What is the difference between Creationism and Intelligent Design?

by somebodylovesme 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebodylovesme
    It's a distinction without a difference as has already been pointed out.
    Doh! Sorry, but your question begged this simple response.

    Well, I didn't think there was a distinction -- but when I said that to my professor, he vehemently disagreed with me and said I was uninformed. As I continued researching, I thought I would pose the question here, because I have found that posters are very resourceful and often have links and pages that I can't find alone.

    But thank you for your simple response... I generally agree with your statement:

    One implies the other. Think about it: Could there be stupid Creation without intelligent design, or stupid design with smart Creation?

    in the sense that you can't have "intelligent design" without the "Creator."


  • AlanF

    ThiChi said:

    : Thanks for your viewpoint. However, it does not address the reasons for your claims.....

    I'm well aware of that. I simply didn't have the time today since I'm posting during a bit of slack time at work. And of course, we all know that arguing with creationists about such things is like trying to pick up mercury with your fingers.

    : Too bad your site did not include Dr. Kindall's reply.........I wonder why?

    Because it was a canned PowerPoint presentation from the ICR, dummy. They don't provide their text to critics. Besides, virtually all of it can be found in ICR publications.

    Interestingly, about 3 weeks in advance of the lecture I emailed Kindall my entire text, along with a request that he email me back his entire presentation. That gave him the opportunity to review everything I was going to present. He emailed me back a brief (and I mean brief) outline that contained hardly any specifics, and was obviously just culled from standard ICR presentations.

    Nevertheless, I was given a CD containing MP3 recordings of almost all of the lectures given at the 3-day conference, including Kindall's. I'll burn a copy for anyone who wants one, for a postage and handling fee of $5.00.


  • ThiChi

    Alan F: Don?t get me wrong, I respect your views ten fold....however, I feel the truth of the matter is still a matter for debate....

  • somebodylovesme

    Well, lookit this - lil' ole me started a debate. My first!

    Hope my question didn't upset anyone ... Thank you all for your input. My presentation is tomorrow morning and hopefully I will give a persuasive argument as to why religions should be taught privately - not in the public schools.

    Thanks, all!


  • AlanF

    ThiChi said:

    : Don?t get me wrong, I respect your views ten fold....

    Whatever. But your statement, "Too bad your site did not include Dr. Kindall's reply.........I wonder why?" strongly suggests that I'm hiding something, namely, Kindall's reply which I don't want anyone to see because it might contain arguments I can't or don't want to address. On the contrary, I want people to see his reply, because it's a typical example of creationist "arguments from ignorance" (i.e., "I can't understand how this can be true so it isn't."). So you jumped to a conclusion that you thought would prejudice other creationists against my other statements. Isn't that right, ThiChi?

    : however, I feel the truth of the matter is still a matter for debate....

    This is why I said that arguing these matters with creationists is like trying to pick up mercury with your fingers. You're not being specific here. "The truth of the matter" doesn't specify whether you're talking about the creation/evolution debate in general, or one or more of the various questions you replied to above. Assuming you mean any or all of these things, your statement is trivially true -- of course it's a matter for debate.

    On to your earlier post:

    : "...therefore a intelligent designer would also require another intelligent designer ad infinitum."

    : You have only presented a False Dilemma here, and as such have violated your own claims.

    There's no "False Dilemma" here. Creationists claim that, according to our experience, life comes only from life, and "complex" things only come into being when an intelligent being makes them. It would be inconsistent to make any exceptions, and so, while there's a dilemma, it's not a false one. Any exceptions -- extraordinary claims -- must be justified by extremely good arguments and extraordinary evidence.

    : If God is a being that is unlimited in time,

    If, if, if. This "if" needs to be justified.

    : and if He has access to every piece of time as if it were now,

    Another unjustified "if".

    These two "if" statements are unjustifed (and probably in principle unjustifiable) assumptions.

    : the question of who created God is an invalid question.

    Since your assumptions are unjustified, your conclusion is logically invalid.

    : The problem is like asking a student to draw a four-sided triangle.

    Not at all. We know that by definition a triangle has three sides. That's why it's called a TRI-angle. We know nothing of any supposed God apart from assumptions and personal revelations -- things that are notoriously unreliable. I'm sure you can think of as many false claims of personal revelation as I can.

    : The terminology is self-contradictory.

    Only in your example.

    : It is easy to make an argument for God??s existence from a cosmological standpoint.

    Easy to make an argument. Impossible to make a logically valid one given the assumptions and lack of evidence you've presented, as I will show.

    : As the years have gone by, a growing amount of scientific data has accumulated which negates atheistic assumptions about how matter and the cosmos came into existence and how it has arrived at its present condition.

    A baseless statement. Evidence, please.

    : I have been impressed with an increasing awareness on the part of many scientists and theologians that science and religion are symbiotic disciplines.

    Some scientists have always held this view. It's not new. The only new thing is an increased mouthiness on the part of a few so-called Intelligent Design Creationists. But even their chief spokesman, Phillip Johnson, is a lawyer who is demonstrably ignorant of real science.

    : If God created matter/energy, and designed the systems that have propelled matter into its present arrangement,

    There you go with those "ifs" again.

    : who or what accomplished that for God?

    Now here's a fine example of a totally meaningless statement. All you've said is, "If God created a bunch of stuff, then who created that stuff?"

    : Why is it any more reasonable to believe that God has always ""been"" than it is to say that matter has always ""been""?

    It's not. And that's Rem's point. Both are assumptions, both are equally unproveable, and both are equally probable/improbable.

    : As Carl Sagan has said, ""If we say that God has always been, why not save a step and conclude that the universe has always been?""

    Exactly. It's obvious, though, that you don't understand Sagan's point.

    : From a purely scientific standpoint, it is easy to demonstrate that matter cannot be eternal in nature.

    If it's so easy, let's see you do it.

    : The problem here is that many people have a mistaken concept of God. If we conceive of God as physical, anthropomorphic (like man) being, the question of God??s origin is valid.


    : However, such a concept of God is alien to common sense.

    Yet another unjustified claim. Nothing you've written in this post lends credence to it. You've given nothing but bald claims and unjustified assumptions.

    I hope you see now, ThiChi, why I said that your 'reasoning' is typical of the bad argumentation coming from creationists. You fail to connect the simplest of dots and don't even know it.


  • Farkel

    : Well, I didn't think there was a distinction -- but when I said that to my professor, he vehemently disagreed with me and said I was uninformed.

    Your professor is an idiot, then. You deserve an "A", but idiots don't give out "A's" to people who trash their bullshit.

    Here is a simple exercise:

    List all the things that would happen with a Creator. Then list all the things that would happen with this nebulous "Intelligent Design."

    Then list the differences. Unless you fudge or come up with differences in the definitions of a "Creator" and one or more "Intelligent Designers", you won't find any. Either one could use evolution to accomplish their purposes, for example. Just create the "soup" and let creatures evolve. Either could use direct creation, too. Just create creatures as they now are and watch what happens. But NEITHER speaks to us about what they did or what they want. Unless you believe ancient myths, that is.

    My final thought after reading what I just wrote is for you to go back and ask your Professor for strict definitions of "Creator" and "Intelligent Designer." Only then can you really answer his question. If you cannot get an answer to that question then your professor is an asshole, dogmatic or he is just plain messing with your mind.


  • ThiChi

    ""Whatever. But your statement, "Too bad your site did not include Dr. Kindall's reply.........I wonder why?" strongly suggests that I'm hiding something, namely, Kindall's reply which I don't want anyone to see because it might contain arguments I can't or don't want to address. On the contrary, I want people to see his reply, because it's a typical example of creationist "arguments from ignorance" (i.e., "I can't understand how this can be true so it isn't."). So you jumped to a conclusion that you thought would prejudice other creationists against my other statements. Isn't that right, ThiChi?""

    It is not unreasonable to expect that both sides of a debate would be presented so everyone?s viewpoint can be considered. Yes, I would like to hear the good Doctor?s rebuttals. Your reason given for not posting the other?s response shows the closed minded elitism of some, which is so common today.

    """This is why I said that arguing these matters with creationists is like trying to pick up mercury with your fingers"""

    I understand. Trying to reason with an Evo-Atheist is like trying to give medicine to a dead man. The difference between you and myself is I don?t pretend to know it all, and you do.

    All I know is that there are creditable arguments from the ID side that needs debate.

    Regarding your "if" arguments, the very same could be said for the other side on a good number of levels. Why the double standard of proof?

  • AlanF

    ThiChi said:

    : It is not unreasonable to expect that both sides of a debate would be presented so everyone?s viewpoint can be considered.

    It was, you moron -- at the conference.

    What do you expect me to do? Make a written transcript of the guy's oral presentation and put it on my website? Ever hear of copyright? And do note -- if your brain is up to it -- I did offer to make available a copy of Kindall's oral presentation on a CD in MP3 format. Why didn't you ask for that? Are you so f**king cheap or lazy that you can't manage it?

    Your moronic statements are so typical of those of a cornered Fundy creationist. That's why your type disgusts me. Not only are you intellectually dishonest, but you're too mentally lazy to do anything beyond reading canned creationist claptrap.

    : Yes, I would like to hear the good Doctor?s rebuttals.

    Then I'm afraid you're going to have to contact the good Doctor yourself. Get off your lazy ass and do your own work.

    : Your reason given for not posting the other?s response shows the closed minded elitism of some, which is so common today.

    Your comment is so stupid it doesn't deserve any further comment.

    : """This is why I said that arguing these matters with creationists is like trying to pick up mercury with your fingers"""

    : I understand. Trying to reason with an Evo-Atheist is like trying to give medicine to a dead man.

    How would you know? You haven't performed anything like "reasoning" in this thread.

    : The difference between you and myself is I don?t pretend to know it all, and you do.

    Really. Prove it.

    Actually I've challenged you to prove quite a few of your stupid contentions. With zero results. Again typical of braindead Fundy creationists.

    : All I know is that there are creditable arguments from the ID side that needs debate.

    Obviously you're not the one to champion ID. What a surprise.

    : Regarding your "if" arguments, the very same could be said for the other side on a good number of levels.

    Wrong. I presented no "if" statements like you did. Therefore your comments have nothing to do with the issues at hand.

    : Why the double standard of proof?

    Your level of braindeadness is simply astounding. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


  • Farkel

    "...therefore a intelligent designer would also require another intelligent designer ad infinitum."

    : You have only presented a False Dilemma here, and as such have violated your own claims.

    :If God is a being that is unlimited in time, and if He has access to every piece of time as if it were now, the question of who created God is an invalid question. The problem is like asking a student to draw a four-sided triangle. The terminology is self-contradictory.

    Uh, what? The statement is basic. If God created everything then, who created God? There is no false dilemma. A false dillema is a situation in which one presents an argument in which there are presented outcomes that leave out other possible outcomes.

    You also presented a false analogy. Your "four sized triangle analogy" is nothing more than a mere strawman. The question of "who created God" is only interesting in theological discussions. Quantum mechanics people (wisely) avoid it and reduce it to a term called a "singularity". This is an event that happened, yet cannot be explained. I tend to be in that camp. It is stupid to argue that some being must have created God who created the one who created God who created the one who created the one who created the one called God.

    It gets we puny humans nowhere. We cannot cure the common cold, you know.

    What I want to know is this: why cannot puny humans who cannot even resolve their puny differences, just quit trying to figure out stuff that is far bigger than the stuff they cannot solve?


  • Farkel


    Trying to reason with an Evo-Atheist is like trying to give medicine to a dead man.

    Nice little statement, but that statement is not an argument. That statement is meaningless and in fact could be turned back to you: trying to argue with a true believer is like trying to suck water out of a pound of sand. Don't you see how foolish such "comebacks" are? They mean nothing. They just make the one who states them feel better and hope people are too stupid to know how stupid they really are.

    : The difference between you and myself is I don?t pretend to know it all, and you do.

    Not correct. The only difference is that you cannot defend your position, and then claim false humility, and claim arrogance on Alan's behalf because you cannot defend your position.

    I do not see a single WHIT of humility on your part. Either concede your position or take up the battle and fight on, but don't try to con us with your false humility bullshit. We can see right through it.

    Alan does not need my help anymore than I need his in these fun and lively debates. I just felt like stepping in, just for fun. God help you when he comes back and drags your arguments over the coals. I was just his warm-up act. Have fun, friend!


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