Hi, I'm new to the site, and kind of don't understand...

by my-journey 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Welcome. Keep what is left of what was clearly once an open mind. Perhaps some other research sites on the WTS will give you more food for thought than this forum immediately appears to provide. A lot of people are here for reasons pertaining to emotional support and recovery from their painful experience with the WTS - something that may not be an issue for you... yet.




    Consider some of the examples of out and out lies in the WT literature at these sites and them come back here and start a thread. You might want to try and justify the use of such lies by the WTS, or you might want to express your deep concern at the use of such practices by those claiming to serve a deity. You will likely get a variety of replies, some very well thought out, some just angry, some trying to convince you of a different belief system etc etc

    Let me start you off: When is a chimpanzee not a chimpanzee? [You will need the blue book, "How did life get here? By evolution or creation?" to follow this one. Do you really want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes?

    Welcome again,


  • exjdub
    No one knows the truth. The minute anyone starts claiming they know the truth, keep one eye on your wallet and another on the door, as they want something. If they use a big T they are even more untrustworthy.


    What you have so eloquently put has been my philosophy since I left Dubbieland. If everyone followed your statement, especially aspiring Dubs, there would be a lot less pain in the world.


  • xjw_b12
    I don't hate anybody (OK - maybe Alanis Morrisette...)

    LOL at Pope.

  • frenchbabyface

    Well ... Welcome !

  • Strawberryfieldsforever


    I don't like to think of this board as a hate site. You might think that, but it's simply not true. Some of us have been hurt more than others by the JW's. We come here to help eachother and support one another with problems from being a JW. What problems you might ask? First of all, I'll tell you mine. Most of my family are still in ther organization. They do not tolerate anybody that doesn't believe what the WTS says. I do not believe they have the "truth". I should not be punished for that. I have my own mind and I feel that it's up to me to decide. I was raised a JW and didn't have the choice to research. When I was finally able to do so, I was shunned.

    I choose not to serve a God who is so demanding and cruel as to tell us to put our faith to the test and then destroy us when we do. I hope this makes sense. Please keep doing your research. This board is a wealth of information, not a hate site.

    Again, welcome


  • avengers


    How can someone who only posted once have an average of 1.77?




    Since 25-May-04 01:14
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  • orangefatcat

    Hello and welcome.

    I hope you stay a while and keep reading. Please don't be judgemental, that is a trait of most Jehovah's Witnesses. I know this as I was one for 38 years.

    Like most who have posted already I don't hate JW. either. Its the religion thats at fault. The organization is unique in its ability to brainwash peoples free thinking. Any organization that can cause family break ups is indeed hateful. They show no mercy and they have forgotten the words of Christ when he was asked how many times should I forgive my brother? Seven times? No he said but 77 times."

    So tell me how do they understand that, its as plain as the nose on ones face.

    The WTBS has been instrumental in causeing persons to commit suicide. That is how powerful a cult they are.

    There are many reasons not to be a JW, but you have to do the research, I mean just look at how many have posted and have added sites that will aid you in your quest to get the answer you truly seek. I am no a JW basher, my family are all JWs. So I am alone with a new husband in my life and my wonderful son. And I have more important things to do in life than wasting it by bashing JWs.

    Please seek with a honest heart and you'll understand you we are all no longer JWs.

    Peace be with you


  • bull01lay

    Hi, and Welcome!!

    I'm a newbie to this site too, although I have been 'lurking' for a while and reading peoples posts.

    Like most have already said - this isn't a hate site. It appears there are many here who do hate witnesses, but read up on their stories and I'm sure you'll agree most have more than just cause!!

    There are also witnesses that try to counsel, console, and empathise with those that are suffering on this site.

    I don't Hate witnesses - that would require too much effort and time, and there is sooooooooo many more 'fun' things to do!!

    Hope you stay around - you'll find actually these 'haters' are just caring, freindly, and sometimes angry, people!!

  • family_man
  • sunshineToo

    Welcome to the board, journey! And I appologyze for some hostile posters in this board as well. They don't mean harm. They are, just like all of ex-jws, hurt by the Watchtower Society (the WTS) so much that some times they (we) could get very defensive.

    I'll try to answer some of your questions.

    Do I plan to go back to "ailing" other churches? If you think the other churches are ailing, you really should do some research on the WTS itself. I have seen both the good side and the bad side of the WTS and other churches. So I might go back to other church.

    You think the Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones who are peaceful and innocent? Try Mormons. They are much nicer than the jws, and contribute a lot more to the neighbors who are not even in the same faith.

    I do wish you can stay around. And bring your friends, too.

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