What is the difference between Creationism and Intelligent Design?

by somebodylovesme 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebodylovesme

    Drawing once again from the infinite wisdom of this board...

    I'm having a hard time figuring out the distinction between Creationism and Intelligent Design... is ID just Creationism with a pronounced Christian tie? Thanks in advance.


  • Elsewhere

    Same BS, different name.

  • somebodylovesme

    Holy crap, Elsewhere, that was the fastest reply ever!!

    Thank you. I am doing a paper on why Creationism should be banned from public schools, and used ID and Creationism interchangeably, and my prof had a cow. I didn't think they were that different, but I must have offended his sacred perceptions of the world.


  • Elsewhere

    Most ID people are fundi wack-job christians... Ironically most of them fail to realize that the fundamental idea behind ID opens the door to the idea that everything was created by something other than their god.

    Hmm... if one concludeds that the universe needed to be created because of its complexity, does that not mean the even more complex god needed to be created too?

  • Leolaia

    The latest issue of Skeptic has an article discussing ID and Creationism that exactly defines the difference between them. It recognizes that Evolution and Creation are not mutually exclusive but that there really is a continuum of like 8 or 9 different kinds of creationism and evolutionism that roughly are ordered in terms of increasing or decreasing reliance on science, like young-earth creationists, gap creationists, old-earth creationists, ID creationists, theistic evolutionists, etc.

  • frenchbabyface

    I dunno (not sur there is a difference) means that someone give and hand for both

  • Elsewhere

    Creationists point to the Big Bang theory as being proof that the universe had a beginning and therefore needed to be created. Ironically the term "Big Bang theory" was coined by a creationist to mock the theory. You see, creationists first rejected the theory because it implies that the universe had a beginning, which is fundamentally opposed to the idea of an eternal god. Over time they realized that the evidence could not be refuted, so instead of fighting it they said: "Look! The Big Bang was the universe being created by god!"

    So which is it? Did the universe have a beginning or not? Does the bible support the big bang or not? The fundi christians can't seem to make up their mind.

  • rem

    I would say that many forms of creationism are falsifiable just-so stories of how the universe and life began.

    Intelligent design assumes evolution - but with a twist - god-assisted evolution. This is a god-of-the gaps theory that is not falsifiable, and hence is not science.


  • somebodylovesme

    Leolaia - Thanks for listing out some of those different kinds of Creationists/Evolutionists... it will help as I continue researching.

    Elsewhere - Do dubs accept the Big Bang???


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Well my limited understanding is that the Creationist are a fundamentalist sect,who claim the 'world' was produced in 7 literal days.This of course is contrary to scientific observation and common sense.The Hebrew word in Genesis for 'day' is not limited to 24 hours.God warned Adam he would die the day he sinned he lived 935 years.Radioactive decay,thermodynamics,stella red shift among other things peg the universe a whole lot older.

    The creationist don't speak for the Bible and they never did.

    Edited,finite mortal humans cannot comprehend infinity.Example:the universe is estimated at 12-14 billion years old and had a beginning.So,it goes if God is eternal and has always existed,then what did he do all those eons before the 'big bang'???

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