
by DFWnonJW 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • DFWnonJW

    Just curious (man I must be bored!).. Anyone have "floaters" in your eyes? Those stringy little splotches that float across your field of vision. Right annoying bloody blokes they are and I can't find any info on how to get rid of 'em.

  • Nina


    Most of the information I've seen on this topic says "see your doctor immediately".


  • DFWnonJW

    Hmmm. Since I've had them since my teen years I don't see any reason to be alarmed. They're not getting worse it's just that sometimes you tend to focus on them more - thus the annoying part. Actually they're kind of like a built in kaliedascope.

  • ohiocowboy

    Yeah, actually they are kinda neat, and are excellent time-killers by trying to catch up and play games with them and see if I can focus on them. They almost look like germs. Some are squiggly, some have dots.....Maybe I should start naming them! I have that bright white line thingy going on in my right eye sometimes though, have since I was a kid, and that is a weird thing to see in my eye, guess I should have it checked someday...

  • Stefanie

    lol I tought he weas talking about pooopie

  • ohiocowboy

    LOL Stefanie, so did I! Brilliant minds think alike!

    Was even gonna recommend a double-flush, that usually works!

  • Atilla

    I have a floater and mostly see it in bright sunlight when I'm not focusing on anything. I asked my eye doctor because I'm a bit of a hypocondriac and she said that the floater is formed within your pupil as you are growing inside the womb. It's just a flaw and many people have them, nothing can be done yet to fix so live with it. Then again, you may want to get your own professional opinion.

  • ohiocowboy

    I see....So people can have a Floater, while they themselves are a Floater in the Womb....Hmmmmm

  • Leolaia

    I recall seeing floaters in my eyes since I was 7, and they seem to have increased over age. I can also see the blood cells moving through the capiliaries inside my eyes. Sometimes, if I am really attuned to it, I can easily notice the movement of the little blood cells zipping by is in time to my heartbeat....

  • bull01lay


    trying to catch up and play games with them and see if I can focus on them.

    Yeah I've tried that a few times... word of advice though... if you happen to get bored whilst driving, dont play that game then!!

    Imagine trying to explain it to a policeman after an accident...."No officer, I'm not drunk. I was merely trying to focus on a floater....." They'd have you locked up and on Prozac before you took your next breath!!!

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