Hi, I'm new to the site, and kind of don't understand...

by my-journey 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Well I am a 77 year old who served the organization of JW for over 20+ years....

    I love Jehovahs Witnesses---- I would have died for them by 2 bloodless operations, I made 10 people JWs

    My husband used to beat me for being one. But you know they tell you that is good to suffer for the "Truth"

    It is NOT the truth.... They have lied to you by twisting scriptures. Dont add to scripture & dont take away....They have done both...As to you answer what religion are we now.Some of us are not into religion .

    Some of us have a relationship with our Creator..... We can do as scripture advices... Pray! where ever -in the bedroom ??? Ask The LORD to send the HOLY Spirit to teach you..... He will

    Grace http://exwitnessgrace.homestead.com/free.html

  • Realist


    I really did think this site was aimed at Jehovahs Witnesses, but it's just a hate site, and you're all entitled to hate Jehovah's Witnesses - after all, most people do, even so called Christians

    i can assure you that people who have never been closely affected by the JW do not hate them! they simply do not notice them (as you do not recognize the mormons). i do not hate you but pitty you for your childish kindergarten believes.

  • Corvin

    My-journey, welcome.

    You have sort of come into this forum as one comes into the middle of a deep and lengthy conversation having many subtopics. It's not easy to catch up unless you have done your homework. Naive is a word that seems to come to mind when reading your post, and that's OK.

    Most of us are former JW's. I can't speak for anyone else, but I am not looking for another religion to replace the WTBTS. I believe in God and His son, Jesus Christ . . . and I believe the Bible. I was raised in the organization and have learned many things about the religion that give strong undeniable evidence of its controlling cult-like nature and have determined for myself to never return to it.

    I hope you stay around and read somemore stuff. I hope that , since you are already online, you will dig deeper and discover some of the truths about "the truth". Nothing has been more liberating for me and my family.

    Just to be perfectly upfront, all of us here with a few exceptions, are considered by the WTBTS to be "apostates".

    [edited to say] I do not hate JW's. I strongly take exception to some of their damaging beliefs and convictions, however. Some of the best people I ever knew, well, come to think of it, the only people I ever knew, are JW's. The cult of JW's nearly killed my children. Long story, but if you read my post history you will understand. I do abhore the Society, however . . . the rules and edicts of the governing body have cost many who adhere to them their lives.

    Much success to you,


  • mouthy

    sorry for the double post. You know oldies ....They get excited & press the button twice.

    But by the way Journey- they tried to reinstate me two years ago.... So they must be seeing 1914 as a No no ????

  • new light
    new light
    I don't see others that outwardly appear peaceful, truthful and ready to serve God down to the letter,

    I'm sorry, but that may be because your view of "serving God down to the letter" is skewed by WTS doctrine. In addition, many religions do not put on the appearance of being the religion that pleases God. But rest assured, there are people in every religion that are completely devoted to serving God in "spirit and truth".

  • Quotes

    Hi My Journey, WELCOME!

    You certainly have a lot of questions; it might be a good idea to break it down and post them one-at-a-time so they can be properly dealt with.

    To get some of the answers started: The "DONTATE" buttone goes to the propritor of this site to help him pay the bills. This site uses a huge amount of bandwidth and this costs money. Any one is welcome, and dontaions are NOT required, but if you want to chip in a few bob and help SIMON pay the bills, it would be a kind gesture. (This "voluntary donation arrangement" should sound familiar to you, no?)

    The URL is not misleading (unless you have come with some a priori opinion). All are welcome here: current JWs, former JWs, those curious about JWs, those who have family recently indoctrinated by JWs, etc. Unfortunately, the Watchtower's own rules about use of the Internet make participation by JWs here very rare; but that is not because they are not welcome. (Unfortunately, some active JWs come here only to insult, threat, or provoke, and thereby violate rule number one in the posting guidelines. This type of behaviour is not tolerated from anyone; and results in suspension of posting privleges. It is sad to see a person who claims to worship the God of Love spew such vitriol and hate). The only thing that binds this diverse community together is the overall theme: JWs; hence the URL.

    If you would like to see more active JWs here, encourage all JWs you know to join us here. We look forward to stimulating discussion threads.

    Some of your questions have been dealt with here time and time-again. You might want to Search to see what has already been discussed on these matters (true religion, etc.).

    Stick around, and follow the Watchtower recommendation to keep and open mind and carefully examine and verify your religion.


  • Quotes

    I fogot to add a response to:

    and you're all entitled to hate Jehovah's Witnesses - after all, most people do, even so called Christians

    I realize that you might actually believe this extreme statement, but I would like to express to you that this is an unfair, untrue statement.

    An informal poll of my friends and associates (from various religious backgrounds and various walks of life) regarding their knowledge of JWs leads to one, overwhelming understanding of JWs by the general public: Almost complete ignorance, and also apathy, of JWs -- NOT hate.

    Stated anther way: the World doesn't hate JWs, rather they simply have never heard of JWS. If they have heard of them, they simply know almost nothing about JWs (other than a vague recollection that "they distribute those religious magazines").

    Your statement that "most people [hate JWs]" is simply incorrect. It is, however, common for sects to have this type of persecution complex.

  • Quotes
    I don't see others that outwardly appear peaceful, truthful and ready to serve God down to the letter,

    This is circular reasoning, it works like this:

    1. JWs (a.k.a. Watchtower) define exactly what constitutes acceptable service to God
    2. JWs exclaim that no other religion performs acceptable service to God
    3. Therefore only JWs are the true religion
    4. As the True Religion, only JWs are in a postion to interpret the bible to define what constitutes acceptable service to God. Return to Step 1 to complete the circle.

    Of course, JWs are not the only religion that uses this exact type of circular reasoning. You can take pretty much any religion and say:

    "We are the only True Religion(TM) because no other religion believes and behaves exactly as we say the True Religion(TM) should believe and behave"

    Did you know that Seventh Day Adventist might point out that they abstain from alcohol and caffeine (as well as smoking), and therefore make this same circular areguement to "prove" that JWs (who accept both alcohol and caffeine in moderation) are not the true Religion? Can you start to see how illogical this is?

  • XQsThaiPoes
    sorry for the double post. You know oldies ....They get excited & press the button twice.

    But by the way Journey- they tried to reinstate me two years ago.... So they must be seeing 1914 as a No no ????

    The is becasue the WTs has dumped 1914 and are in the relabeling stage. The 1914 607 conection is buried the proof text Luke 21:24 they part that puts the date 1914 "in the bible" is no longer listed in "WHAT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES BELIEVE' Also the changed the meaning "The Gentile Times is the period referred to in another Bible translation as "the appointed times of the nations." (Luke 21:24) Not all that was expected to happen in 1914 did happen, but it did mark the end of the Gentile Times and was a year of special significance." THe appointed time of the nations is very vauge and also WW1 to be an event completely unrealated to 607. Thus invoking a new proof text the famous mather 24. http://www.watchtower.org/library/jt/article_03.htm . They are trying to reinstate you because they technically DFed you for no reason. I assume they would do likewish is you said any thing about jesus being Michael another JW limbo belief that the wts has abandon but does not know how to break it to the R&F. They are waiting for the old people like my grampa to die off or become to feeble minded to matter.

  • Flash

    Hello and wecome my-journey.

    What do you all believe now? Who do you think knows the truth? Are you still searching, or do you think Jehovah is the truth, Do you think about Armageddon? Do you hate Jehovah's Witnesses?

    I still worship Jehovah. I stay away from His people though. As you will find they are very narrow and controling, very manipulating. There is a steady flow of fear, guilt and self-doubt in their literature, public talks and general speach. I also believe strongly that Armageddon is real and is near.
    I really did think this site was aimed at Jehovahs Witnesses, but it's just a hate site ...I want to know that I have come into the right religion. I am new to the faith though , and like to look at other religions, as they always seem to confirm that I have just joined the right one.
    This is not a hate site, but there are a lot of us who are justly angry. I do believe the Witnesses are God's people, yet like ancient Israel often was, they are over-zealous, unbalanced and sanctimonious. For instance, the more time you spend with them you will see that your continued thinking for yourself is discouraged and the policy of conformity to the organizational views insisted upon! ................................................... Hello and wecome Aalena,
    I'm new to this site but from what I've read there are people with multiple views that come here and share their feelings. Not everyone here hates JWs. I think everyone just tries to share their views in search for someone to relate to. Being a JW is a way of life. Changing that way of life can be very tramatic and conflicting since it means leaving behind many that you have grown close to. Personally, I can see this place being a support to me because I find others that can relate to my feelings of non-belief in the religion of JWs.
    Yes and Yes.

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