetings in order to achieve the 2/3 majority that would have been required to go ahead with a decision of this magnitude. Yet, while this deliberation and planning was underway in favor of forming this alliance, they have the audacity to publish a denunciation against other Churches of Christendom? for having already done it.


    Love, Scully

  • hawkaw

    Not only that Scully but it is clear as day that plans were under way by not adding the following line ...

    All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations.

    ... from the Muller paragraph in that 1991 WT article.

    Its inclusion would have really sent the message just how false religion mates with the beast in that 1991 article. And nearly all WT articles like the 1976 one would have gone there.

    Clearly not having this line in the article but allowing the rest of the paragraph in the article showed all of us something was clearly up with the WT writers.


  • Bluegrass Tom
    Bluegrass Tom


    You handled this disclosure of information very well. I think it could be a model for others to follow.

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